HP HP PSC PSC 1507 1507 All-in-One All-in-One Printer, Printer, Scanner, Scanner, CopierCopier Datasheet
Technical Technical specificationsspecifications
Print Print TechnologyTechnology
HP HP Thermal Thermal InkjetInkjet
Print Print ResolutionResolution
Black Black (best): (best): Print Print up up to to 1200-rendered 1200-rendered dpi dpi black black when when printing printing from from a a computer; computer; Color Color (best): (best): Up Up to to 4800 4800 x x 1200-optimized 1200-optimized dpi dpi color color when when printing printing from from a a computer computer and and 1200-input 1200-input dpi; dpi; Print
Print Resolution Resolution Technology: Technology: HP HP PhotoREt PhotoREt III III (PhotoREt (PhotoREt IV IV with with optional optional photo photo cartridge)cartridge)
Print Print SpeedSpeed
Black Black (draft; (draft; letter): letter): Up Up to to 18 18 ppm; ppm; Color Color (draft; (draft; letter):letter): Up Up to to 14 14 ppmppm
Print Print Languages Languages StandardStandard
Lightweight Lightweight Imaging Imaging Device Device Interface Interface Language Language (LIDIL)(LIDIL)
Printing Printing CapabilitiesCapabilities
Direct Direct Printing:Printing: Yes Yes with with Pictbridge Pictbridge cameras; cameras; Borderless Borderless Printing Printing Supported: Supported: Yes, Yes, 4 4 x x 6 6 in, in, 8.5 8.5 x x 11 11 in, in, A4A4
HP HP Real Real Life Life Technologies Technologies FeaturesFeatures
Auto Auto Red-Eye Red-Eye Removal, Removal, Adaptive Adaptive LightingLighting
Recommended Recommended Monthly Monthly Volume Volume (letter)(letter)
Copy Copy FeaturesFeatures
Number Number of of Copies Copies Maximum:Maximum: 50; 50; Copy Copy Scaling:Scaling: 50 50 to to 200% 200%
Copier Copier SettingsSettings
Stand-alone Stand-alone copying: copying: fit fit to to page, page, 100% 100% (with (with software: software: photo-size photo-size choices choices and and reduce/enlarge)reduce/enlarge)
Copy Copy ResolutionResolution
Black Black Text:Text: Up Up to to 600 600 dpi; dpi; Black Black Graphics:Graphics: Up Up to to 600 600 dpi; dpi; Color Color Graphics:Graphics: Up Up to to 4800 4800 x x 1200-optimized 1200-optimized dpi dpi color color copying copying on on HP HP Premium Premium Photo Photo Papers Papers and and 1200 1200 scan scan dpidpi
Copy Copy SpeedSpeed
Black:Black: Up Up to to 18 18 cpm; cpm; Color:Color: Up Up to to 14 14 cpmcpm
Scan Scan Type/Input Type/Input ModesModes
Type:Type: Flatbed; Flatbed; Technology:Technology: CIS; CIS; Input Input Modes:Modes: Front-panel Front-panel scan, scan, HP HP Director, Director, TWAIN; TWAIN; Bit Bit depth:depth: 48 48 bit; bit; Grayscale Grayscale Levels:Levels: 256; 256; Twain Twain version: version: 1.71.7
Scan Scan ResolutionResolution
Optical:Optical: 1200 1200 dpi; dpi; Hardware:Hardware: 1200 1200 x x 1200 1200 dpi; dpi; Enhanced:Enhanced: Up Up to to 19200 19200 dpi dpi enhanced enhanced (maximum (maximum dpi dpi is is limited limited by by available available computer computer memory, memory, disk disk space, space, and and other other system system factors)factors)
Scan Scan Size Size Maximum Maximum
US: US: 8.5 8.5 x x 11.7 11.7 in, in, Metric:Metric: 21.5 21.5 x x 29.7 29.7 cmcm
Output Output File File FormatFormat
PictBridge PictBridge support support for for JPEG JPEG onlyonly
1 1 USB, USB, 1 1 PictBridgePictBridge
Paper Paper Handling Handling
Input:Input: 100-sheet 100-sheet input input tray; tray; Input Input capacity: capacity: Up Up to to 100 100 US US letter/legal, letter/legal, Up Up to to 30 30 transparencies, transparencies, Up Up to to 20 20 labels, labels, Up Up to to 15 15 cards, cards, Up Up to to 10 10 envelopes; envelopes; Output Output capacity:capacity: Up Up to to 50 50 US US letter/legal; letter/legal; Up
Up to to 30 30 transparencies, transparencies, Up Up to to 20 20 labels, labels, Up Up 15 15 to to cards, cards, Up Up to to 10 10 envelopesenvelopes
Media Media TypesTypes
Paper Paper (plain, (plain, inkjet, inkjet, photo), photo), envelopes, envelopes, transparencies, transparencies, labels, labels, cards, cards, HP HP premium premium media, media, iron-on iron-on transfers, transfers, borderless borderless mediamedia
Media Media Sizes Sizes Standard Standard (US)(US)
Letter, Letter, legal, legal, executive, executive, cards, cards, A2, A2, panoramapanorama
Custom Custom Media Media SizesSizes
3 3 x x 5 5 to to 8.5 8.5 x x 14 14 inin
Media Media Weight Weight (US)(US)
US US letter: letter: 20 20 to to 24 24 lb; lb; legal: legal: 20 20 to to 24 24 lb; lb; envelopes: envelopes: 20 20 to to 24 24 lb; lb; cards: cards: up up to to 110 110 lb lb index index maximummaximum
Media Media Weight Weight Recommended Recommended
20 20 to to 24 24 lb lb (75 (75 to to 90 90 g/m2)g/m2)
Memory Memory
Standard/Maximum:Standard/Maximum: 8 8 MB MB ROM, ROM, 32 32 MB MB RAMRAM
Print Print speed speed may may vary vary depending depending on on the the type type of of output. output.
