Frick Quantum Evaporator Control Panel Installation guide

  • Hello, I am your chat assistant. I've carefully reviewed the Frick Quantum Evaporator Control Panel service manual. This document provides comprehensive information about the panel's communication setup, explaining how to establish connections using RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485, and detailing the Frick, Allen-Bradley, and Modbus communication protocols. You'll find setup checklists, wiring diagrams, and details on accessing data and specific setpoints using the available protocols. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the content or the device itself.
  • What communication protocols are supported by the Quantum control panel?
    How can I connect to the Quantum using RS-422?
    What is the purpose of the 'Login to Evap Zone' command?
    How do I access data using Allen-Bradley protocol?
    What should I do if I don't receive a data response?
Version 1.1x
S90-600 CS/APR 2001
Replaces: NOTHING (New Manual)
Dist: 3, 3a, 3b, 3c
Table of Contents
Setting up the Quantum for Communication ______________________________________________3
Checklist for Setting up Communication _________________________________________________3
Frick Protocols_____________________________________________________________________4
Quantum’s Protocol Specifications _____________________________________________________4
Allen-Bradley Communication _________________________________________________________7
SLC-500 - Suggested Setup __________________________________________________________7
Channel Configuration ___________________________________________________________7
Read Message Setup Example_____________________________________________________7
Write Message Setup Example_____________________________________________________8
PLC-5/30 - Suggested Setup__________________________________________________________8
Channel Configuration ___________________________________________________________8
Read Message Setup Example_____________________________________________________8
Modbus Communication _____________________________________________________________8
Quantum Data Table ________________________________________________________________9
Allen-Bradley and Modbus Data Access _________________________________________________9
Alarm List 2 ______________________________________________________________________50
Alarms/Shutdowns Message Codes ___________________________________________________52
HyperTerminal Setup_______________________________________________________________52
Converting an RS-232 Serial Port to RS-422 or RS-485____________________________________52
Opto 22 AC7A/B __________________________________________________________________52
Opto 22 AC422 ___________________________________________________________________52
Quantum Main Board (Quantum 3) ____________________________________________________53
History and Identification ____________________________________________________________53
COM-2 Links (Jumpers) _________________________________________________________54
Pictorial Drawing of Quantum 3 Links (Jumpers) _________________________________________55
Quantum 3 communications WIRING DIAGRAMs _____________________________________56
The Quantum has the capability of being modified by the user/owner in order to obtain different performance
characteristics. Any modification to the standard default settings may have a severe negative impact on the
operation and performance of the equipment. Any modification to these control settings is the sole responsibility of
the user/owner and Frick disclaims any liability for the consequences of these modifications. It is possible that the
modification of these settings will cause improper operation and performance that results in property damage,
personal injury or death. It is the responsibility of the user/owner to evaluate and assess the consequences of their
actions prior to modifying the controls for this unit.
Setting up the Quantum for
Data communication to and from the Quantum can be
through a modem, remote data communications terminal,
programmable controller, or leader computer via either
RS-422, RS-232, or RS-485 connections to the Quantum’s
Com-2 port. Reference the “Main Board Communications
Com-2” section for the correct jumpering of RS-422, RS-
232, or RS-485. Also, reference the drawing of the
“Quantum Main Processor Board” later in this manual to
identify wiring and jumpering locations for Comm-2.
Following is the RS-422, RS-485, and the RS-232 pin
descriptions for communications port 2 (also referred to as
Com-2 or Comm-2):
Quantum Panel
RS-422 Pinout
Quantum Panel
RS-485 Pinout
1 - RX (Receive) 1 - RX / - TX
2 + RX (Receive) 2 + RX / + TX
3 - TX (Transmit)
4 + TX (Transmit)
Quantum Panel
RS-232 Pinout
1 Data Communication Device
2 Data Set Ready
3 Received Data
4 Request to Send
5 Transmit Data
6 Clear to Send
7 Data Terminal Ready
8 Ring Indicator
9 Ground
10 Not Used
Reference the drawing of the main processor board for the
location and positioning of the 10-Pin RS-232 connector.
Following is the pin positions of the 10-Pin connector:
Note: The TX2 and RX2 are I/O communication activity
lamps on the Quantum Main Processor Board that can be
monitored to see if the Com-2 port is receiving (RX2) and
transmitting (TX2) data.
The use of communication protocols permit data
transmission between devices. Protocol determines how
contact is established and how the query and response
takes place. The information in a message command
requires an identity of the intended receiver, what the
receiver is to do, data needed to perform an action, and a
means of checking for errors.
When using Com-2 for communication, check what
communication protocol; if any, has been selected from
the Panel Setup – “Change Communications” display. For
example, “A-B Comm” should be selected when using
Allen-Bradley’s communication protocol. The baud rate of
Com-2 and the panel ID number are also changed from
this display and should coincide with the setup of the other
Note: The data communication protocols are
continuously being expanded and improved.
Therefore, you should consult Frick Company for the
exact details on your particular unit(s) before
developing system software to interface with the
Checklist for Setting up Communication
1. Decide which Quantum protocol you can
communicate with and want to use.
2. Setup your device’s communication port for the
Quantum‘s protocol and select a baud rate.
3. Next, setup the Quantum for the desired
communication protocol. Select the protocol from the
Panel Setup – “Change Communications” display.
For example, “A-B Comm” should be selected when
using Allen-Bradley’s communication protocol.
4. Setup the baud rate of Com-2 to coincide with the
setup of the your device’s communication port.
5. Enter the Quantum’s ID. This will be used to identify
commands that are sent to it.
6. Wire to the first panel via RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485
connections to the Quantum’s Com-2 port.
·If you are communicating to more than one panel
then you will not be able to use RS-232. You can
however convert RS-232 to either RS-422 or RS-
485 with an adapter card. Reference the
“Converting an RS-232 Serial Port to RS-422 or
RS-485” section for information about an adapter
·Reference the drawing of the “Quantum Main
Board” section in this manual to identify wiring
and jumpering locations for Comm2.
·Reference the “Com-2 Jumpers” section in this
manual for the correct jumpering of RS-232, RS-
422, or RS-485.
7. Send a single command to read data from this
Quantum using its ID.
8. Check if you received a data response at your device.
9. Troubleshooting when you don’t receive a data
·Check that the RX2 I/O communication activity
lamp on the Quantum Main Processor Board is
blinking as it receives the instruction from your
·A steady lit RX2 LED or one that doesn’t light are
signs of improper wiring.
Connector 12
Quantum 10-Pin
· If the RX2 LED is properly blinking, then check if
the TX2 LED is blinking in response.
· If the TX2 is not blinking then check the
communication protocol setup at the panel, the
panel’s ID and the Com-2 baud rate setting.
· If the TX2 is blinking, then check that the Com-2
communication jumpers are correct.
