• Keep the area underneath and m(nmd your
appliances fiee of combustible materials, such
as lint, paper, rags, chemicals, gasoline and other
flmnmable vapors and liquids.
• Keep tile floor ar()und your appliances clean and
dU to reduce the possibili/y of slipping.
• Keep area around the exhm_st opening and
surrctunding meas flee fiom the accumulation of
lint, chestand dirt.
• Do not obstruct tile flow ofvemilating air. Do not
stack or place laund U or tlmtw rags against the
front or back of the &yer.
• Close supei_ision is necessa U if this appliance is
used by or near chil&en. Do not allow children to
plW on, _dth, or inside this or any other applian_ e.
• Keep all lmm&y aids (such as detergems,
bleaches, etc.) out of the reach ofchiMren,
preterably in a locked cabinet. Obsei_-e all
warnings oil container labels to avoid in juU.
• Never climb oil or stand oil tile (hyer top.
• Do not install or store this appliance where it will
be exposed u) the weather.
• Never reach into the dr):er while the drum is
mcMng. Betore loacfing, unloading or adding
clothes, wait until the &_um has completely
• (lean the lint fiher befi)re each ht:tdto prevent
lint accunmlation inside the &yer or in the room.
• Do not wash or &y articles that have been
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted
with combustible or explosive substances (such as
w_L,¢,oil, paint, gasoline, degreasers, &)_cleaning
solvents, kerosene, etc.) which mW ignite or
explode. Do not acid these substances to the
wash water. Do not tlse or place these sllbstances
mound your washer or &yer chning operation.
• Any article oil which yc)u have used a cleaning
solvent or that comains flammable materials
(such as cleaning cloths, mops, towels used in
beaub: salons, resumrants, or barber shops, etc.)
must not be placed in or nero the &yer until
solvents or flammable materials have been
remctved. There are many highly flammable
items used in homes such as acetone, denatured
alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, some househoM
cleaners, soiile spot reiilovers,/tlrpentines,
w_Lxes,wax remc)vers and producls comaining
peuoleum (fistillates.
• Tile laund U process can reduce the flmne
retmdanQ offitbrics. To avoid such a result,
cmeliflly tolh)w the gmment manutimmrer's
cme instructions.
• Do not &y articles containing robber, plastic,
or similar male.rials such as padded bras, tennis
shoes, galoshes, bath mats, rags, bibs, baby paros,
plastic bags, pillows, etc. that may meh or burn.
Some robber materials, when heated, can under
certain circumstances pro&_ce fire by
sponumecn_s combustion.
• Do not store plastic, paper or clothing that may
burn or melt on top ot the chyer during operation.
• Gm'mems labeled On/Away fromHeator Do
Not TumbleOn/(such as life jackels comaining
Kapok) must not be put in your duer.
• Do not chy fiberglass mticles in yctur chyer.
Skin irriultion couM resuh fiom the remaining
particles that may be picked up by clothing
during subsequent diyer uses.
To minimize tile possibili/y ofelecuic shock,
unplug this appliance fiom the pctwer supply
or disconnect the &yer at the household
disu'ibution panel by remcMng the fi_seor
switching off the drcuit breaker betine
attempting any maintenance or cleaning
(except the remc)val and cleaning of the lint
fiher). NOTE:Turning the Cycle Selector knob
to an OFFposition does NOTdisconnect the
appliance fiom the pctwer supply.
• Do not spray any bpe of aerosol into, oil or near
dD:er at any time.
• Do not place items exposed to cooking oils in
your duer. Items conuuninated with cooking oils
mW contribum to a chemical reaction that could
cm_se a load to catch fire.