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We have faith in the strengths of our sales partners, and
they trust in the presence and support of a strong brand.
suCCEss BOnds And
rEinFOrCEs An AlrEAdy
strOng PArtnErshiP
Teamwork is one of the key pillars of our corporate
philosophy. It‘s an approach that we systematically
put into practice with our partners via a purely indirect
sales model, and its strengths and value are being
confirmed by success in the marketplace.
To make marketing as effective as possible, we sup-
port our partners with a tailor-made service and highly
communicative POS solutions which make the day-to-
day of selling as simple and efficient as possible.
We are always in close contact and we put everything
in place with a view to developing a trusting, success-
ful partnership.
Robert Boltendahl
Head of B2C Sales, Toshiba Europe GmbH
lEAding thE WAy With
BrAnd QuAlity FOr
mOrE thAn 120 yEArs
Innovation is the driving force behind our success –
particularly in the lighting sector, where Toshiba laid the
foundations for its current strength over 120 years ago.
Light continues to be our passion – now in the shape
of highly efficient E-CORE LEDs. With their incom-
parable quality, they guarantee ideal lighting as well
as highly satisfied customers. There are good reasons
for this demand, given that the properties of Toshiba‘s
LEDs speak for themselves.
• more than 80 % power saving
• high quality for light
• more than 10 years lifespan*
• no new costly installation is requested
See for yourself the expertise and technical sales
support we can offer you to help us both succeed in
this growing market!
Our speciality: perfect products with outstanding light quality.
Our customers: loyal to the brand and glowing with enthusiasm.
* considering 3 average burning hours/day