· If you are sure that the wiring and Quantum setup
is correct, then select the [Show Comms] key
from the “Service Screen” display to see what is
being received and transmitted from Com-2.
Note: A useful tool for troubleshooting is Window’s
“HyperTerminal”. Using “HyperTerminal” can help you
determine if you are wired OK. Reference the
“HyperTerminal Setup” section in this manual.
10. If you properly receive data and you need to
communicate to more than one panel, then setup and
wire to another panel. Reference the wiring diagram
drawings in the back of this manual. Send a single
command to read data from this Quantum using it’s ID
and troubleshoot as above, if necessary.
11. To prevent noise feedback which is possible when
communicating over a long distance, only the last
panel should have the transmit and receive pull-down
for long communications lines jumpered.
Frick Protocols
All commands for Frick protocols must be in ASCII to be
recognized. The data should be setup as an 8 bit Word
with either no Parity or even Parity, and a Stop Bit. The
commands can be in upper or lower case letters. An
evaporator panel with an ID code of [00] is considered
disabled. ID codes from [01] through [99] are valid and
recognized by the microprocessor.
Quantum’s Protocol Specifications
Quantum’s (“$”) protocol commands have been added
specifically for the Quantum. Unless otherwise shown, 9
characters are returned from the Quantum for a data
command’s checksum is replaced with “??”, the Quantum
returns a response without using checksum error checking
on the received command. If the Quantum detects a
checksum error, a “N” (Not Acknowledged), the Panel's ID
code, “02”, Carriage return, and Linefeed are returned.
With the Evaporator control system, all zone-specific
setpoints are stored at the GCU board and are only loaded
to the Quantum panel as needed. Therefore, delays will be
encountered when reading or writing these setpoints as
the values are sent between the Quantum and GCU
board. Only setpoints whose Frick addresses are between
70 and 699 should be considered zone-specific. All other
setpoints may be viewed or modified without following the
directions below.
To properly read or change the zone-specific setpoints
stored at the GCU it is necessary to follow certain
procedures. First, the Login command should be sent with
the id of the zone containing the setpoints. The data value
includes two decimal fields and the first character position
is either; “-“ if the value is negative, or it is “+” if the value
is positive. For example, if the data’s value is 25.5; then
the value +00002550 is sent. All temperatures are in
degree C and all pressures are in PSIA. A mode such as
the current evaporator mode is returned as an integer
value that represents the mode it is in. For example, a
+00000100 is sent if it is in Mode 1, or a +00000200 is
sent if it is in Mode 2, or a +00000300 is sent if it is in
Mode 3. The value zero +00000000 is used to represent
an “OFF” status and a “DISABLED” option. The value one
+00000100, which is received as a 1, is used to represent
an “ON” status and an “ENABLED” option. Setpoints are
only changed if the value sent is within the acceptable
range. Reference the “Frick Evaporator Quantum Control
Panel Setpoints Data Sheets” for the setpoints default
settings and ranges. The checksum is the 2 byte
hexadecimal sum of the each character within the
command or returned answer excluding the command
type identifier, ”$”. If the Quantum screen will immediately
move to the Zone Overview screen and the Panel Control
Status will be set to Remote. Next, read the id of the zone
the Quantum is currently logged in to and verify that it is
correct. (The current zone id is stored at Frick address
211.) At this point, a command may be sent to read or
write setpoint values. Expect to wait a second or two while
the required values are downloaded from the GCU board.
When reading values from the GCU that may change
periodically, such as the Alarm List, send the Refresh
Setpoints command before reading the values to verify
that current settings are being read. Also, be aware, if a
person presses the "Login to Zone" button on the
Quantum, the Panel Control Status will be set to Manual.
This will prevent a remote system from reading or writing
setpoints stored at the GCU board until the Panel Control
Status is reset to Remote.
The following is a list of available “$” command types:
F1 = Alarms/Shutdowns Annunciation Page 1.
F2 = Alarms/Shutdowns Annunciation Page 2.
F3 = Alarms/Shutdowns Annunciation Page 3.
T1 = Read a value from the Table.
CS = Change a setpoint in the Table.
T2 = Login to an Evap Zone.
T3 = Change Quantum panel status.
T4 = Reload setpoints from Evap Zone.
The following is a detailed description of each command:
RETURN Alarms & Shutdowns – Page 1 $01F1
$ Start of command sequence.
01 Quantum ID code.
F1 Failure Annunciation command Page 1.
CS Checksum
CR Carriage Return
Starting Description
Character of returned data
“A” Acknowledge
“01” Quantum ID code.
Message Code 1
Date 1 as mm/dd/yy
Time 1 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 2
Date 2 as mm/dd/yy
Time 2 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 3
Date 3 as mm/dd/yy
Time 3 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 4
Date 4 as mm/dd/yy
Time 4 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 5
Date 5 as mm/dd/yy
Time 5 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 6
Date 6 as mm/dd/yy
Time 6 as hh:mm:ss
CS (Checksum followed by
Carriage return, Line feed.)
RETURN Alarms & Shutdowns – Page 2 $01F2
$ Start of command sequence.
01 Quantum ID code.
F2 Failure Annunciation command Page 2.
CS Checksum
CR Carriage Return
Starting Description
Character of returned data
“A” Acknowledge
“01” Quantum ID code.
Message Code 7
Date 7 as mm/dd/yy
Time 7 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 8
Date 8 as mm/dd/yy
Time 8 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 9
Date 9 as mm/dd/yy
Time 9 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 10
Date 10 as mm/dd/yy
Time 10 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 11
Date 11 as mm/dd/yy
Time 11 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 12
Date 12 as mm/dd/yy
Time 12 as hh:mm:ss
CS (Checksum followed by
Carriage return, Line feed.)
RETURN Alarms & Shutdowns – Page 3 $01F3
$ Start of command sequence.
01 Quantum ID code.
F2 Failure Annunciation command Page 3.
CS Checksum
CR Carriage Return
Starting Description
Character of returned data
“A” Acknowledge
“01” Quantum ID code.
Message Code 13
Date 13 as mm/dd/yy
Time 13 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 14
Date 14 as mm/dd/yy
Time 14 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 15
Date 15 as mm/dd/yy
Time 15 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 16
Date 16 as mm/dd/yy
Time 16 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 17
Date 17 as mm/dd/yy
Time 17 as hh:mm:ss
Message Code 18
Date 18 as mm/dd/yy
Time 18 as hh:mm:ss
CS (Checksum followed by
Carriage return, Line feed.)
$ Start of command sequence.
ID Quantum ID code.
T1 Return the value of a Table address.
0000 Frick Address
of data value in Table u
to 16
different addresses can be requested
CS Checksum
CR Carriage Return
Starting Description
Character of returned data
“A” Acknowledge
“01” Quantum ID code.
Value(s) of requested data.
CS (Checksum followed by
Carriage return, Line feed.)
$ Start of command sequence.
