Abouttheice and water dispenserandautomaticicemaker.
A newly installed refrigerator may take 12 to 24 hours to begin making ice.
IceStorag_Bin //-
Ice Storage Bin
Lift up the access door to reach the
icemaker. Set tile iceinaker power switch
to the O (0f/) position. With the access
door closed, support the storage bin at
the bottom while slightly lifting. Pull bin
straight out.
Slkle the bin back until the tab on
the bin locks into the slot on the shelf.
If the bin does not go all the way back,
reinove it and rotate tile drive mechanisin
1/4 turn. Then push the bin back again.
Important facts about your
ice and water dispenser
Do not add ice fl'oln trays or bags to tile
storage bin. It inay not crush or dispense
Avoid overfilling glass with ice eald use of
narrow or extra-tall glasses. Backed-up ice
can jam tile chute or cause tile door in
tile chute to freeze shut. If ice Lsblocking
tile chute, poke it through with a wooden
Beverages and foods should not be
quick-chilled M tile ice storage bin.
Caals, bottles or food packages in the
storage bin may cause the iceinaker
or auger to jean.
{{{{{{To keep dispensed ice fl'om missing
the glass, put the glass close to, but not
touchMg, the dispenser opening.
{{{{{{Some crushed ice may be dispensed
even though you selected Cubed Ice.
This hal)pens occasionally when a few
cubes accidentally get dit'ected to the
{{{{{{After crushed ice is dispensed, soine
water inay drip fl'oin the chute.
{{{{{{The first glass of water dispensed may
be wariner than the following ones.
This is norinal.
Automatic Icemaker
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12-24
hours tobegin making ice.
Tile iceinaker will produce seven cubes per r
cycle--approxitnately 15 cycles or more in
a 24-hour period, depending on fl'eezer
colnpartlnent tenlperature, i'OOlil
temperature, number of door openings
ealcl other use conditions.
If tile refl'igerator is operated before tile
water connection is inade to tile iceinakei;
set the power switch to O (off).
When the refl'igerator has been connected
to the water supply, set the power switch to
! (on). Tile green light will come on.
Throw away the fit'st fldl bucket of ice.
Be sure nothing interferes with the sweep
of the feeler re'In.
When tile bin fills to tile level of tile feeler
aa'in, the iceinaker will stop producing ice.
It is normal for several cubes to bejoined
PowerLight FeelerArm
If ice is not used fl'equently, old ice cubes
will becoine cloudy, taste stale and shrMk.
After tile icemaker has been turned on
again, there will be a delay of about 45
illitlutes before tile iceinaker resumes
NOTE: In homes with lower-than-average
water pressure, you inay heaa" the icemaker
water valve cycle on several tithes when
inakitlg one batch of ice. Recommended
water pressure is 60psi.