Nintendo Wii Sports Club Owner's manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user manual for Wii Sports Club, including the Wii Remote Plus and Wii U GamePad. This document provides a complete guide on how to play the game, use various controllers, compete online, and use all the game features. I am here to help answer any questions you have about the game or the hardware mentioned in the manual. Feel free to ask me anything about the game modes, controller usage, or online passes etc.
  • Can I use a standard Wii Remote controller to play Wii Sports Club?
    Do I need a sensor bar to play Wii Sports Club?
    What's the difference between a Day Pass and a Club Pass?
    I purchased a pass, and now I want to move my Wii U console somewhere without access to an Internet connection. Can I still play Wii Sports Club without an Internet connection?
    I've set up an online game, but the game won't start. Why is that?
    When I'm playing an online game, sometimes the Mii characters or the ball moves very slowly. What's going on?
Wii Sports Club
1rmonf oniatIorpIm t nta
atSrdet teGtgni
2roton rsellCpopSu d ert
3cenha tsnmenertIn Etne
4 Gud an ansiards toeNot entr Pa
5 siG emahobAuT t
6aDat aSev
8atSrdet teGtgni
9ao dwolnoi)neVsrgnP uBiy sD(saes
aG semgalPniy
10 Ong nelimpCo inet
11 coLayll alPygni
12 ingnrTia
13 atFe esur ivMi seer
14 Tay e isnnw Ho t Plo
15 tnorsloCneTn si
16 B olwooHwt
17 ntCo lsrowlBo g in
18 G oflooHwt
19 rtnslooloGC f
20 asBy llaeb twHo laPo
21 ntCo lsro seBa llba
22 oB xooHwt
23 tnorsloCxoBi gn
24 A&Q
Prs o ctduouAb t hi T
25 itosecNgeL la
26 rmfo a ontinppSu o Irt
1rmonf oniatIorpIm t nta
Please read this manual carefully before using this
software. If the software will be used by children,
the manual should be read and explained to them
by an adult.
Also, before using this software, please read the
content of th Health and Safety Information
application on the WiiU Menu. It contains
important information that will help you enjoy this
noitamrofnI tnatropmI
2roton rsellCpopSu d ert
You will need to pair a Wii Remote™ Plus controller
(sold separately) to your WiiU console to play this
software. The WiiU™ GamePad is also used for
some menus and sports.
You can use a Wii Remote controller with the Wii
MotionPlusaccessory attached instead of a Wii
Remote Plus controller.
The number of required controllers depends on the
sport being played. Depending on the number of
players, some sports may require the use of up to
four controllers.
Only one WiiU GamePad controller can be used.
etomeR iiW
eht riap ot snoitcurtsni neercs-no eht wollof
neht dna ,riaP tcel
.thgir eht ot nwohs
neercs eht yalpsid ot
sgnitteS rellortnoC tceles
,uneM EMOH eht morF
srellortnoC gniriaP
3cenha tsnmenertIn Etne
Connecting your system to the Internet lets you
enjoy the following features:
See the Internet Connection Requirements section of
the printed WiiU Operations Manual for more
In the download version, sports are purchased
either as a Day Pass (24-hour access to all
sports), or as a Club Pass (unlimited access to a
single sport). Passes are only required after your
free trial has ended.
Check out your club's standing, view player
statistics for the whole region, and even see where
your friends are in the rankings.
Share your sporting experiences with the
Miiverse community, and post messages that can
also be displayed during online games.
Go online and compete against other Wii Sports
Club members.
Receive notifications about Wii Sports Club (which
may include advertising and promotions), ranking
data, and other information.
erutaeF ssaPtopS
eht gnisU ataD evieceR dna dneS
noigeR ruoY ssorca sreyalP egnellahC
ytinummoC esrevii
M ot tsoP
stluseR esworB
)ylnO noisreV daolnwoD( sessaP yuB
information about the equipment required to connect
to the Internet.
Before you can post to Miiverse, you need to connect
to the Intern d complete the initial setup of
Miiverse. Ope (Miiverse) from the WiiU Menu to
carry out this setup.
For more information about Miiverse, refer to the
Miiverse section of the WiiU Electronic Manual. To
view the WiiU Electronic Manual, press on the
U Menu to open the HOME Menu and then select
na te
4 Gud an ansiards toeNot entr Pa
You can restrict use of the following features by
selectin (Parental Controls) from the WiiU
Access to this game (as well as other games)
can also be restricted through the Game Rating
item in Parental Controls.
.gniweiv dna gnitsop htob ro gnitsop
ylno tcirtser ot elbissop si tI .stsop
esreviiM 'sreyalp rehto gni
dna esreviiM no gnitsop stcirtseR
.sessap fo esahcrup eht stcirtseR
te ,ssaPtopS aiv atad
gniviecer dna gnidnes ,noitamrofni
bulc gniweiv ,tnetnocesreviiM
gniyalpsid ,eniln
o gniyalp stcirtseR
ni noitcaretnI
5 siG emahobAuT t
Access all sports with no restrictions.
The first time you play, you'll be able to play all
sports for 24 hours without needing to purchase a
pass. After the free 24-hour trial period has ended,
you must purchase a pass to continue playing.