ID Quantum ID code.
CS Change Table address’s setpoint value.
0000 Frick’s Table address of the setpoint.
000000000 New setting scaled x100.
followed by the “CS”,”CR”
RETURNED ANSWER: - “A” followed by the “ID”,
and 1 “CR”, “LF” if successful.
and 0 “CR”, “LF” if unsuccessful.
followed by the “CS”,”CR”
RETURNED ANSWER: - “A” followed by the “ID”,
“CR”, “LF” if successful.
$ Start of command sequence.
ID Quantum ID code.
T2 Login to individual Evap Zone.
00 Id number of unit
CS Checksum
CR Carriage Return
RETURNED ANSWER: - "A" followed by the "ID",
and 1 "CR", "LF" if successful.
and 0 "CR", "LF" if unsuccessful.
$ Start of command sequence.
ID Quantum ID code.
T3 Change Quantum Panel Status.
0 Status: 0-Manual, 1-Remote
CS Checksum
CR Carriage Return
RETURNED ANSWER: - "A" followed by the "ID",
and 1 "CR", "LF" if successful.
and 0 "CR", "LF" if unsuccessful.
$ Start of command sequence.
ID Quantum ID code.
T4 Reload setpoint group from Evap Zone.
0000 Frick Table Address of Setpoint
CS Checksum
CR Carriage Return
RETURNED ANSWER: - "A" followed by the "ID",
and 1 "CR", "LF" if successful.
and 0 "CR", "LF" if unsuccessful.
Allen-Bradley Communication
To provide for the reading and writing of data to Quantum
panels using Allen-Bradley communication, the Quantum
has a Allen-Bradley DF1 communication driver that
recognizes both half-duplex and full duplex SLC 500
protected typed logical read and write commands. This is
a Leader / Follower multi-drop communication method.
The Quantum talks Allen-Bradley SLC protocol and is
setup to be an Allen-Bradley SLC500 follower station. The
customer’s PLC or DCS must be setup to initiate the
reading and writing of data to a Quantum. The Quantum’s
ID number is used as its station address and the target
node. With the AB PLC, the MSG (Message) instruction
is used to send read and write requests. A DCS
(Distributed Control System) will use a SLC 500 DF1
protocol driver to send protected typed logical read and
protected typed logical write requests to a Quantum.
Fifty (50) data elements can be read with one read.
Setpoints are changed by sending a write command to
one element. Be careful not to continuously request
a setpoint change. Keeping the Quantum busy
writing to an individual GCU board will interfere with
the Quantum's polling of all the GCU boards. Control
commands are also sent with a write command. For
more detail and a list of the data, reference the
“Quantum Data Table” section. For details about the
actual protocol, reference the AB publication 1770-6.5.16
“DF1 Protocol and Command Set Reference Manual”.
The Quantum can be connected to the Data Highway (DH)
by wiring the Quantum’s serial port (Com-2) to a serial
device on the DH such as an internal port of a PLC that
supports the Data Highway protocol like the SLC 5/04.
Quantums can be on a multi-drop link (wired to other
Quantums). If RS-422 or RS-485 is used as in a multi-drop
link, an adapter card can be used to convert an RS-232 to
an RS-422 or RS-485 serial port.
Because overrun can occur and result in the Quantum
periodically missing characters, the baud rate and
commands should be setup to produce the more desired
throughput. The leader station should have the Stop Bit
set to 1, Parity set to none, Duplicate Detect disabled, and
Error Detect set for BCC or CRC.
When communication is between either your programming
software and a Quantum or an Allen-Bradley PLC and a
Quantum on a multi-drop link, the devices depend on a
DF1 Leader to give each of them polling permission to
transmit in a timely manner. As the number of Quantum
followers increase on the link, the time between when
the Quantum is polled also increases. This increase in
time may become larger if you are using low baud
rates. As these time periods grow the timeouts
such as the message timeout, poll timeout and reply
timeout may need to be changed to avoid loss of
ACK Timeout - The amount of time in 20 milliseconds
increments that you want the processor to wait for an
acknowledgment to the message it has sent before the
processor retries the message or the message errors out.
Reply Message Wait Time - Define the amount of time in
20 millisecond increments that the leader station will wait
after receiving an ACK (to a leader-initiate message)
before polling the remote station for a reply. Choose a
time that is, at minimum, equal to the longest time that a
remote station needs to format a reply packet. Some
remote stations can format reply packets faster than
others can.
Message Timeout - Defines the amount of time in
seconds that the message will wait for a reply. If this time
elapses without a reply, the error bit is set, indicating that
the instruction timed out. A timeout of 0 seconds means
that there is no timer and the message will wait indefinitely
for a reply. Valid range 0-255 seconds.
Note: Make sure the Allen-Bradley PLC and the
programming software is the most recent software
revision. Some revisions have been made that affect
doing the SLC Typed Logical Read/Write Message
SLC-500 - Suggested Setup
Configure the communication channel – Channel 0:
Current Communication Mode: System
Communication Driver: DF1 Half-Duplex Leader or DF1
Baud Rate: 19200 (suggested)
Stop Bits: 1
Duplicate Detect: Disabled
ACK Timeout (x20ms): 30
Message Retries: 3
Parity: None
Station Address (Source ID): 5 (Leader's DF1 selected
Error Detect: BCC /CRC
RTS off Delay (x20ms): 0
RTS Send Delay (x20ms): 0
Pre-Send Time Delay (x1 ms): 0
Control Line: No Handshaking
Polling Mode: Message Based (do not allow follower
to initiate messages)
Priority Polling Range - Low: 255, High: 0
Normal Polling Range - Low: 255, High: 0
Normal Poll Group Size: 0
Reply Message Wait Time (x20ms): 20
System Mode Driver: DF1 Half-Duplex Leader or DF1 Full-
User Mode Driver: Generic ASCII
Write Protect: DISABLED
Mode Changes: DISABLED
Mode Attention Character: \0x1b (default)
System Mode Character: S (default)
User Mode Character: U (default)
Edit Resource/File Owner Timeout (Sec): 60
Passthru Link ID (decimal): 1
Read Message Setup Example
Read/Write Message
Type: Peer-To-Peer
Read/Write: Read
Target Device: 500 CPU
Local/Remote: Local
Control Block: N11:0
Control Block Length: 14
Channel: 0
Target Node: 2 (002) (this is Quantum’s Panel ID)
Local File Address: N12:0
Target File Address/Offset: N10:0
Message Length in Elements: 50
Message Time-out (seconds): 15
Write Message Setup Example
Read/Write Message
Type: Peer-To-Peer
Read/Write: Write
Target Device: 500 CPU
Local/Remote: Local
Control Block: N11:0
Control Block Length: 14
Channel: 0
Target Node: 2 (002) (this is Quantum’s Panel ID)
Local File Address: N12:0
Target File Address/Offset: N55:3
Message Length in Elements: 1
Message Time-out (seconds): 15
PLC-5/30 - Suggested Setup
Channel 0 - 25-pin D-shell serial port; supports standard
EIA RS-232C and RS-423 and is RS-422A compatible.