2 2
Letter Letter size size or or 4 4 x x 6 6 inches inches only. only. Maximum Maximum number number of of copies copies list list pertain pertain to to software software only. only. Stand-alone Stand-alone copying copying is is up up to to 9.9.
Compatible Compatible Operating Operating SystemSystem
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, or or ME ME for for basic basic software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software. Software. MacMac
OS OS X X v v 10.1.5,
10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3 10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later.later.
Minimum Minimum System System RequirementsRequirements
For For all all systems:systems: CD-ROM CD-ROM drive; drive; available available USB USB port port and and USB USB cable cable for for direct direct connection; connection; SVGA SVGA 800 800 x x 600 600 monitor
monitor with with 16-bit 16-bit color; color; Adobe Adobe Acrobat Acrobat Reader Reader 5 5 or or higher higher recommended; recommended; full-color full-color scanning scanning requires requires an an additional
additional 50 50 MB MB hard hard disk disk space; space; Internet Internet access access recommended; recommended; For For PC PC systems:systems: any any Intel Intel Pentium Pentium II II or or Celeron Celeron processor
processor (Pentium (Pentium III III or or higher higher recommended); recommended); MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
® ®
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98SE 98SE or or ME ME for for express
express software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including
including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software; Software; 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM for for Windows Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, Me, Me, 2000 2000 Professional, Professional, and and XP XP (256 (256 MB
MB or or higher higher recommended recommended for for all all operating operating systems); systems); 855 855 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for full full software software installation
installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone software software (395 (395 MB MB for for basic basic software software installation installation and and HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Express
Express Software); Software); Microsoft Microsoft Internet Internet Explorer Explorer 5.01 5.01 or or higher; higher; Windows Windows 3.1, 3.1, 95, 95, NT NT 4.0, 4.0, or or DOS DOS are are not not supported;
supported; For For Mac Mac systems:systems: G3 G3 processor processor (G4 (G4 or or higher higher recommended); recommended); Mac Mac OS OS X X v v 10.1.5, 10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3
10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later later (does (does not not support support Mac Mac OS OS 9.0 9.0 and and earlier earlier or or OS OS X X v v 10.2, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.1, and and 10.2.2);
10.2.2); 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM (256 (256 MB MB or or higher higher recommended); recommended); 400 400 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for software software installation;
installation; HP HP Memories Memories Disc Disc Creator Creator software, software, requires requires CD CD Writer Writer and and 700 700 MB MB of of additional additional hard hard disk disk space; space; QuickTime
QuickTime 5.0 5.0 or or later; later; any any Web Web browserbrowser
Operating Operating EnvironmentEnvironment
Recommended Recommended Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 59 59 to to 90° 90° F F (15 (15 to to 32° 32° C); C); Storage Storage Range:Range: -40 -40 to to 140° 140° F F (-40 (-40 to to 60° 60° C);
C); Maximum Maximum Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 41 41 to to 104° 104° F, F, 5 5 to to 40° 40° C; C; Operating Operating Humidity:Humidity: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Humidity Humidity Recommended
Recommended Operating Operating Range: Range: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Storage Storage Humidity:Humidity: 20 20 to to 80% 80% RHRH
Product Product Dimensions Dimensions MaximumMaximum
17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 16 16 in in (434 (434 x x 587 587 x x 406 406 mm)mm)
Acoustic Acoustic Pressure Pressure Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 42 42 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 46 46 dB(A); dB(A); color color copy: copy: 41 41 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 45 45 dB(A);
dB(A); idle: idle: 21 21 dB(A)dB(A)
US:US: 17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 17.1 17.1 x x 11.4 11.4 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up), up), Metric:Metric: 434 434 x x 587 587 x x 162
162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 434 434 x x 290 290 x x 162 162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up)/up)/US:US: 11.19 11.19 lb, lb, Metric:Metric: 5.08 5.08 kgkg
Acoustic Acoustic Power Power Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 5.6 5.6 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 5.9 5.9 B(A); B(A); color color copy: copy: 5.4 5.4 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 5.7 5.7 B(A);
B(A); idle: idle: 3.3 3.3 B(A)B(A)
Power Power
Type: Type: External; External; Power Power Supply Supply Required:Required: Input Input voltage voltage 90 90 to to 264 264 VAC, VAC, (+/- (+/- 10%), 10%), input input frequency frequency 47/63 47/63 Hz, Hz, (+/-
(+/- 3 3 Hz); Hz); Consumption:Consumption: 70 70 watts watts maximum maximum (35 (35 watts watts average, average, 7.5 7.5 watts watts standby)standby)
This This printer printer and and its its replacement replacement cartridges cartridges are are designated designated for for sale sale in in North North America.America.
