Operating In,strucdon
Sleep Mode
Press the Sieep Mode Auto bu_on to set the time
you want the unit to turn off aut_atJcalliy.
_e Timer is programm_ in on_h_r increments
by pressing the SIl_p M_e Auto b,_on 1 to 7
The sleep mode is avai_ab4efor 1_o7 times, To
a_ the time _riod in steps of 1 hour,press the
Sl_p Mode Butto_ whi_eaiming at air cond_io.n_
3. Make sure 't_ Sleep.M_ie Auto LED lights up..
To _nsel the Sleep Mode, press the s_ep M_e
Auto bu_on s@ver'_ time_ untii the star
(_ ) disappears from the o_ra_on display.
TheSleep Mode wilt be o_rat_ a,tslow fan
speed (c_tin9) or medium fan.sp_ (heat
pump only) for quiet sleeping,
The tem_ratu!re wililauto,mati_lly rise by
2.0°F ('1"C)overth_ next 30 minutes and by
i4.0'_F(2'_C)in 1 hour for comfo_ble sleeping.
Setting the Time
1.Time can _ set _ly when you have pre<_ed
the Reset button. If you have just replacedthe
batter,s, the Reset button sh_ld bepressed to
resetthe time.
Press the Sta_'Stop bu_on.
2. Press the Time Setting _ons until the d_ired
time is set,
3. Pressthe Timer S_ bu_on.
Check the indicator for A_M, and P.M,
Delay Start/P're-Set Stop
1.Make sure the time is set corr_y on the rem_e
contr_ dis#ay,
4. Pros the se_,ed on/off _ing by
pressing the _me SET bu_on while
aiming the remote control at the signa! r_eptor,
2. P'ress_e ON/OFF Tiim_
bu_ons:to turn Timer on o_off.
3. P're_ the _me Se'_ng
buttons;until the ,d_ir_
time isset,
To cancel the timer s,eUing
Press the Tim_ Canal button while
__,_ aiming remote co,ntro_at the signaJ
(The timer lampon the air conditioner and
the ,displaywilligo o,_.)
_l_t one of the following four typ_ of o,_ration,
Delay O.NTimer DelayOFF and OiNTimer Del_ ON and OFFTimer
Room Air Conditioner