Note: Channel 0 is optically-coupled (provides high
electrical noise immunity) and can be used with most RS-
422A equipment as long as:
· termination resistors are not used
· the distance and transmission rate are reduced to
comply with RS-423 requirements
The PLC-5’s switch 2 is used to select RS-232C, RS-
422A, or RS-423. Channel 0 can be wired for RS-422.
Following is the pin connections showing how to wire the
PLC-5 channel 0 connector to the Quantum for RS-422
PLC-5 CH0 Quantum Com-2
Pin 2 (TXD.OUT+) Pin 1 (-RX)
Pin 3 (RXD.IN+) Pin 3 (-TX)
Pin 14 (TXD.OUT-) Pin 2 (+RX)
Pin 16 (RXD.IN-) Pin 4 (+TX)
Channel 0 Setup:
Port Maximum Cable length
15 m (50 ft)
61 m (200 ft)
61 m (200 ft)
Important guidelines:
·When channel 0 is configured for RS-422A
compatibility, do not use terminating resistors
anywhere on the link.
·When channel 0 is configured for RS-422A
(compatible) and RS-423, do not go beyond 61 m
(200 ft). This distance restriction is independent from
the transmission rate.
Channel Configuration
Channel 0 = System (Leader) for half-duplex or System
(Point-To-Point) for full-duplex
Remote Mode Change: DISABLED
Mode attention Char: \0x1b
System mode char: S
User mode char: U
Baud rate: 4800
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None
Station address: 5 (this devices ID#)
Control line: No Handshaking
Reply Msg Wait (20ms):
ACK timeout (20ms):
DF1 retries: 3
Msg appl timeout(30 secs):2
Error detect: BCC
RTS send delay (20ms): 0
RTS off delay (20ms): 0
Polling mode: Message Based (Do Not Allow Follower
to initiate messages)
Leader Message Transmit: Between Station Polls
System (Point-To-Point) additional setup:
Duplicate Detect: OFF
NAK Receive:0
Read Message Setup Example
Instruction Entry for Message Block MG14:0:
Communication Command: SLC Typed Logical Read
PLC-5 Data Table Address: N9:3
Size in Elements: 20
Local/Remote: Local
Local Node Address: 004 (Quantum Panel’s ID)
Destination Data Table Address: N10:1
Port Number: 0
Modbus Communication
The Quantum provides the capability to interface with
other devices that support serial data communications
using the Modbus ASCII protocol. This is a Leader /
Follower multi-drop communication method. The Quantum
is setup to be a Modbus ASCII Follower. The
customer’s PLC or DCS must be setup as a Modbus
ASCII Leader. The Leader initiates the reading and
writing of data to a Quantum. The Quantum’s ID
number is used as the Modbus Follower address. The
Leader uses Function Code 3 (Read Holding Registers) to
send a request to read data from the Quantum and
Function Code 6 (Load Register) to request to change a
setpoint or to send a command such as to clear alarms.
Fifty (50) data elements can be read with one read
request. The address references are numbered
relative to the Frick addresses in the Quantum Data
Table. For example, to reference the Frick data
address 128 enter the decimal value 128 for the Modbus
Follower Address. The Quantum only accepts one value
with a Load Register request. Be careful not to
continuously request a setpoint change. Keeping the
Quantum busy writing to an individual GCU board will
interfere with the Quantum's polling of all the GCU
boards. For more detail and a list of the data, reference the
“Quantum Data Table” section. For details about the
actual protocol, reference
the Gould publication PO-MBUS-300 “Gould Modbus
Protocol Reference Manual”.
Port Configuration of the Leader:
7 Bits per Character
No Parity
1 Stop Bit
No Handshake
Quantum Data Table
Allen-Bradley and Modbus Data Access
Data passed to and from the Quantum are integer values
with one decimal field assumed unless shown otherwise or
the command is sent to select two decimal fields. For
example, if the data’s value is 25.5, then the value 255 is
sent. All temperatures are in degree C and all pressures
are in PSIA, unless the command is sent to select the
units of the panel. A mode such as evaporator mode is
sent as an integer value that represents the mode it is in.
For example, a 10 is sent if it is in Mode 1, or a 20 is sent
if it is in Mode 2, or a 30 is sent if it is in Mode 3. The
value zero (0) is used to represent an “OFF” status and a
“DISABLED” option. The value one (1), which is received
as a 10, is used to represent an “ON” status and an
“ENABLED” option. Only data values that are designated
as setpoints are modifiable. “Read Only” is used to help
identify what data is not modifiable. The setpoint range is
checked to see if it is an allowed setting. If it is not
allowed, the setting is not changed. Reference the “Frick
Evaporator Quantum Control Panel Setpoints Data
Sheets” for the setpoints default settings and ranges.
Reference the “Quantum Data Table” for the address
listing and description of data.
A command has been provided that selects whether data
to and from the Quantum will be integer values with either
one or two decimal fields assumed. Another command has
been provided that selects whether data to and from the
Quantum will be returned in the units that are the default
(pressure in PSIA and temperature in Degree C) or in the
units that are selected to display at the panel.
With the Evaporator control system, all zone-specific
setpoints are stored at the GCU board and are only loaded
to the Quantum panel as needed. As a result, delays will
be encountered when reading or writing these setpoints as
the values are transferred between the Quantum and GCU
board. Setpoints whose Frick addresses are between 70
and 699 should be considered zone-specific.
To properly read or change the zone-specific setpoints
stored at the GCU it is necessary to follow certain
procedures. First, send the proper command that will login
the Quantum to the zone containing the setpoints that are
to be viewed or modified. The Quantum screen will
immediately move to the Zone Overview display and the
Panel Control Status value will be set to Remote. Next,
read the id of the zone the Quantum is currently logged in
to and verify that it is correct. (The current zone id is
stored at Frick address 211.) At this point, a command
may be sent to read or write setpoint values.
All zone-specific setpoints are divided into data groups. A
data group is a number of related setpoints that are saved
and read from the GCU board as a group. They are also
usually displayed together on one page in the Quantum.
To achieve the best system performance, it is highly
recommended that all the setpoints of a data group be
handled together. When reading setpoints from the
Quantum, read each data group together. When changing
setpoints, make all necessary changes to one data group
before moving on to the next group. In addition, it is
recommended that all handling of setpoints be completed
for one zone before moving on to the next zone. Rapidly
jumping from one zone to the next will slow response
times considerably.
