Easy-Cut – A New Generation of
General Purpose Bandsaw Blades from Bahco
Easy-Cut – We have named our new generation of general
purpose band saw blades Easy-Cut for a very simple reason;
it really does make metal cutting easy.
Whether you’re cutting ferrous or non-ferrous materials, solids,
pipes, profiles or bundles, Easy-Cut is the blade for you. No
longer need you worry about teeth per inch, tooth type or set,
just choose the blade according to your work-piece size -
small, medium or large. It really is that easy.
Why is it so easy? We have developed a unique, innovative
tooth design which allows a much wider operating range than
a conventional tooth type. This means that the same blade will
cut a much wider range of materials and shapes;
Saving you money
Saving you time
Easy to Cut
Our patented revolutionary tooth design enables Easy-Cut to
cut a whole variety of materials, including:
• Mild steel, Stainless Steel and Tool Steel
• Non-ferrous materials, including aluminium, copper, brass
and even plastics
And also many different shapes:
3857-13-0.6-EZ-S 13 x 0.6
3857-13-0.6-EZ-M 13 x 0.6
3857-13-0.6-EZ-L 13 x 0.6
3857-20-0.9-EZ-S 20 x 0.9
3857-20-0.9-EZ-M 20 x 0.9
3857-20-0.9-EZ-L 20 x 0.9
3857-27-0.9-EZ-S 27 x 0.9
3857-27-0.9-EZ-M 27 x 0.9
3857-27-0.9-EZ-L 27 x 0.9
3857-34-1.1-EZ-S 34 x 1.1
3857-34-1.1-EZ-M 34 x 1.1
3857-34-1.1-EZ-L 34 x 1.1
Order Code Blade Size Material Size
Width x Thickness 1mm 2mm 3mm 5mm 10mm 20mm 30mm 40mm 50mm 75mm 100mm 150mm 200mm
Within any size range Small = Good surface finish Medium = Good band life Large = Speed of cut
EASY-CUT – Cutting Data
all without changing the blade!
But Easy-Cut’s strength is not just in it’s versatility, the new
tooth design means it is strong and resistant to tooth
stripping. M42 tooth tips give good heat resistance and
ensure maximum performance.
Easy to Order
There is no need to know what type of machine you use, what
material you are cutting or what shape the material is. All we
need to know is the blade length, the thickness and whether
you are cutting Small (S), Medium (M) or Large (L) work-
pieces (see table below).
It couldn’t be easier! Easy-Cut.