................................................. ,,,,, ,,,,,HH ,|,, I , ,,,,, , , ,,I --
I. Always wear eye protectionwhen operating, se_icing.
or performing maimenance on your unit.
2. Keep hair. fingers, and all otherparts of thebody av,W
from openings aM moving parts. AIv,-ayswear heavy,
longpants, boots,and gloves.Do not go barefootorwear
sandals, jewelry, short pants, loose clothing, or cloth-
ing with loosely hanging straps, ties. tassels, etc.: they
can be caught in movingparts. Secure hair so it is above
shoulder length. Being fully _red will help protect
you from pieces of toxic plants (such as poison ivy)
thrown by the TrimmerHead, which could be more of.
a hazard than touching the plant itself.
3. Donot_a-at_ thistoolwhea_a areti_, in,ortraderthe
influenc_ of alcohol, drugs,or uxxlication,
- 4. Alwa_ use the assist han01e.See 'l_ssembly?'
5. Wearhearing protoctionifyouuse thistoolfor more than
A ¢U'/T/NG_
1, hspect thearea tobe cut hefore eachuse. 1_ _]ects
(rocks,brokenghss. nails,wir_ string,e_)whichcanbe
• rowa or b_om_ entaaglddia the trimmer head.
2. Keepothers including children, animals, bys_gters, and
hejpersoutsidethe60 footHazardZone.Stoptheengine
immediately if y0u are ap_oached.
3. Alwayslmepthe¢r,gineontherlghtskleofyourhedy.
4. Holdthetoolfirmlywithboth_
5. Do not _ or use from unsm_ surfaces such as
ladders,trees, steep slopcg _ etc. Use exwacare
whendeaningonstairwa_ Keepfirm_andbalance
at alltimes,
6. Keeptrimawa"headbdowwaistl_vel.
7. Do notraise _',,€engimabovcyour _ist, Theuimn_ head
cancorr_ 0aagenmsty close toy0ur body. "
muffler whentheen#ne isrunning.
1½ hoursper day,
6.Nevtrstartornmtheergir_ihsid_$aclosedmomorbu_d- " ...... 9. Use only forjob_ cxplained in thismamiaL
ing. Bri_athiagexhaustfumescanldll. A _AL_S_L.Ik"Jg_,
7. Keep handles freeofoil and fuel.
I. Inspect entire tool beforeeach use. Replace damaged
parts. Check for fitelleaks and make sure all handles.
guaM.s,and'fasteners ace in place and securely Fastened.
2. Replace trimmer head parts thatare cracked, chipped,
brola.m,ordamaged inanyother waybeforeusingthe tool
3. Useonly .080" diameterSears Laser Line.. Never use
wire, rope, string, etc.
4. Be sure the shield is properly attached.
_5.Useo_ thespech_uimmerhead.S_ _"
Make sure ff_ _immer headis properly instal|edand
fastened. Referto "Assembly"
6. Be.surethe trimmerheadstops turningwhen engineidles.
See "CarburetorAdjustments."
7.Mal_ carhuct_adjusanentswiththedriveshaRhousing
supported topreventthe trimmerline floracontacting any
objecLHoldthetoolbyhand;.do notusetheoptional
8. Xeq,othmmwywhenma_ c_-bum__justm_as.
-9; Use onty accessor_r a_achmeatsas recom_aded for
this toot bySear_
& FI,'I SAggrl"
!. Move at least 10feetawayfrom fueliegsit_ before smrt-
iag engifie.
2. Useacontainer_ forfuel.
3. Do notsmok_orallowsmokiagnearfuelor thetool or
•"-6_Run fuelout of thefiwJsystem before storing the tool.
"7. Storetoolandfuelinanmeawherefuelvaixxscannotreach
sparksor open flamesfromwater heaters, electric motors
or switches, furnaces, etc.
l. Maintaia thetoolaccordingto_ procedures.
Keep the trimmerline at the proper length.
2. Neverstart theenginewith theclutch shrtod remove. The
clutchcan fly.apartandcause serious'injury.
3. _ thesparkplugheforeperfom_ maht_mnce
exceptfor _r adj_ts.
4. Make carburetor adjustments with the driveshaftho_ing
supported toprevent the trimmerline from cotaacting any
object. Hold the tool by hand; do not use the optional
shoulder strap for support.
5. Keep others away when making carburv,or adjumnents.
6_ L]_ o_ly genuine tep!___t rm_q__ recom_men.'!,_o5
7. Have all maintenance and service not explained in
this manual performed by your Sears Service Center/
L _____m_k_
t_ _<,It_r_ _ ina_el_deor_a_
3. Beforestming thetool, useup fitelleftinthe fuel lines and
carbu_ bystarting theengine and lettiagitrununtil it
4. _ofe rodand furlinan area _ fuetwapotscannommch
sparksor openflamesfromwater heaters,electric motors
orswitches,farnac_ etc.
5. Store the tooIsutheline limitercannotaccidentallycaase
injury. The toolcanbe huagbythe drivesha_ h_ing or
6. Storetool outofreach ofchildren.
lf si_at_ns ocrurw_,ch are not co_eredln _ts _mml, _se
care and good _¢men_ Contaa your Sea_ _er_ce
C.ntedt_ i_youneed asslstimce.
I _ to,'bratlonsthr_agh_,o!on_ useor__,hand _ .c_.dcau_blood vessdornervedamagem_ _
I ott t ,