When using the Modbus protocol, expect to wait a up to
several seconds while the required values are downloaded
from the GCU board. With the Allen-Bradley protocol, the
first time a value from a data group is requested, after
login to a zone, no data is returned, but the data group is
downloaded from the GCU board. The same data request
should be sent several seconds later, and the downloaded
data will now be returned. When saving setpoints in either
Modbus or Allen-Bradley, each setpoint change will not be
immediately uploaded to the GCU board. Rather, all
setpoint changes made to one data group will be stored at
the Quantum. Only when a setpoint change is made to a
second data group or when the Refresh command is sent,
will all the changes to the first data group be saved to the
GCU board. If neither of these events occurs within a set
amount of time the changes will automatically be saved to
the GCU board. These operational methods, when used
properly, allow a person to make a large number of
setpoint changes without stalling communications.
When reading values from the GCU board that may
change periodically, such as the Alarm List, send the
Refresh Setpoints command before reading the values to
verify that current settings are being read. Also, be aware,
if a person presses the "Login to Zone" button at the
Quantum, the Panel Control Status setting will be set to
Manual. This will prevent a remote system from reading or
writing the setpoints stored at the GCU board until the
Panel Control Status is reset to Remote.
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data Value Codes
5N10:0 XLanguage 0=English
6N10:1 XTemperature 0=Fahrenheit
7N10:2 XPanel Control Status 0=Manual
8N10:3 XBaud rate for Comm1 (Read Only)
13 N10:8 XProgram Version ####.## x100
14 N10:9 XBattery
15 N10:10 XBoard Temperature
21 N10:16 XScreen Saver on / off
22 N10:17 Number of minutes before Screen Saver enabled
26 N10:21 XExternal Communications 0=Frick
1= AB
2 = Modbus
27 N10:22 ID Number
28 N10:23 XMonth Version was released
29 N10:24 XDay Version was released
30 N10:25 XYear Version was released
Zone-Specific Setpoints:
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data
Data Group 1
70 N50:0 Defrost Pump Out Time
71 N50:1 Defrost Soft Hot Gas Time
72 N50:2 Defrost Hot Gas Time
73 N50:3 Defrost Bleed Time
74 N50:4 Defrost Fan Delay Time
75 N50:5 Defrost Refrigeration Counter
76 N50:6 XDefrost Pump Out Fan Speed
77 N50:7 XDefrost Fan Bump Enable/Disable
Data Group 2
90 N50:20 Mode 1 Liquid On
91 N50:21 Mode 1 Liquid Off
92 N50:22 Mode 1 Heat On
93 N50:23 Mode 1 Heat Off
94 N50:24 Mode 1 Humidity On
95 N50:25 Mode 1 Humidity Off
96 N50:26 Mode 1 High Temperature Alarm
97 N50:27 Mode 1 Low Temperature Alarm
98 N50:28 Mode 1 High Temperature Alarm Delay
99 N50:29 Mode 1 Low Temperature Alarm Delay
100 N50:30 Mode 1 Delay between Modes
101 N50:31 Mode 1 Fan On
102 N50:32 Mode 1 Fan Off
103 N50:33 Mode 1 Two-Speed Fan Low to High
104 N50:34 Mode 1 Two-Speed Fan High to Low
105 N50:35 Mode 1 Var. Fan Delay
106 N50:36 Mode 1 Var. Fan Setpoint
107 N50:37 Mode 1 Var. Fan Deadband
108 N50:38 Mode 1 Var. Fan Rate of Change
109 N50:39 Mode 1 Var. Fan Minimum Percentage
110 N50:40 Mode 1 Fan Cycling On
111 N50:41 Mode 1 Fan Cycling Off
112 N50:42 Mode 1 Modulating Valve On
113 N50:43 Mode 1 Modulating Valve Off
114 N50:44 Mode 1 Modulating Valve Setpoint
115 N50:45 Mode 1 Modulating Valve Deadband
116 N50:46 Mode 1 Modulating Valve Rate of Change
117 N50:47 Mode 1 Modulating Valve Minimum Percentage
118 N50:48 Mode 1 Modulating Valve Delay
Data Group 3
130 N50:60 Mode 2 Liquid On
131 N50:61 Mode 2 Liquid Off
132 N50:62 Mode 2 Heat On
133 N50:63 Mode 2 Heat Off
134 N50:64 Mode 2 Humidity On
135 N50:65 Mode 2 Humidity Off
136 N50:66 Mode 2 High Temperature Alarm
137 N50:67 Mode 2 Low Temperature Alarm
138 N50:68 Mode 2 High Temperature Alarm Delay
139 N50:69 Mode 2 Low Temperature Alarm Delay
140 N50:70 Mode 2 Delay between Modes
141 N50:71 Mode 2 Fan On
142 N50:72 Mode 2 Fan Off
Zone-Specific Setpoints:
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data
143 N50:73 Mode 2 Two-Speed Fan Low to High
144 N50:74 Mode 2 Two-Speed Fan High to Low
145 N50:75 Mode 2 Var. Fan Delay
146 N50:76 Mode 2 Var. Fan Setpoint
147 N50:77 Mode 2 Var. Fan Deadband
148 N50:78 Mode 2 Var. Fan Rate of Change
149 N50:79 Mode 2 Var. Fan Minimum Percentage
150 N50:80 Mode 2 Fan Cycling On
151 N50:81 Mode 2 Fan Cycling Off
152 N50:82 Mode 2 Modulating Valve On
153 N50:83 Mode 2 Modulating Valve Off
154 N50:84 Mode 2 Modulating Valve Setpoint
155 N50:85 Mode 2 Modulating Valve Deadband
156 N50:86 Mode 2 Modulating Valve Rate of Change
157 N50:87 Mode 2 Modulating Valve Minimum Percentage
158 N50:88 Mode 2 Modulating Valve Delay
Data Group 4
170 N50:100 Mode 3 Liquid On
171 N50:101 Mode 3 Liquid Off
172 N50:102 Mode 3 Heat On
173 N50:103 Mode 3 Heat Off
174 N50:104 Mode 3 Humidity On
175 N50:105 Mode 3 Humidity Off
176 N50:106 Mode 3 High Temperature Alarm
177 N50:107 Mode 3 Low Temperature Alarm
178 N50:108 Mode 3 High Temperature Alarm Delay
179 N50:109 Mode 3 Low Temperature Alarm Delay
180 N50:110 Mode 3 Delay between Modes
181 N50:111 Mode 3 Fan On
182 N50:112 Mode 3 Fan Off
183 N50:113 Mode 3 Two-Speed Fan Low to High
184 N50:114 Mode 3 Two-Speed Fan High to Low
185 N50:115 Mode 3 Var. Fan Delay
186 N50:116 Mode 3 Var. Fan Setpoint
187 N50:117 Mode 3 Var. Fan Deadband
188 N50:118 Mode 3 Var. Fan Rate of Change
189 N50:119 Mode 3 Var. Fan Minimum Percentage
190 N50:120 Mode 3 Fan Cycling On
191 N50:121 Mode 3 Fan Cycling Off
192 N50:122 Mode 3 Modulating Valve On
193 N50:123 Mode 3 Modulating Valve Off
194 N50:124 Mode 3 Modulating Valve Setpoint
195 N50:125 Mode 3 Modulating Valve Deadband
196 N50:126 Mode 3 Modulating Valve Rate of Change
197 N50:127 Mode 3 Modulating Valve Minimum Percentage
198 N50:128 Mode 3 Modulating Valve Delay
Zone-Specific Setpoints - continued:
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data Value Codes
Data Group 5
211 N15:141 Zone Id Number 1 - 32
212 N15:142 Zone Group Number 1 - 99
213 N15:143 XGCU Board Type 1 - 1 Unit, 3 - 3 Unit
215 N15:145 XLiquid Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