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty warranty backed backed by by HP HP Customer Customer Care, Care, service service and and support; support; one-year one-year technical technical phone
phone support, support, plus plus a a toll-free toll-free number.number.
Compatible Compatible Operating Operating SystemSystem
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, or or ME ME for for basic basic software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software. Software. MacMac
OS OS X X v v 10.1.5,
10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3 10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later.later.
Compatible Compatible Operating Operating SystemSystem
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, or or ME ME for for basic basic software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software. Software. MacMac
OS OS X X v v 10.1.5,
10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3 10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later.later.
Minimum Minimum System System RequirementsRequirements
For For all all systems:systems: CD-ROM CD-ROM drive; drive; available available USB USB port port and and USB USB cable cable for for direct direct connection; connection; SVGA SVGA 800 800 x x 600 600 monitor
monitor with with 16-bit 16-bit color; color; Adobe Adobe Acrobat Acrobat Reader Reader 5 5 or or higher higher recommended; recommended; full-color full-color scanning scanning requires requires an an additional
additional 50 50 MB MB hard hard disk disk space; space; Internet Internet access access recommended; recommended; For For PC PC systems:systems: any any Intel Intel Pentium Pentium II II or or Celeron Celeron processor
processor (Pentium (Pentium III III or or higher higher recommended); recommended); MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
® ®
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98SE 98SE or or ME ME for for express
express software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including
including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software; Software; 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM for for Windows Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, Me, Me, 2000 2000 Professional, Professional, and and XP XP (256 (256 MB
MB or or higher higher recommended recommended for for all all operating operating systems); systems); 855 855 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for full full software software installation
installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone software software (395 (395 MB MB for for basic basic software software installation installation and and HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Express
Express Software); Software); Microsoft Microsoft Internet Internet Explorer Explorer 5.01 5.01 or or higher; higher; Windows Windows 3.1, 3.1, 95, 95, NT NT 4.0, 4.0, or or DOS DOS are are not not supported;
supported; For For Mac Mac systems:systems: G3 G3 processor processor (G4 (G4 or or higher higher recommended); recommended); Mac Mac OS OS X X v v 10.1.5, 10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3
10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later later (does (does not not support support Mac Mac OS OS 9.0 9.0 and and earlier earlier or or OS OS X X v v 10.2, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.1, and and 10.2.2);
10.2.2); 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM (256 (256 MB MB or or higher higher recommended); recommended); 400 400 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for software software installation;
installation; HP HP Memories Memories Disc Disc Creator Creator software, software, requires requires CD CD Writer Writer and and 700 700 MB MB of of additional additional hard hard disk disk space; space; QuickTime
QuickTime 5.0 5.0 or or later; later; any any Web Web browserbrowser
Minimum Minimum System System RequirementsRequirements
For For all all systems:systems: CD-ROM CD-ROM drive; drive; available available USB USB port port and and USB USB cable cable for for direct direct connection; connection; SVGA SVGA 800 800 x x 600 600 monitor
monitor with with 16-bit 16-bit color; color; Adobe Adobe Acrobat Acrobat Reader Reader 5 5 or or higher higher recommended; recommended; full-color full-color scanning scanning requires requires an an additional
additional 50 50 MB MB hard hard disk disk space; space; Internet Internet access access recommended; recommended; For For PC PC systems:systems: any any Intel Intel Pentium Pentium II II or or Celeron Celeron processor
processor (Pentium (Pentium III III or or higher higher recommended); recommended); MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
® ®
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98SE 98SE or or ME ME for for express
express software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including
including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software; Software; 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM for for Windows Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, Me, Me, 2000 2000 Professional, Professional, and and XP XP (256 (256 MB
MB or or higher higher recommended recommended for for all all operating operating systems); systems); 855 855 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for full full software software installation
installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone software software (395 (395 MB MB for for basic basic software software installation installation and and HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Express
Express Software); Software); Microsoft Microsoft Internet Internet Explorer Explorer 5.01 5.01 or or higher; higher; Windows Windows 3.1, 3.1, 95, 95, NT NT 4.0, 4.0, or or DOS DOS are are not not supported;
supported; For For Mac Mac systems:systems: G3 G3 processor processor (G4 (G4 or or higher higher recommended); recommended); Mac Mac OS OS X X v v 10.1.5, 10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3
