Setup Menu" Basic Functions
1. Repeatedly
press Mute
V_deo Menu
MENU*PROG to Audio Ment_
select _ Ik"l=aprl'il_a=_n_
2. Then press +or -to
displaythe setupmenu.
3. Repeatedly press
MENU,PROG to select
a function, then press
+ or -to adjust it.
J_'_ i[e] I11I[IlliO] '
:Sleep Timer 0:00
:Set Alarm
Chan Label
Parental Ctrh Off
,Chart Ctrl: Normal
Chart Mere: Stored
Antenna: A
Cable/Air: Cable
VCR t Chain Off
VCR 2 Chan: Off
Cable Chan: Off
Clock Set -Hr +Min
P]'essing MENU.PROGlnOVeSdown the screen (one item per
press). The setup menu will automatically disappear from
the screen if you do not press + or - within a few seconds.
Via remote control, your TV will "'remember" which
ftmction you displayed last. even after the menu has
d_sappeared from the screen. So, if you want to adlust the
same function again, simply press the + or - button on the
remote control The last function you adjusted will
reappear on the TV screen.
CLOSEDCAPTIONINGlets you display the audio portion of a program
as text on the TV screen. Details are on page 14.
SLEEPTIMERlets ;,ou program your TV to turn itself off after a
certain period of time. This, is useful whenever you x_,antto
_ atch TV for a selected length of time before going to sleep.
Press the + or - button to select the length of time you want the
TV to stay on. Detail_ are on page 15.
The ALARMfunction lets you program your TV to turn on and/or
offaL the time you choose. Details are on page 16
CItANNELLABELINGlets you program names (or [abelslfor the
c-runnel numbers. The nan-tesyou select will then appear on the
screen whenever the channel number is displayed. Derails are on
page 17.
The PARENTALCONTROLfeature lets you l)ck out any. hannels
between 1 and 99 that ,.;oudon't x,_:mr ._our children to watch.
Pressing + or - s_itch_s this furction [rom OFFto ,_)N. When th_s
function is _et to ON, channels that have been locked out with the
CHANCTRLfunction cannot be wewed. When this :unc'-ion is set
to OFF,all channels car be viewed Detazlv are on page 18.
The CHANNELCONTROLfunction works hand-in-hand with the
PARENTALCONTROLfunction. It lets you select the channels
between 1 and 99 that y'ou want to lock out First sele¢t the
channel number you want to lock out md then press + or - to
change this funcnon from NORR,'ALtOLOCKED.When the
PARENTALCONTROLfur ct=on ts set to ON. the chanrtels you locked
with this function cannot be vm o,'ed. Details are on p_,'ge 18.
AUTOPROGRAMcommands the TV to automatically cycle through
all channels and place only actp,e zhannels for yot,r area m its
channel memory. Pressing the tHANup or down buttons will
then only stop on acti,,e channels. Detatls are o, page I9.
CHANNELMEMORYiSthe list of channels the TV will stop on _,,hen
._oupress the CHANup or down buttor. This display lets you add
or erase channels as desired. D.o_tadsare on page 19.
ANTENNAA/B - Because your TV has two separate antenna inputs
on the back labeled ANT Aand a NTB. you can connect two
different signal source_, if desired By pressing + to change this
display, you can switch back and forth between the two signal
sources. Each time you press +. the antenna input will change.
Details are on pa,_,e 2"2.
The CABLE/AIR function tells your TV whether you 1navea cable-
TV system or a home antenna connected to the TV. Your TV is
so automatic that you will probably never need to change this
function. When your TV autopro:{rams, it automatically adjusts
the CABLE/AIRsetting for you. I _._au s.hould ever need to override
the automatic setting, press - o- - to change it
The VCR1CHANNEL function lets yotL program to which channel the
TV will automatically tune v,,hen you press the VCR1button on
the remote. Details are on page 21.
The VCR2CHANNELfunction lets you program to which channel the
TV will automatically tune when you press the VCR2.LD button on
the remote. Details a,e on page 21.
The DSS/CABLECHANNEL tunction let.,;you program to which channel
the TV will automatically tune _,hen you press the DSS-CABLE
button on the remote. Details are on page 23.
CLOCKSETallows you to set the clo,.-k so you'll be able to see the
on-screen t_me display whenever you change channel,; or press
the TVor DISPLAYbutton on the remote control. To sel the clock,
fir.,,t press and hold the - button until the correct hour appears.
Then press and hold the + button until the correct minute