216 N15:146 XSuction Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Direct, 2 - Reverse
217 N15:147 XHot Gas Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
218 N15:148 XBleed Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
219 N15:149 XFan Low Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
220 N15:150 XFan High Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
221 N15:151 XSoft Hot Gas Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
222 N15:152 XHumidity Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
223 N15:153 XAlarm Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
224 N15:154 XSpare 1 Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
225 N15:155 XSpare 2 Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
226 N15:156 XSpare 3 Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
227 N15:157 XSpare 4 Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
228 N15:158 XSpare 5 Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
229 N15:159 XSpare 6 Digital Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
233 N15:163 XFire/Ammon Digital Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
234 N15:164 XDemand Defr Digital Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
235 N15:165 XFreezer Door Digital Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
236 N15:166 XFan Aux. Digital Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
237 N15:167 XSpare 1 Digital Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
238 N15:168 XSpare 2 Digital Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
239 N15:169 XSpare 3 Digital Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
244 N15:174 XRoom Temp Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
245 N15:175 XSuction Temp Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
246 N15:176 XReturn Air Temp Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
247 N15:177 XDischarge Temp Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
248 N15:178 XMotor Amps Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
249 N15:179 XAmmonia Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
250 N15:180 XHumidity Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
251 N15:181 XSpare 1 Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
252 N15:182 XSpare 2 Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
253 N15:183 XSpare 3 Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
254 N15:184 XSpare 4 Analog Input 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
257 N15:187 XVariable Fan Analog Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
258 N15:188 XModulating Valve Analog Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
259 N15:189 XSpare 1 Analog Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
260 N15:190 XSpare 2 Analog Output 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
263 N15:193 XControl Temp Selection 0 - Room Temp, 1 - Return Air Temp
264 N15:194 XFan Type Selection 0-No Fan,
1-Single Speed Fan,
2-Variable Speed Fan,
3-Two Speed Fan,
4-Two Step Fan,
268 N15:198 XDefrost Initiation Setting 0 - Disable,
1 - Time of Day,
2 - Time with Liquid Override,
3 - Liquid Counter
270 N15:200 XDemand Defrost Setting 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
273 N15:203 XHeating Control 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
274 N15:204 XCooling Control 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
275 N15:205 XHumidity Control 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
276 N15:206 XFan Cycling Control 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
Zone-Specific Setpoints - continued:
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data Value Codes
Data Group 6
278 N15:208 XDefrost Stage 0 - Off,
1 - Pump Out,
2 - Soft Hot Gas,
3 - Hot Gas,
4 - Bleed,
5 - Fan Delay,
6 - Defrost Pending
279 N15:209 XDefrost Initiated By 0 - Not in Defrost,
1 - Defrost Button,
2 - Digital Input,
3 - Defrost Schedule
4 - Liquid Counter
280 N15:210 XCurrent Refrigeration Counter 0 - 999
281 N15:211 XDefrost Stage Time Remaining 0 - 999
Data Group 7
284 N50:214 XGCU Board Clock - Hour
285 N50:215 XGCU Board Clock - Minute
286 N50:216 XGCU Board Clock - Second
288 N50:218 XGCU Board Clock - Year
289 N50:219 XGCU Board Clock - Month
290 N50:220 XGCU Board Clock - Day
Data Group 8
292 N50:214 XGCU Board Version #.## x100
293 N50:215 XGCU Board Version - Month
294 N50:216 XGCU Board Version - Day
295 N50:218 XGCU Board Version - Year
Zone-Specific Setpoints - continued:
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data
Data Group 9
400 N15:90 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 1
401 N15:91 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 2
402 N15:92 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 3
403 N15:93 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 4
404 N15:94 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 5
405 N15:95 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 6
406 N15:96 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 7
407 N15:97 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 8
408 N15:98 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 9
409 N15:99 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 10
410 N15:100 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 11
411 N15:101 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 12
412 N15:102 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 13
413 N15:103 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 14
414 N15:104 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 15
415 N15:105 Number of Simultaneous Defrosts Allowed for Group 16
Data Group 10
430 N15:120 Heating Pump Out Time
431 N15:121 Heating Soft Hot Gas Time
432 N15:122 Pre-Heat Fan Delay Time
433 N15:123 Heating Bleed Time
434 N15:124 Post-Heat Fan Delay Time
435 N15:125 XHeating Pump Out Fan Speed
436 N15:126 XHeating Fan Speed
Data Group 11
440 N15:130 Ammonia Alarm
441 N15:131 Ammonia Shutdown
442 N15:132 Ammonia Alarm Delay
443 N15:133 Ammonia Shutdown Delay
Data Group 12
470 N16:0 Mode Change: Monday 1 Time
471 N16:1 Mode Change: Monday 1 Mode
472 N16:2 Mode Change: Monday 2 Time
