Page 5For technical questions, please call 1-888-866-5797.Item 62663
8. Remove the 500 Grit Abrasive Disc.
Attach and center a 800 Grit Abrasive
Disc to the Disc Pad Holder.
9. Sand lens using medium to light pressure to reduce
sanding scratches from a 500 to a 800 grit scratch.
When the Disc is clogged or no longer sands
effectively, replace with a new 800 Grit Abrasive
Disc. Make several passes over the entire lens to
reduce the 500 grit scratches to 800 grit scratches.
10. Wipe the lens. The scratches shoud be
finer. If any coarse scratches are visible,
continue sanding with the 800 Grit Abrasive
Disc until coarse scratches are reduced.
Note: Extra sanding on this step will make the next step
easier and improve the final clarity of the headlight lens.
11. Remove the 800 Grit Abrasive Disc.
Attach and center a 3000 Grit Abrasive
Disc to the Disc Holder Pad.
Figure E
12. Using a spray bottle, apply enough water to
dampen both the 3000 Grit Abrasive Disc and
the lens surface before sanding. The 3000 Grit
Abrasive Disc can be used flat against the lens.
13. Sand lens using medium to light pressure to reduce
the 800 grit scratches to 3000 grit scratches. Mist
the surface with water if it dries out during sanding.
14. On many lenses, a white residue or slurry will build
up on the lens, indicating that the sand scratches
are reducing. Continue with 4-6 passes over the
lens after the white residue or slurry first appears
on the lens surface. If the lens does not produce
a white slurry, make 10-12 passes on the lens.
Note: Extra sanding on this step will make the next
step easier and improve the final clarity of the lens.
CAUTION: Avoid sharp edges or allignment pins on
the lens to extend the life of the discs as this one
disc will be used to for any additional lenses.
15. Wipe the lens. The scratches should be
much finer and the lens should appear
somewhat clear. If any coarse scratches are
visible, mist the area with water and continue
sanding with the 3000 Grit Abrasive Disc.
16. Remove the 3000 Grit Abrasive Disc.
Attach and center the orange Foam
Polishing Pad to the Disc Pad Holder.
17. Dispense a dime-sized amount of Polishing
Compound to the orange Foam Polishing Pad.
Before turning the drill on, smear the polish with the
orange Foam Polishing Pad around the lens. This
will reduce spatter. Too much Polishing Compound
with result in excessive spatter and added clean-
up. Do not run the Foam Polishing Pad dry.
Figure F
18. Holding the Polishing Pad flat on the lens, polish
the lens until the cloudy haze is gone and the clarity
is significantly improved. If additional clarity is
needed or desired, add another dime-sized amount
of Polishing Compound and continue buffing.
19. If sanding scratches are still visible
on lens, repeat steps 11-18.
20. Remove the masking tape and wipe the lens
using a clean HFT microfiber detail cloth (sold
separately). Wash any residual spatter from the
vehicle using car wash soap and a soft, clean cloth.
Figure G