Leymus arenarius ‘Blue Dune’
Lyme Grass
Exceptional color for the hot summer landscape- even better color in the cooler parts of the season! This
ornamental grass is a beach gardener’s dream!
Hardiness Zones – USDA 4-9
Sun Exposure/ Watering- prefers a dry, sunny location.
Mature Plant Size- 2’ tall grass, 3’ tall with it’s seed heads/flowers.
Bloom Period – wheat colored plumes mid to late Summer
Growing Tips – very drought tolerant, slow release fertilizer is best, hardy to sandy & salty soil
Uses: beds, borders, hillside gardening, controls erosion, tall groundcover
Caring for Leymus – rather low maintenance. Make sure it is sited in a well-drained location. Will
fill in large areas quickly- very vigorous growing.
Pests & Problems of Leymus - can rot if sited too wet