infor mation that y ou m ust kno w that is not
included in the CEN standard.
• Engine exhaust contains carbon mono xide ,
whic h is an odorless , deadly poison that can
kill y ou. Do not r un engine indoors or in an
enclosed area.
• K ee p hands , feet, hair and loose clothing a w a y
from attac hment disc harg e area, underside of
mo w er and any mo ving par ts while engine is
r unning .
• Do not touc h equipment or attac hment par ts
whic h ma y be hot from operation. Allo w to
cool before attempting to maintain, adjust, or
ser vice .
• Batter y acid is poisonous and can cause bur ns .
A v oid contact with skin, eyes and clothing .
Protect y our face , eyes , and clothing when
w orking with a batter y .
• Batter y g ases can explode . K ee p cig arettes ,
sparks , and flames a w a y from batter y .
• Use only g en uine T oro re placement par ts to
ensure that original standards are maintained.
• Use only T oro-appro v ed attac hments .
Slope Operation
• Do not mo w slopes g reater than 15 deg rees .
• Do not mo w near drop-offs , ditc hes , stee p
banks , or w ater . W heels dropping o v er edg es
can cause rollo v ers , whic h ma y result in serious
injur y , death, or dro wning .
• Do not mo w slopes when g rass is w et. Slipper y
conditions reduce traction and could cause
sliding and loss of control.
• Do not mak e sudden tur ns or rapid speed
c hang es .
• Use a w alk behind mo w er and/or a hand
trimmer near drop-offs , ditc hes , stee p banks ,
or w ater .
• R educe speed and use extreme caution on
slopes .
• R emo v e or mark obstacles suc h as roc ks , tree
limbs , etc . from mo wing area. T all g rass can
hide obstacles .
• W atc h for ditc hes , holes , roc ks dips , and rises
that c hang e the operating angle , as rough
ter rain could o v er tur n the mac hine .
• A v oid sudden star ts when mo wing uphill
because the mo w er ma y tip bac kw ards .
• Be a w are that loss of traction ma y occur g oing
do wnhill. W eight transfer to the front wheels
ma y cause dri v e wheels to slip and cause loss
of braking and steering .
• Alw a ys a v oid sudden star ting or stopping on
a slope . If tires lose traction, diseng ag e the
blades and proceed slo wly off the slope .
• F ollo w the man ufacturer’ s recommendations
for wheel w eights or counterw eights to
impro v e stability .
• Use extreme care with g rass catc hers or other
attac hments . T hese can c hang e the stability of
the mac hine and cause loss of control.
Sound Pressure
T his unit has an equi v alent contin uous A-w eighted
sound pressure lev el at the operator ear of 87 dB A,
based on measurements of identical mac hines per
EN 11094 and EN 836.
Sound Power
T his unit has an equi v alent contin uous A-w eighted
sound po w er lev el at the operator ear of 100 dB A,
based on measurements of identical mac hines per
EN 11094.
T his unit has an equi v alent contin uous A-w eighted
hand/ar m vibration lev el of 4.66 m/s
, based on
measurements of identical mac hines per EN 1033.
T his unit has an equi v alent contin uous A-w eighted
whole body vibration lev el of .14 m/s
, based on
measurements of identical mac hines per EN 1032.