10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later later (does (does not not support support Mac Mac OS OS 9.0 9.0 and and earlier earlier or or OS OS X X v v 10.2, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.1, and and 10.2.2);
10.2.2); 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM (256 (256 MB MB or or higher higher recommended); recommended); 400 400 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for software software installation;
installation; HP HP Memories Memories Disc Disc Creator Creator software, software, requires requires CD CD Writer Writer and and 700 700 MB MB of of additional additional hard hard disk disk space; space; QuickTime
QuickTime 5.0 5.0 or or later; later; any any Web Web browserbrowser
Operating Operating EnvironmentEnvironment
Recommended Recommended Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 59 59 to to 90° 90° F F (15 (15 to to 32° 32° C); C); Storage Storage Range:Range: -40 -40 to to 140° 140° F F (-40 (-40 to to 60° 60° C);
C); Maximum Maximum Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 41 41 to to 104° 104° F, F, 5 5 to to 40° 40° C; C; Operating Operating Humidity:Humidity: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Humidity Humidity Recommended
Recommended Operating Operating Range: Range: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Storage Storage Humidity:Humidity: 20 20 to to 80% 80% RHRH
Operating Operating EnvironmentEnvironment
Recommended Recommended Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 59 59 to to 90° 90° F F (15 (15 to to 32° 32° C); C); Storage Storage Range:Range: -40 -40 to to 140° 140° F F (-40 (-40 to to 60° 60° C);
C); Maximum Maximum Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 41 41 to to 104° 104° F, F, 5 5 to to 40° 40° C; C; Operating Operating Humidity:Humidity: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Humidity Humidity Recommended
Recommended Operating Operating Range: Range: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Storage Storage Humidity:Humidity: 20 20 to to 80% 80% RHRH
Product Product Dimensions Dimensions MaximumMaximum
17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 16 16 in in (434 (434 x x 587 587 x x 406 406 mm)mm)
Product Product Dimensions Dimensions MaximumMaximum
17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 16 16 in in (434 (434 x x 587 587 x x 406 406 mm)mm)
Acoustic Acoustic Pressure Pressure Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 42 42 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 46 46 dB(A); dB(A); color color copy: copy: 41 41 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 45 45 dB(A);
dB(A); idle: idle: 21 21 dB(A)dB(A)
Acoustic Acoustic Pressure Pressure Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 42 42 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 46 46 dB(A); dB(A); color color copy: copy: 41 41 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 45 45 dB(A);
dB(A); idle: idle: 21 21 dB(A)dB(A)
US:US: 17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 17.1 17.1 x x 11.4 11.4 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up), up), Metric:Metric: 434 434 x x 587 587 x x 162
162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 434 434 x x 290 290 x x 162 162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up)/up)/US:US: 11.19 11.19 lb, lb, Metric:Metric: 5.08 5.08 kgkg
US:US: 17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 17.1 17.1 x x 11.4 11.4 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up), up), Metric:Metric: 434 434 x x 587 587 x x 162
162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 434 434 x x 290 290 x x 162 162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up)/up)/US:US: 11.19 11.19 lb, lb, Metric:Metric: 5.08 5.08 kgkg
Acoustic Acoustic Power Power Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 5.6 5.6 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 5.9 5.9 B(A); B(A); color color copy: copy: 5.4 5.4 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 5.7 5.7 B(A);
B(A); idle: idle: 3.3 3.3 B(A)B(A)
Acoustic Acoustic Power Power Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 5.6 5.6 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 5.9 5.9 B(A); B(A); color color copy: copy: 5.4 5.4 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 5.7 5.7 B(A);
B(A); idle: idle: 3.3 3.3 B(A)B(A)
Power Power
Type: Type: External; External; Power Power Supply Supply Required:Required: Input Input voltage voltage 90 90 to to 264 264 VAC, VAC, (+/- (+/- 10%), 10%), input input frequency frequency 47/63 47/63 Hz, Hz, (+/-
(+/- 3 3 Hz); Hz); Consumption:Consumption: 70 70 watts watts maximum maximum (35 (35 watts watts average, average, 7.5 7.5 watts watts standby)standby)
Power Power
Type: Type: External; External; Power Power Supply Supply Required:Required: Input Input voltage voltage 90 90 to to 264 264 VAC, VAC, (+/- (+/- 10%), 10%), input input frequency frequency 47/63 47/63 Hz, Hz, (+/-
(+/- 3 3 Hz); Hz); Consumption:Consumption: 70 70 watts watts maximum maximum (35 (35 watts watts average, average, 7.5 7.5 watts watts standby)standby)
This This printer printer and and its its replacement replacement cartridges cartridges are are designated designated for for sale sale in in North North America.America.
This This printer printer and and its its replacement replacement cartridges cartridges are are designated designated for for sale sale in in North North America.America.
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty warranty backed backed by by HP HP Customer Customer Care, Care, service service and and support; support; one-year one-year technical technical phone
phone support, support, plus plus a a toll-free toll-free number.number.
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty warranty backed backed by by HP HP Customer Customer Care, Care, service service and and support; support; one-year one-year technical technical phone
phone support, support, plus plus a a toll-free toll-free number.number.
