Game 2 – The youngest player goes
first. Place all bugs in a pile. Roll the
number cube, and see which number
it lands on. Now, count out and take
that number of bugs (in any color).
Keep playing until a player can
count out ten animals!
Game 3 – It’s a crazy bug hunt! All
players play at the same time! Place
all animals in a pile, and have one
player roll both cubes. Now, all
players try to grab the same color
and number of bugs at the same
time! Keep playing until a player
collects one animal in each color.
36 Colorful bug counters
2 Number and color cubes
2 Gator Grabbers
These bugs are tricky! Use your
grabbers and nab them before they
get away! Each of these games is a
great way to practice color
recognition and fine motor skills!
Game 1 – The youngest player goes
first. Place all bugs in a pile. Roll the
color cube, and see which color it
lands on. Now, use your Gator
and take a bug in that
color. It is the next player’s turn. Try
to collect one of each color!