473 N16:3 Mode Change: Monday 2 Mode
474 N16:4 Mode Change: Monday 3 Time
475 N16:5 Mode Change: Monday 3 Mode
476 N16:6 Mode Change: Monday 4 Time
477 N16:7 Mode Change: Monday 4 Mode
478 N16:8 Mode Change: Tuesday 1 Time
479 N16:9 Mode Change: Tuesday 1 Mode
480 N16:10 Mode Change: Tuesday 2 Time
481 N16:11 Mode Change: Tuesday 2 Mode
482 N16:12 Mode Change: Tuesday 3 Time
483 N16:13 Mode Change: Tuesday 3 Mode
484 N16:14 Mode Change: Tuesday 4 Time
485 N16:15 Mode Change: Tuesday 4 Mode
486 N16:16 Mode Change: Wednesday 1 Time
487 N16:17 Mode Change: Wednesday 1 Mode
488 N16:18 Mode Change: Wednesday 2 Time
489 N16:19 Mode Change: Wednesday 2 Mode
490 N16:20 Mode Change: Wednesday 3 Time
Zone-Specific Setpoints - continued:
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data
491 N16:21 Mode Change: Wednesday 3 Mode
492 N16:22 Mode Change: Wednesday 4 Time
493 N16:23 Mode Change: Wednesday 4 Mode
494 N16:24 Mode Change: Thursday 1 Time
495 N16:25 Mode Change: Thursday 1 Mode
496 N16:26 Mode Change: Thursday 2 Time
497 N16:27 Mode Change: Thursday 2 Mode
498 N16:28 Mode Change: Thursday 3 Time
499 N16:29 Mode Change: Thursday 3 Mode
500 N16:30 Mode Change: Thursday 4 Time
501 N16:31 Mode Change: Thursday 4 Mode
502 N16:32 Mode Change: Friday 1 Time
503 N16:33 Mode Change: Friday 1 Mode
504 N16:34 Mode Change: Friday 2 Time
505 N16:35 Mode Change: Friday 2 Mode
506 N16:36 Mode Change: Friday 3 Time
507 N16:37 Mode Change: Friday 3 Mode
508 N16:38 Mode Change: Friday 4 Time
509 N16:39 Mode Change: Friday 4 Mode
510 N16:40 Mode Change: Saturday 1 Time
511 N16:41 Mode Change: Saturday 1 Mode
512 N16:42 Mode Change: Saturday 2 Time
513 N16:43 Mode Change: Saturday 2 Mode
514 N16:44 Mode Change: Saturday 3 Time
515 N16:45 Mode Change: Saturday 3 Mode
516 N16:46 Mode Change: Saturday 4 Time
517 N16:47 Mode Change: Saturday 4 Mode
518 N16:48 Mode Change: Sunday 1 Time
519 N16:49 Mode Change: Sunday 1 Mode
520 N16:50 Mode Change: Sunday 2 Time
521 N16:51 Mode Change: Sunday 2 Mode
522 N16:52 Mode Change: Sunday 3 Time
523 N16:53 Mode Change: Sunday 3 Mode
524 N16:54 Mode Change: Sunday 4 Time
525 N16:55 Mode Change: Sunday 4 Mode
Data Group 13
530 N16:60 Defrost Time Schedule: Monday 1
531 N16:61 Defrost Time Schedule: Monday 2
532 N16:62 Defrost Time Schedule: Monday 3
533 N16:63 Defrost Time Schedule: Monday 4
534 N16:64 Defrost Time Schedule: Monday 5
535 N16:65 Defrost Time Schedule: Monday 6
536 N16:66 Defrost Time Schedule: Monday 7
537 N16:67 Defrost Time Schedule: Monday 8
538 N16:68 Defrost Time Schedule: Tuesday 1
539 N16:69 Defrost Time Schedule: Tuesday 2
540 N16:70 Defrost Time Schedule: Tuesday 3
541 N16:71 Defrost Time Schedule: Tuesday 4
542 N16:72 Defrost Time Schedule: Tuesday 5
543 N16:73 Defrost Time Schedule: Tuesday 6
544 N16:74 Defrost Time Schedule: Tuesday 7
545 N16:75 Defrost Time Schedule: Tuesday 8
546 N16:76 Defrost Time Schedule: Wednesday 1
547 N16:77 Defrost Time Schedule: Wednesday 2
Zone-Specific Setpoints - continued:
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data
548 N16:78 Defrost Time Schedule: Wednesday 3
549 N16:79 Defrost Time Schedule: Wednesday 4
550 N16:80 Defrost Time Schedule: Wednesday 5
551 N16:81 Defrost Time Schedule: Wednesday 6
552 N16:82 Defrost Time Schedule: Wednesday 7
553 N16:83 Defrost Time Schedule: Wednesday 8
554 N16:84 Defrost Time Schedule: Thursday 1
555 N16:85 Defrost Time Schedule: Thursday 2
556 N16:86 Defrost Time Schedule: Thursday 3
557 N16:87 Defrost Time Schedule: Thursday 4
558 N16:88 Defrost Time Schedule: Thursday 5
559 N16:89 Defrost Time Schedule: Thursday 6
560 N16:90 Defrost Time Schedule: Thursday 7
561 N16:91 Defrost Time Schedule: Thursday 8
562 N16:92 Defrost Time Schedule: Friday 1
563 N16:93 Defrost Time Schedule: Friday 2
564 N16:94 Defrost Time Schedule: Friday 3
565 N16:95 Defrost Time Schedule: Friday 4
566 N16:96 Defrost Time Schedule: Friday 5
567 N16:97 Defrost Time Schedule: Friday 6
568 N16:98 Defrost Time Schedule: Friday 7
569 N16:99 Defrost Time Schedule: Friday 8
570 N16:100 Defrost Time Schedule: Saturday 1
571 N16:101 Defrost Time Schedule: Saturday 2
572 N16:102 Defrost Time Schedule: Saturday 3
573 N16:103 Defrost Time Schedule: Saturday 4
574 N16:104 Defrost Time Schedule: Saturday 5
575 N16:105 Defrost Time Schedule: Saturday 6
576 N16:106 Defrost Time Schedule: Saturday 7
577 N16:107 Defrost Time Schedule: Saturday 8
578 N16:108 Defrost Time Schedule: Sunday 1
579 N16:109 Defrost Time Schedule: Sunday 2
580 N16:110 Defrost Time Schedule: Sunday 3
581 N16:111 Defrost Time Schedule: Sunday 4
582 N16:112 Defrost Time Schedule: Sunday 5
583 N16:113 Defrost Time Schedule: Sunday 6
584 N16:114 Defrost Time Schedule: Sunday 7
585 N16:115 Defrost Time Schedule: Sunday 8
Zone 1 Settings:
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data Value Codes
700 N17:0 XZone 1 Id 1
702 N17:2 XZone 1 Status 0 - Off,
1 - Cooling,
2 - Satisfied,
3 - Defrost,
4 - Heating
703 N17:3 XZone 1 Mode 0 - Off,
1 - Mode 1,
2 - Mode 2,
3 - Mode 3,
5 - Bleed,
7 - Auto-Off
8 - Auto-Mode 1
9 - Auto-Mode 2
10 - Auto-Mode 3
706 N17:6 XZone 1 Alarm 0 - Off, 1 - On
707 N17:7 XZone 1 Variable Fan Output 0 - 100%
708 N17:8 XZone 1 Modulating Valve Output 0 - 100%
713 N17:13 XZone 1 Room Temp
714 N17:14 XZone 1 Suction Temp
715 N17:15 XZone 1 Return Air Temp
716 N17:16 XZone 1 Discharge Temp
717 N17:17 XZone 1 Humidity
718 N17:18 XZone 1 Ammonia
719 N17:19 XZone 1 Motor Amps
720 N17:20 XZone 1 Spare Analog Input 1
721 N17:21 XZone 1 Spare Analog Input 2
722 N17:22 XZone 1 Spare Analog Input 3
723 N17:23 XZone 1 Spare Analog Input 4
724 N17:24 XZone 1 Panel Temp
726 N17:26 XZone 1 Liquid Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
727 N17:27 XZone 1 Suction Main Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
728 N17:28 XZone 1 Suction Vent Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
729 N17:29 XZone 1 Hot Gas Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
730 N17:30 XZone 1 Bleed Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
731 N17:31 XZone 1 Fan Low Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
732 N17:32 XZone 1 Fan High Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