Technical Technical specificationsspecifications
Print Print TechnologyTechnology
HP HP Thermal Thermal InkjetInkjet
Print Print ResolutionResolution
Black Black (best): (best): Print Print up up to to 1200-rendered 1200-rendered dpi dpi black black when when printing printing from from a a computer; computer; Color Color (best): (best): Up Up to to 4800 4800 x x 1200-optimized 1200-optimized dpi dpi color color when when printing printing from from a a computer computer and and 1200-input 1200-input dpi; dpi; Print
Print Resolution Resolution Technology: Technology: HP HP PhotoREt PhotoREt III III (PhotoREt (PhotoREt IV IV with with optional optional photo photo cartridge)cartridge)
Print Print SpeedSpeed
Black Black (draft; (draft; letter): letter): Up Up to to 18 18 ppm; ppm; Color Color (draft; (draft; letter):letter): Up Up to to 14 14 ppmppm
Print Print Languages Languages StandardStandard
Lightweight Lightweight Imaging Imaging Device Device Interface Interface Language Language (LIDIL)(LIDIL)
Printing Printing CapabilitiesCapabilities
Direct Direct Printing:Printing: Yes Yes with with Pictbridge Pictbridge cameras; cameras; Borderless Borderless Printing Printing Supported: Supported: Yes, Yes, 4 4 x x 6 6 in, in, 8.5 8.5 x x 11 11 in, in, A4A4
HP HP Real Real Life Life Technologies Technologies FeaturesFeatures
Auto Auto Red-Eye Red-Eye Removal, Removal, Adaptive Adaptive LightingLighting
Recommended Recommended Monthly Monthly Volume Volume (letter)(letter)
Copy Copy FeaturesFeatures
Number Number of of Copies Copies Maximum:Maximum: 50; 50; Copy Copy Scaling:Scaling: 50 50 to to 200% 200%
Copier Copier SettingsSettings
Stand-alone Stand-alone copying: copying: fit fit to to page, page, 100% 100% (with (with software: software: photo-size photo-size choices choices and and reduce/enlarge)reduce/enlarge)
Copy Copy ResolutionResolution
Black Black Text:Text: Up Up to to 600 600 dpi; dpi; Black Black Graphics:Graphics: Up Up to to 600 600 dpi; dpi; Color Color Graphics:Graphics: Up Up to to 4800 4800 x x 1200-optimized 1200-optimized dpi dpi color color copying copying on on HP HP Premium Premium Photo Photo Papers Papers and and 1200 1200 scan scan dpidpi
Copy Copy SpeedSpeed
Black:Black: Up Up to to 18 18 cpm; cpm; Color:Color: Up Up to to 14 14 cpmcpm
Scan Scan Type/Input Type/Input ModesModes
Type:Type: Flatbed; Flatbed; Technology:Technology: CIS; CIS; Input Input Modes:Modes: Front-panel Front-panel scan, scan, HP HP Director, Director, TWAIN; TWAIN; Bit Bit depth:depth: 48 48 bit; bit; Grayscale Grayscale Levels:Levels: 256; 256; Twain Twain version: version: 1.71.7
Scan Scan ResolutionResolution
Optical:Optical: 1200 1200 dpi; dpi; Hardware:Hardware: 1200 1200 x x 1200 1200 dpi; dpi; Enhanced:Enhanced: Up Up to to 19200 19200 dpi dpi enhanced enhanced (maximum (maximum dpi dpi is is limited limited by by available available computer computer memory, memory, disk disk space, space, and and other other system system factors)factors)
Scan Scan Size Size Maximum Maximum
US: US: 8.5 8.5 x x 11.7 11.7 in, in, Metric:Metric: 21.5 21.5 x x 29.7 29.7 cmcm
Output Output File File FormatFormat
PictBridge PictBridge support support for for JPEG JPEG onlyonly
1 1 USB, USB, 1 1 PictBridgePictBridge
Paper Paper Handling Handling
Input:Input: 100-sheet 100-sheet input input tray; tray; Input Input capacity: capacity: Up Up to to 100 100 US US letter/legal, letter/legal, Up Up to to 30 30 transparencies, transparencies, Up Up to to 20 20 labels, labels, Up Up to to 15 15 cards, cards, Up Up to to 10 10 envelopes; envelopes; Output Output capacity:capacity: Up Up to to 50 50 US US letter/legal; letter/legal; Up
Up to to 30 30 transparencies, transparencies, Up Up to to 20 20 labels, labels, Up Up 15 15 to to cards, cards, Up Up to to 10 10 envelopesenvelopes
Media Media TypesTypes
Paper Paper (plain, (plain, inkjet, inkjet, photo), photo), envelopes, envelopes, transparencies, transparencies, labels, labels, cards, cards, HP HP premium premium media, media, iron-on iron-on transfers, transfers, borderless borderless mediamedia
Media Media Sizes Sizes Standard Standard (US)(US)
Letter, Letter, legal, legal, executive, executive, cards, cards, A2, A2, panoramapanorama
Custom Custom Media Media SizesSizes
3 3 x x 5 5 to to 8.5 8.5 x x 14 14 inin
Media Media Weight Weight (US)(US)
US US letter: letter: 20 20 to to 24 24 lb; lb; legal: legal: 20 20 to to 24 24 lb; lb; envelopes: envelopes: 20 20 to to 24 24 lb; lb; cards: cards: up up to to 110 110 lb lb index index maximummaximum
Media Media Weight Weight Recommended Recommended
20 20 to to 24 24 lb lb (75 (75 to to 90 90 g/m2)g/m2)
Memory Memory
Standard/Maximum:Standard/Maximum: 8 8 MB MB ROM, ROM, 32 32 MB MB RAMRAM
Print Print speed speed may may vary vary depending depending on on the the type type of of output. output.
2 2
Letter Letter size size or or 4 4 x x 6 6 inches inches only. only. Maximum Maximum number number of of copies copies list list pertain pertain to to software software only. only. Stand-alone Stand-alone copying copying is is up up to to 9.9.
