
Wateday EC-CTB-4186 User manual

  • I have reviewed the user manual for the table. This document provides a detailed list of components and step-by-step instructions for assembling your new table. I'm ready to answer any questions you may have regarding the assembly process or any other aspect of the document.
  • What should I do before assembling the table?
    Can I return the table after assembling?
    Where should I place the parts during assembly?
Important Note:
*Place all parts on a clean and smooth surface such as
a rug or carpet to avoid the parts from being scratched.
*Kindly follow the assembly instruction step by step.
*Don't tighten all screws until the table is fully set-up.
Please inspect all items carefully before assembling.
If for any reason you need to return this
item, you must return it in its original packaging.
Assembled items can not be returned.