733 N17:33 XZone 1 Soft Hot Gas Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
734 N17:34 XZone 1 Humidity Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
735 N17:35 XZone 1 Alarm Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
736 N17:36 XZone 1 Spare Digital Output 1 0 - Off, 1 - On
737 N17:37 XZone 1 Spare Digital Output 2 0 - Off, 1 - On
738 N17:38 XZone 1 Spare Digital Output 3 0 - Off, 1 - On
739 N17:39 XZone 1 Spare Digital Output 4 0 - Off, 1 - On
740 N17:40 XZone 1 Spare Digital Output 5 0 - Off, 1 - On
741 N17:41 XZone 1 Spare Digital Output 6 0 - Off, 1 - On
744 N17:44 XZone 1 Enable/Disable Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
745 N17:45 XZone 1 Fire/Ammonia Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
746 N17:46 XZone 1 Demand Defrost Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
747 N17:47 XZone 1 Fan Aux. Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
748 N17:48 XZone 1 Freezer Door Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
749 N17:49 XZone 1 Spare Digital Input 1 0 - Off, 1 - On
750 N17:50 XZone 1 Spare Digital Input 2 0 - Off, 1 - On
751 N17:51 XZone 1 Spare Digital Input 3 0 - Off, 1 - On
Zone 2 Settings:
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data Value Codes
770 N17:70 XZone 2 Id 2
772 N17:72 XZone 2 Status see Zone 1 codes
773 N17:73 XZone 2 Mode see Zone 1 codes
776 N17:76 XZone 2 Alarm 0 - Off, 1 - On
777 N17:77 XZone 2 Variable Fan Output 0 - 100%
778 N17:78 XZone 2 Modulating Valve Output 0 - 100%
783 N17:83 XZone 2 Room Temp
784 N17:84 XZone 2 Suction Temp
785 N17:85 XZone 2 Return Air Temp
786 N17:86 XZone 2 Discharge Temp
787 N17:87 XZone 2 Humidity
788 N17:88 XZone 2 Ammonia
789 N17:89 XZone 2 Motor Amps
790 N17:90 XZone 2 Spare Analog Input 1
791 N17:91 XZone 2 Spare Analog Input 2
792 N17:92 XZone 2 Spare Analog Input 3
793 N17:93 XZone 2 Spare Analog Input 4
794 N17:94 XZone 2 Panel Temp
796 N17:96 XZone 2 Liquid Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
797 N17:97 XZone 2 Suction Main Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
798 N17:98 XZone 2 Suction Vent Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
799 N17:99 XZone 2 Hot Gas Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
800 N17:100 XZone 2 Bleed Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
801 N17:101 XZone 2 Fan Low Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
802 N17:102 XZone 2 Fan High Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
803 N17:103 XZone 2 Soft Hot Gas Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
804 N17:104 XZone 2 Humidity Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
805 N17:105 XZone 2 Alarm Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
806 N17:106 XZone 2 Spare Digital Output 1 0 - Off, 1 - On
807 N17:107 XZone 2 Spare Digital Output 2 0 - Off, 1 - On
808 N17:108 XZone 2 Spare Digital Output 3 0 - Off, 1 - On
809 N17:109 XZone 2 Spare Digital Output 4 0 - Off, 1 - On
810 N17:110 XZone 2 Spare Digital Output 5 0 - Off, 1 - On
811 N17:111 XZone 2 Spare Digital Output 6 0 - Off, 1 - On
814 N17:114 XZone 2 Enable/Disable Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
815 N17:115 XZone 2 Fire/Ammonia Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
816 N17:116 XZone 2 Demand Defrost Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
817 N17:117 XZone 2 Fan Aux. Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
818 N17:118 XZone 2 Freezer Door Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
819 N17:119 XZone 2 Spare Digital Input 1 0 - Off, 1 - On
820 N17:120 XZone 2 Spare Digital Input 2 0 - Off, 1 - On
821 N17:121 XZone 2 Spare Digital Input 3 0 - Off, 1 - On
Zone 3 Settings:
Address AB
Address Read
Only Description of Data Value Codes
840 N17:140 XZone 3 Id 3
842 N17:142 XZone 3 Status see Zone 1 codes
843 N17:143 XZone 3 Mode see Zone 1 codes
846 N17:146 XZone 3 Alarm 0 - Off, 1 - On
847 N17:147 XZone 3 Variable Fan Output 0 - 100%
848 N17:148 XZone 3 Modulating Valve Output 0 - 100%
853 N17:153 XZone 3 Room Temp
854 N17:154 XZone 3 Suction Temp
855 N17:155 XZone 3 Return Air Temp
856 N17:156 XZone 3 Discharge Temp
857 N17:157 XZone 3 Humidity
858 N17:158 XZone 3 Ammonia
859 N17:159 XZone 3 Motor Amps
860 N17:160 XZone 3 Spare Analog Input 1
861 N17:161 XZone 3 Spare Analog Input 2
862 N17:162 XZone 3 Spare Analog Input 3
863 N17:163 XZone 3 Spare Analog Input 4
864 N17:164 XZone 3 Panel Temp
866 N17:166 XZone 3 Liquid Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
867 N17:167 XZone 3 Suction Main Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
868 N17:168 XZone 3 Suction Vent Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
869 N17:169 XZone 3 Hot Gas Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
870 N17:170 XZone 3 Bleed Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
871 N17:171 XZone 3 Fan Low Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
872 N17:172 XZone 3 Fan High Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
873 N17:173 XZone 3 Soft Hot Gas Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
874 N17:174 XZone 3 Humidity Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
875 N17:175 XZone 3 Alarm Output 0 - Off, 1 - On
876 N17:176 XZone 3 Spare Digital Output 1 0 - Off, 1 - On
877 N17:177 XZone 3 Spare Digital Output 2 0 - Off, 1 - On
878 N17:178 XZone 3 Spare Digital Output 3 0 - Off, 1 - On
879 N17:179 XZone 3 Spare Digital Output 4 0 - Off, 1 - On
880 N17:180 XZone 3 Spare Digital Output 5 0 - Off, 1 - On
881 N17:181 XZone 3 Spare Digital Output 6 0 - Off, 1 - On
884 N17:184 XZone 3 Enable/Disable Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
885 N17:185 XZone 3 Fire/Ammonia Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
886 N17:186 XZone 3 Demand Defrost Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
887 N17:187 XZone 3 Fan Aux. Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
888 N17:188 XZone 3 Freezer Door Input 0 - Off, 1 - On
889 N17:189 XZone 3 Spare Digital Input 1 0 - Off, 1 - On
890 N17:190 XZone 3 Spare Digital Input 2 0 - Off, 1 - On
891 N17:191 XZone 3 Spare Digital Input 3 0 - Off, 1 - On