VIA Cups are pre-sterilised for immediate use. Re-sterilise cups, lids and adaptors
before each subsequent use so they can be used again.We recommend using
VIA Cups several times and to discard when showing signs of wear and tear. Expressed
breast milk can be stored in the fridge for up to 48 hours (not in the door) or freezer for
up to 3 months. Never refreeze breast milk or add fresh breast milk to already frozen
milk. Food can be stored in the fridge for up to 48 hours or freezer for up to 3 months.
Label the content and date using a marker or pencil. VIA has twist on lids to provide
leakproof storage and transport.
Foryourchild’ssafetyand healthWARNING! • Before first use,clean theproduct.After
every use,takeall itemsapart,washand rinsethoroughly. SteriliseusingaPhilipsAVENT
Steriliserorboilfor5 minutes.Thisistoensurehygiene•Alwaysuse thisproductwith
adultsupervision•Never usefeeding teatsasa soother • Continuousand prolonged
suckingoffluids willcausetooth decay• Alwayscheckfoodtemperaturebeforefeeding
• Keepall componentsnot in useoutofthe reachofchildren•Donot leaveafeedingteat
indirect sunlightorheat when not in use, or leaveindisinfectant (“sterilising solution”)
forlongerthanrecommended,asthis mayweakenthe teat • Beforeeachuse,inspect the
product.Throw awayatthefirst signofdamageorweakness•During inspection of teats
pullthefeeding teat in alldirections•DONOTwarmcontentsin a microwaveovenasthis
may causeunevenheatingand couldscaldyourbaby•Washyourhandsthoroughly and
ensuresurfacesarecleanbefore contact with sterilisedcomponents• DONOTuse abrasive
cleaningagentsoranti-bacterialcleaners • Excessiveconcentrationsofdetergentsmay
eventuallycauseplasticcomponentstocrack.Shouldthisoccur, replaceimmediately
• Dishwashersafe–foodcolourings maydiscolourcomponents• Forhygienereasons,
werecommendreplacing teats/spoutsafter 3 months• Alwaysassembleteats when
wet•Donotovertightenteat assemblyonbottle• Keepteats in a dry,coveredcontainer
• DO NOTallowchildtoplay withsmall partsor walk/run whileusingbottlesorcups
•Drinksotherthanmilkor water, suchas fruitjuicesandflavouredsugarydrinksarenot
recommended.Iftheyareused,theyshouldbe welldilutedandonlyusedforlimitedperiods,
not constantlysipped• VIAis suitableforallmethods ofsterilisation•Avoidplacing
unnecessarypressurewhenlidsarein place• Thecontent willheatfasterinVIACups
AVENT, Suffolk, CO10 7QS, England
EN 14350, EN14372
GB: Call Free on 0800 289064
IRL: Call Free on 1800 509 021
AU: 1300 364 474
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