Wii Sports™ Club is a game that lets you play
sports using real, intuitive movements with the Wii
Remote Plus controller and Wii U GamePad. By
connecting to the Internet, you can compete
against other players from across your region and
even send and receive messages in the middle of a
Please see information below about the differences
between the packaged version and the download
noisreV daolnwoD
noisreV degakcaP
lairT eerF
.detavitca eb tonnac lairt eerf eht
,uneM UiiW eht ni slortnoC latneraP yb
detcirtser si sem
aG ni noitcaretnI enilnO fI
.dedrocer eb ton lliw ,scitsitats
gniknar dna noitamrofni bulc
sa hcus ,a
tad niatrec ,lairt eerf eht gniruD
.lairt eerf eht etavitca ot redro
ni tenretnI eht ot tcennoc ot de
en uoY
6aDat aSev
To delete save data, open System Settings from
Even if you delete your Mii or remove it from your
favorites in the Mii Makerapplication, you can still
transfer its play data to another Mii.
The play data of your user Mii cannot be transferred
to another Mii using this feature.
From the main menu , select Settings, and
then choose Change Player List to transfer play
data to another Mii.
When you are playing using a guest Mii
When you team up to play tennis with another
Levels and statistics are not saved in the following
Save data is automatically updated at certain
points, such as when you finish a game. Play data,
including your level and other statistics, is saved
to your selected Mii™ character.
The same save data is used for both the packaged
version and the download version.
ataD gnirrefsnarT
ataD evaS gniteleD
.tnemeganaM ataD tceles neht dna uneM UiiW eht
Some games are controlled by swinging the Wii
Remote Plus or moving the GamePad around.
Watch out for people and objects around you
while you play. That recommendation cannot be
stressed enough.
If you have a sensor bar connected, you can also
select options by pointing with the Wii Remote Plus.
In most cases, the controller used for menu
navigation is the Wii Remote Plus paired to the P1
Navigate most menus using a Wii Remote Plus held
vertically. Some menus are controlled using the
WiiU GamePad touch screen instead.
slortnoC uneM
slortnoC sulP etomeR iiW
noitpO tceleS
slortnoC emaG-nI
uneM esuaP
Press during a loca
game or trainin
to open the paus
menu. You can als
recalibrate your Wi
.neercs siht no sulP etomeR
8atSrdet teGtgni
You can only change clubs once every 24 hours.
First, you need to set your SpotPass and Miiverse
preferences and choose a club. You will then be
taken to the main menu.
The screen displayed here is from the download
version of the game.
In the download version, sports for which your pass
has expired cannot be played and will be gr ut.
If you want to purchase a new pass, sele or
choose a grayed-out sport to visit Nintendo eShop.
Once you select a sport
you'll be taken to th
mode-selection screen
yalP naC uoY erofeB
o deya
tropS a gnisoohC
.srebmem rehto
ot segassem klaT peP dnes ot elba eb
osla ll'uoY .bulc taht fo rebmem a sa enilno
yalp o
t elba eb ll'uoy ,bulc a nioj uoy ecnO
.noiger ruoy ni aera hcae rof bulc a si erehT
.noiger ruoy ni saera eht fo yna htiw ngila ot
ton referp uoy fi bulC dlroW a osla si erehT
Change your club membership, SpotPass settings,
There are three pla
modes to choose from
Compete online against other players throughout
your region.
In Ranking, you can see statistics for friends who
have either played sports in the packaged version or
purchased passes in the download version.
Browse your play data an
statistics, check out you
friends' rankings, post tex
and handwritten message
to Miiverse, and more
View rankings an
statistics for each sport
and also check out what'
happening in your club'
Miiverse community
noitamrofnI bulC
emaG enilnO
edoM a gnitceleS
Up to four people can play together in the same
emaG lacoL
.semaginim gnignellahc ni erocs hgih eht rof oG
9ao dwolnoi)neVsrgnP uBiy sD(saes
If you have the download version of
Wii Sports Club, you will need to buy a pass in
order to enjoy the sports after your free trial has
Once purchased, a Club Pass gives you unlimited
access to the sport of your choice. This is a
perfect option for players who have a favorite sport
and want unlimited access.
When you purchase a pass for an individual sport,
other users on the same Wii U console can also play
that sport.
With the packaged version, you can play all the
sports without having to purchase a pass.
ass (Download Version
There are two types of passes to choose from.
A Day Pass gives access to all sports for 24 hours
from the time of purchase. This is recommended
for players wanting to try all the sports or when
hosting a party.
ow to Buy a Pass
Download Version Only)
ssaP yaD
ssaP bulC
1. On the main menu
sele or a grayed
out sport to open th
pass-selection screen
Select Details to view a description for each pass.
2. Select a pass option t
launch Nintendo eShop
3. Read the Acquiring Downloadable Content and
Passes section within the Nintendo eShop
Electronic Manual, and then follow the on-
screen instructions.
To open the electronic manual, select Menu in
Nintendo eShop and then select Help eShop
tendo eShop can also be opened by selecting
.uneM EMOH eht no
- tc
10 Ong nelimpCo inet
To play an online game, follow the instructions
given below:
Player 1 will always be the current user Mii. This
cannot be changed to another Mii.
When playing tennis, you can choose whether to play
as a single-player or two-player team.
For baseball and boxing, you can also choose
whether other users' Mii characters registered to your
Wii U and your favorite Mii characters will appear in
your games or not.
You can change th
dominant hand an
throwing style of your use
Mii by selecting Chang
Playing Style. To continu
without making any changes, choose Confirm.
Choose whom you'd lik
to play against
Get randomly matched up and play against other
people in your region.
Players with levels similar to yours will be selected
tnenoppO ruoY gnitceleS .2
elytS gniyalP ruoY gnignahC .1
emaG enilnO na pU gnitteS