Bar’s Products, 10386 N. Holly Rd., Holly MI 48442 USA
E-mail: info
roducts.com Web: www.barsleaks.com Phone:
P/N 1400
How does Bar’s Leaks Transmission Repair work?
After time, transmission seals tend to dry out and shrink and internal parts become worn. Bar’s Leaks
Transmission Repair reduces rough shifting and friction, while eliminating slip, controlling temperature,
and repairing shudder, chatter and whining. Premium high mileage formula restores transmission
Will Bar’s Leaks Transmission Repair work in all types of transmission fluid?
Yes, Bar’s Leaks Transmission Repair is formulated to work in all types of transmission fluid. Use in
regular automatic transmissions. Do not use in CVT transmissions.
How much do I install?
One bottle of Bar’s Leaks Transmission Repair, 16 oz. part number 1400, treats 8 to 12 quarts of
transmission fluid.
If first application does not completely stop my problem, may I add another bottle?
In transmissions with seriously damaged components a second treatment may be required. In this
case, it is suggested that the transmission fluid and filter be changed and a second application of
Transmission Repair be added.
If I install more than the required amount, will it work faster or better?
No, we have formulated our product to work best at the suggested dosage amount.
How long does it take to start working?
Bar’s Leaks Transmission Repair starts working the minute you install and start driving the vehicle.
You will usually see results in about 100 miles or two (2) days of driving.