Compatible Compatible Operating Operating SystemSystem
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, or or ME ME for for basic basic software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software. Software. MacMac
OS OS X X v v 10.1.5,
10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3 10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later.later.
Minimum Minimum System System RequirementsRequirements
For For all all systems:systems: CD-ROM CD-ROM drive; drive; available available USB USB port port and and USB USB cable cable for for direct direct connection; connection; SVGA SVGA 800 800 x x 600 600 monitor
monitor with with 16-bit 16-bit color; color; Adobe Adobe Acrobat Acrobat Reader Reader 5 5 or or higher higher recommended; recommended; full-color full-color scanning scanning requires requires an an additional
additional 50 50 MB MB hard hard disk disk space; space; Internet Internet access access recommended; recommended; For For PC PC systems:systems: any any Intel Intel Pentium Pentium II II or or Celeron Celeron processor
processor (Pentium (Pentium III III or or higher higher recommended); recommended); MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
® ®
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98SE 98SE or or ME ME for for express
express software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including
including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software; Software; 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM for for Windows Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, Me, Me, 2000 2000 Professional, Professional, and and XP XP (256 (256 MB
MB or or higher higher recommended recommended for for all all operating operating systems); systems); 855 855 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for full full software software installation
installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone software software (395 (395 MB MB for for basic basic software software installation installation and and HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Express
Express Software); Software); Microsoft Microsoft Internet Internet Explorer Explorer 5.01 5.01 or or higher; higher; Windows Windows 3.1, 3.1, 95, 95, NT NT 4.0, 4.0, or or DOS DOS are are not not supported;
supported; For For Mac Mac systems:systems: G3 G3 processor processor (G4 (G4 or or higher higher recommended); recommended); Mac Mac OS OS X X v v 10.1.5, 10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3
10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later later (does (does not not support support Mac Mac OS OS 9.0 9.0 and and earlier earlier or or OS OS X X v v 10.2, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.1, and and 10.2.2);
10.2.2); 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM (256 (256 MB MB or or higher higher recommended); recommended); 400 400 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for software software installation;
installation; HP HP Memories Memories Disc Disc Creator Creator software, software, requires requires CD CD Writer Writer and and 700 700 MB MB of of additional additional hard hard disk disk space; space; QuickTime
QuickTime 5.0 5.0 or or later; later; any any Web Web browserbrowser
Operating Operating EnvironmentEnvironment
Recommended Recommended Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 59 59 to to 90° 90° F F (15 (15 to to 32° 32° C); C); Storage Storage Range:Range: -40 -40 to to 140° 140° F F (-40 (-40 to to 60° 60° C);
C); Maximum Maximum Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 41 41 to to 104° 104° F, F, 5 5 to to 40° 40° C; C; Operating Operating Humidity:Humidity: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Humidity Humidity Recommended
Recommended Operating Operating Range: Range: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Storage Storage Humidity:Humidity: 20 20 to to 80% 80% RHRH
Product Product Dimensions Dimensions MaximumMaximum
17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 16 16 in in (434 (434 x x 587 587 x x 406 406 mm)mm)
Acoustic Acoustic Pressure Pressure Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 42 42 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 46 46 dB(A); dB(A); color color copy: copy: 41 41 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 45 45 dB(A);
dB(A); idle: idle: 21 21 dB(A)dB(A)
US:US: 17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 17.1 17.1 x x 11.4 11.4 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up), up), Metric:Metric: 434 434 x x 587 587 x x 162
162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 434 434 x x 290 290 x x 162 162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up)/up)/US:US: 11.19 11.19 lb, lb, Metric:Metric: 5.08 5.08 kgkg
Acoustic Acoustic Power Power Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 5.6 5.6 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 5.9 5.9 B(A); B(A); color color copy: copy: 5.4 5.4 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 5.7 5.7 B(A);
B(A); idle: idle: 3.3 3.3 B(A)B(A)
Power Power
Type: Type: External; External; Power Power Supply Supply Required:Required: Input Input voltage voltage 90 90 to to 264 264 VAC, VAC, (+/- (+/- 10%), 10%), input input frequency frequency 47/63 47/63 Hz, Hz, (+/-
(+/- 3 3 Hz); Hz); Consumption:Consumption: 70 70 watts watts maximum maximum (35 (35 watts watts average, average, 7.5 7.5 watts watts standby)standby)
This This printer printer and and its its replacement replacement cartridges cartridges are are designated designated for for sale sale in in North North America.America.
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty warranty backed backed by by HP HP Customer Customer Care, Care, service service and and support; support; one-year one-year technical technical phone
phone support, support, plus plus a a toll-free toll-free number.number.
Compatible Compatible Operating Operating SystemSystem
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, or or ME ME for for basic basic software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software. Software. MacMac
OS OS X X v v 10.1.5,
10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3 10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later.later.
Compatible Compatible Operating Operating SystemSystem
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, or or ME ME for for basic basic software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software. Software. MacMac
OS OS X X v v 10.1.5,
10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3 10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later.later.
