The Dormont Safety System is the first and only complete gas equipment connection system specifically engineered
for the commercial kitchen. It is a complete system of connection products designed with the safety of your kitchen,
the food you serve, your employees, and your business in mind. The Safety System includes the famous Dormont
Blue Hose
and our exclusive safety-based fittings - the SnapFast
QD, the Safety Quik
QDV, and the
. Safe, unique, and affordable, the Dormont Safety System provides peace of mind for the gas
connections in your commercial kitchen. Isnʼt the safety, cleanliness, and productivity of your business worth getting
the right connection? All gas connectors are not created equal, demand the Dormont difference.
The Dormont Blue Hose
The heart of the Safety System is
the Dormont Blue Hose, specifically
engineered for caster-mounted
commercial cooking equipment.
The Blue Hose includes an
PVC COATING, and our
which makes the hose easier to install and
dramatically reduces stress on the hose at its
most vulnerable points.
Safety Quik
The Safety Quik is a
quick-disconnect protection
valve that combines the
one-handed QD functionality of the SnapFast, with a
patented safety feature that protects you and your
business from a potential disaster. Safety Quik
prevents users from accidentally turning on the gas
while the appliance is not connected to the supply line.
It also prevents the hose from being disconnected
whenever gas is flowing. Includes thermal shut-off.
We guarantee our commercial gas connectors for the
life of the original appliance to which it is connected.
Please see page 18 for complete details.
Safety-Set is an equipment placement system
designed for all caster-mounted commercial kitchen
equipment. Safety-Set ensures equipment is returned
to its precise design specified location under
the fire suppression and ventilation
systems consistently after removal
for cleaning or maintenance.
What is the Dormont
Safety System
Don’t let money walk out the door!
SnapFast is the only one-handed
quick- disconnect (QD) design-certified
by CSA for commercial gas cooking
This makes your equipment easier and less
expensive to service and move for cleaning
purposes by avoiding awkward maneuvering in tight
spaces. Includes thermal shut-off.
DDoo yyoouu sseellll aa ggaass ccoonnnneeccttoorr
wwiitthh eevveerryy ppiieeccee ooff ggaass
eeqquuiippmmeenntt yyoouu sseellll?? IIff nnoott,, yyoouu
hhaavvee aa ssiiggnniiffiiccaanntt ooppppoorrttuunniittyy..
Get the gas connectors out of the
stockroom and onto the showroom floor,
where both the sales staff and the cus-
tomer are made aware of the necessity
of buying the gas connector with every
new gas equipment purchase. Our
dynamic point-of-purchase display will
organize and attractively display
Dormont gas connection products and
act as a silent salesman for you.
This display is ideal for any location, in
any size showroom. Its small footprint
and modular design allows it to be
located virtually anywhere. Try it on an
end-cap where the three product facings
can be seen from any approaching
angle. Or, place it in line with the gas
cooking equipment as a constant
reminder of the need to purchase the
gas connector with the equipment.
Your customers will thank you for
providing them with the right
connector every time! Call Dormont
at 1-800-DORMONT or your sales
professional for more information and
put your silent salesman to work for you.
6015 Enterprise Drive, Export, PA 15632 • (724) 733-4800 • Fax: (724) 733-4808 • 1-800-DORMONT • www.dormont.com
SwivelMAX with patented
360° multi-plane movement,
provides maximum movement
and mobility in commercial
gas equipment.
• Maximize space in the production area by
enabling the equipment to be closer to the wall.
• Decreases stress on the connector, thus giving
you a SAFER gas connection for your caster-
mounted equipment.
Setting the standard in gas safety