Getting started
Last updated 9/20/2013
5 From the Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) page, locate the AMI in the Community AMI pane and click Select.
Optionally, you can search for the AMI ID and locate the AMI.
6 On the Instance Details screen, do the following and click Continue:
• Enter the number of instances.
• Select the Availability Zone of the server hosting the instance.
• Select the Instance Type.
The instance type determines the number of RTMFP connections that the server supports. See “Supported Flash
Media Server features” on page 21. The instance type also determines the pricing.
• Leave Launch Instances selected.
Note: Adobe Media Server on Amazon Web Services does not support Spot Instances or Virtual Private Clouds (VPC).
7 On the Advanced Instance Options screen, do the following and click Continue:
• Select the default Kernel ID.
• Select the default RAM Disk ID.
• You can optionally enable CloudWatch Monitoring. CouldWatch Monitoring may incur additional charges.
• You can optionally copy a shell script to the User Data field. The shell script runs when the instance launches.
See “Using Amazon Simple Storage Solution (S3) to store content” on page 35.
8 Adobe Media Server does not require that you add any tags. However, you may choose to add tags. Use the value
of the Name tag to identify the instance in the AWS Management Console, for example, you could the Name value
to My First AMS Instance. Click Continue.
9 Do one of the following to choose a Key Pair, and click Continue:
• If you’ve already created a key pair, you can Select Choose from your existing Key Pairs. Select a key pair from
the drop-down list. You can use one key pair for an unlimited number of instances.
• Select Create a new Key Pair. Enter a name for the key pair. Click Create & Download your Key Pair. Save the
.pem file to a safe place on your computer and click Continue.
From the Amazon documentation, “A key pair is a security credential similar to a password, which you use to
securely connect to your instance once it's running. If you're new to Amazon EC2 and haven't created any key pairs
yet, when the wizard displays the Create Key Pair page, the Create a new Key Pair button is selected by default.” For
general information about key pairs, see
Using Public Keys for Authentication.
10 Select Create a new Security Group. A Security Group is a firewall. Do the following to define how clients can
connect to the instance:
Note: If you’ve already defined a Security Group for Adobe Media Server instances, you can select it. You can use one
Security Group for an unlimited number of instances. When an instance is running, you cannot change the Security
Group it belongs to. However, you can modify the rules of a Security Group at any time.
a Select HTTP from the pop-up menu and click Add Rule.
b Select SSH from the pop-up menu and click Add Rule.