Minimum Minimum System System RequirementsRequirements
For For all all systems:systems: CD-ROM CD-ROM drive; drive; available available USB USB port port and and USB USB cable cable for for direct direct connection; connection; SVGA SVGA 800 800 x x 600 600 monitor
monitor with with 16-bit 16-bit color; color; Adobe Adobe Acrobat Acrobat Reader Reader 5 5 or or higher higher recommended; recommended; full-color full-color scanning scanning requires requires an an additional
additional 50 50 MB MB hard hard disk disk space; space; Internet Internet access access recommended; recommended; For For PC PC systems:systems: any any Intel Intel Pentium Pentium II II or or Celeron Celeron processor
processor (Pentium (Pentium III III or or higher higher recommended); recommended); MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
® ®
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98SE 98SE or or ME ME for for express
express software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including
including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software; Software; 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM for for Windows Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, Me, Me, 2000 2000 Professional, Professional, and and XP XP (256 (256 MB
MB or or higher higher recommended recommended for for all all operating operating systems); systems); 855 855 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for full full software software installation
installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone software software (395 (395 MB MB for for basic basic software software installation installation and and HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Express
Express Software); Software); Microsoft Microsoft Internet Internet Explorer Explorer 5.01 5.01 or or higher; higher; Windows Windows 3.1, 3.1, 95, 95, NT NT 4.0, 4.0, or or DOS DOS are are not not supported;
supported; For For Mac Mac systems:systems: G3 G3 processor processor (G4 (G4 or or higher higher recommended); recommended); Mac Mac OS OS X X v v 10.1.5, 10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3
10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later later (does (does not not support support Mac Mac OS OS 9.0 9.0 and and earlier earlier or or OS OS X X v v 10.2, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.1, and and 10.2.2);
10.2.2); 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM (256 (256 MB MB or or higher higher recommended); recommended); 400 400 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for software software installation;
installation; HP HP Memories Memories Disc Disc Creator Creator software, software, requires requires CD CD Writer Writer and and 700 700 MB MB of of additional additional hard hard disk disk space; space; QuickTime
QuickTime 5.0 5.0 or or later; later; any any Web Web browserbrowser
Minimum Minimum System System RequirementsRequirements
For For all all systems:systems: CD-ROM CD-ROM drive; drive; available available USB USB port port and and USB USB cable cable for for direct direct connection; connection; SVGA SVGA 800 800 x x 600 600 monitor
monitor with with 16-bit 16-bit color; color; Adobe Adobe Acrobat Acrobat Reader Reader 5 5 or or higher higher recommended; recommended; full-color full-color scanning scanning requires requires an an additional
additional 50 50 MB MB hard hard disk disk space; space; Internet Internet access access recommended; recommended; For For PC PC systems:systems: any any Intel Intel Pentium Pentium II II or or Celeron Celeron processor
processor (Pentium (Pentium III III or or higher higher recommended); recommended); MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
® ®
2000 2000 Professional, Professional, XP, XP, 98, 98, 98SE 98SE or or ME ME for for express
express software software installation; installation; MicrosoftMicrosoft
2000 2000 Professional Professional or or XP XP for for full full software software installation installation including
including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Software; Software; 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM for for Windows Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, Me, Me, 2000 2000 Professional, Professional, and and XP XP (256 (256 MB
MB or or higher higher recommended recommended for for all all operating operating systems); systems); 855 855 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for full full software software installation
installation including including HP HP Image Image Zone Zone software software (395 (395 MB MB for for basic basic software software installation installation and and HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Express
Express Software); Software); Microsoft Microsoft Internet Internet Explorer Explorer 5.01 5.01 or or higher; higher; Windows Windows 3.1, 3.1, 95, 95, NT NT 4.0, 4.0, or or DOS DOS are are not not supported;
supported; For For Mac Mac systems:systems: G3 G3 processor processor (G4 (G4 or or higher higher recommended); recommended); Mac Mac OS OS X X v v 10.1.5, 10.1.5, 10.2.3 10.2.3 and and later, later, 10.3
10.3 and and later; later; Mac Mac OS OS 9.1 9.1 and and later later (does (does not not support support Mac Mac OS OS 9.0 9.0 and and earlier earlier or or OS OS X X v v 10.2, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.1, and and 10.2.2);
10.2.2); 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM (256 (256 MB MB or or higher higher recommended); recommended); 400 400 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space for for software software installation;
installation; HP HP Memories Memories Disc Disc Creator Creator software, software, requires requires CD CD Writer Writer and and 700 700 MB MB of of additional additional hard hard disk disk space; space; QuickTime
QuickTime 5.0 5.0 or or later; later; any any Web Web browserbrowser
Operating Operating EnvironmentEnvironment
Recommended Recommended Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 59 59 to to 90° 90° F F (15 (15 to to 32° 32° C); C); Storage Storage Range:Range: -40 -40 to to 140° 140° F F (-40 (-40 to to 60° 60° C);
C); Maximum Maximum Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 41 41 to to 104° 104° F, F, 5 5 to to 40° 40° C; C; Operating Operating Humidity:Humidity: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Humidity Humidity Recommended
Recommended Operating Operating Range: Range: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Storage Storage Humidity:Humidity: 20 20 to to 80% 80% RHRH
Operating Operating EnvironmentEnvironment
Recommended Recommended Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 59 59 to to 90° 90° F F (15 (15 to to 32° 32° C); C); Storage Storage Range:Range: -40 -40 to to 140° 140° F F (-40 (-40 to to 60° 60° C);
C); Maximum Maximum Operating Operating Temperature:Temperature: 41 41 to to 104° 104° F, F, 5 5 to to 40° 40° C; C; Operating Operating Humidity:Humidity: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Humidity Humidity Recommended
Recommended Operating Operating Range: Range: 15 15 to to 85% 85% RH; RH; Storage Storage Humidity:Humidity: 20 20 to to 80% 80% RHRH
Product Product Dimensions Dimensions MaximumMaximum
17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 16 16 in in (434 (434 x x 587 587 x x 406 406 mm)mm)
Product Product Dimensions Dimensions MaximumMaximum
17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 16 16 in in (434 (434 x x 587 587 x x 406 406 mm)mm)
Acoustic Acoustic Pressure Pressure Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 42 42 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 46 46 dB(A); dB(A); color color copy: copy: 41 41 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 45 45 dB(A);
dB(A); idle: idle: 21 21 dB(A)dB(A)
Acoustic Acoustic Pressure Pressure Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 42 42 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 46 46 dB(A); dB(A); color color copy: copy: 41 41 dB(A); dB(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 45 45 dB(A);
dB(A); idle: idle: 21 21 dB(A)dB(A)
US:US: 17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 17.1 17.1 x x 11.4 11.4 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up), up), Metric:Metric: 434 434 x x 587 587 x x 162
162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 434 434 x x 290 290 x x 162 162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up)/up)/US:US: 11.19 11.19 lb, lb, Metric:Metric: 5.08 5.08 kgkg
US:US: 17.1 17.1 x x 23.1 23.1 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 17.1 17.1 x x 11.4 11.4 x x 6.4 6.4 in in (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up), up), Metric:Metric: 434 434 x x 587 587 x x 162
162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray down), down), 434 434 x x 290 290 x x 162 162 mm mm (paper (paper tray tray folded folded up)/up)/US:US: 11.19 11.19 lb, lb, Metric:Metric: 5.08 5.08 kgkg
Acoustic Acoustic Power Power Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 5.6 5.6 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 5.9 5.9 B(A); B(A); color color copy: copy: 5.4 5.4 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 5.7 5.7 B(A);
B(A); idle: idle: 3.3 3.3 B(A)B(A)
Acoustic Acoustic Power Power Emissions Emissions (active)(active)
Color Color printing: printing: 5.6 5.6 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white normal: normal: 5.9 5.9 B(A); B(A); color color copy: copy: 5.4 5.4 B(A); B(A); black-and-white black-and-white copy: copy: 5.7 5.7 B(A);
B(A); idle: idle: 3.3 3.3 B(A)B(A)
Power Power
Type: Type: External; External; Power Power Supply Supply Required:Required: Input Input voltage voltage 90 90 to to 264 264 VAC, VAC, (+/- (+/- 10%), 10%), input input frequency frequency 47/63 47/63 Hz, Hz, (+/-
(+/- 3 3 Hz); Hz); Consumption:Consumption: 70 70 watts watts maximum maximum (35 (35 watts watts average, average, 7.5 7.5 watts watts standby)standby)
Power Power
Type: Type: External; External; Power Power Supply Supply Required:Required: Input Input voltage voltage 90 90 to to 264 264 VAC, VAC, (+/- (+/- 10%), 10%), input input frequency frequency 47/63 47/63 Hz, Hz, (+/-
(+/- 3 3 Hz); Hz); Consumption:Consumption: 70 70 watts watts maximum maximum (35 (35 watts watts average, average, 7.5 7.5 watts watts standby)standby)
This This printer printer and and its its replacement replacement cartridges cartridges are are designated designated for for sale sale in in North North America.America.
This This printer printer and and its its replacement replacement cartridges cartridges are are designated designated for for sale sale in in North North America.America.
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty warranty backed backed by by HP HP Customer Customer Care, Care, service service and and support; support; one-year one-year technical technical phone
phone support, support, plus plus a a toll-free toll-free number.number.
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty warranty backed backed by by HP HP Customer Customer Care, Care, service service and and support; support; one-year one-year technical technical phone
phone support, support, plus plus a a toll-free toll-free number.number.
Product Product Number: Number: Q5883A Q5883A
HP HP is is a a registered registered trademark trademark of of the the Hewlett Hewlett Packard Packard Company. Company. All All other other trademarks trademarks are are the the property property of of their their respective respective owners. owners. Microsoft Microsoft is is a a registered registered trademark trademark of
of Microsoft Microsoft Inc. Inc. Windows Windows is is a a registered registered trademark trademark of of Microsoft Microsoft Inc. Inc. This This listing listing of of non-HP non-HP products products does does not not constitute constitute an an endorsement endorsement by by Hewlett Hewlett Packard Packard Company.
Company. ©2005 ©2005 Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Development Development Company, Company, L.P.The L.P.The information information contained contained herin herin is is ubject ubject to to change change without without notice notice and and is is provides provides "as "as is" is" without without warranty
warranty of of any any kind. kind. HP HP shall shall not not be be liable liable for for technical technical or or editorial editorial errors errors or or omisions omisions contained contained herein.herein.
For For more more information information visit visit our our website website at at www.hp.comwww.hp.com
5983-1557ENUC, 5983-1557ENUC, 03/15/200503/15/2005