User ManualPart II14
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A aching ProGrip to
Your Smartphone
Checking ProGrip’s Ba ery
Power Level
Align your smartphone to the center
of the clamp, indicated by the
markings on the clamp arms
Push down the lower arm with your
smartphone to open up the clamp
Push your smartphone into the top
arm and release the clamp to secure
To release your smartphone from
ProGrip, open the clamp and remove
your smartphone
Press the shu er bu on on ProGrip.
The blinking blue LED indicates
pairing mode is ac ve.
Turn on the bluetooth pairing
on your smartphone and select
“Shi Cam ProGrip” to pair
A solid blue LED light indicates
successful pairing
Click and shoot on your mobile using
the shu er bu on
Press the bluetooth bu on and hold
for 3 seconds to reset bluetooth
Blue LED light will start blinking,
indica ng bluetooth is in pairing
The shu er bu on mirrors the func ons
of the camera bu on of your phone’s
primary camera app. Short press to take
photo, long press to take burst/video
Double-press the Charging Bu on
White LED lights will turn off ,
indica ng that charging func on has
been turned off
To a ach ProGrip to your smartphone:
Connec ng to Bluetooth Shu er
To connect bluetooth shu er:
To reset bluetooth:
To turn off USB-C charging func on: Note: For smaller phone models with
width <75mm, add the Rubber In-Lay
A achments included in packaging onto
the inside of the clamp to secure.
Sleep Mode: A er 15 mins without
pressing the shu er bu on, ProGrip will
enter sleep mode. To reac vate, press
the shu er bu on once
The white LED lights on ProGrip
indicates its ba ery level
To check ProGrip’s ba ery level:
Press the Charging Bu on, LED light
indica ng power level will appear
Hand Strap
To a ach Hand Strap
Feed the end of the nylon strap from
bo om up through the Hand Strap
Loop, then feed the nylon strap back
into the plas c buckle
Adjust length by pulling the nylon
strings against the plas c buckles on
top and bo om of the Hand Strap
Place the Hand Strap A achment on
the bo om of ProGrip aligned with
openings, screw in knob to secure
Cold Shoe Mount
Moun ng Accessories using Cold Shoe
Mount / Cold Shoe Mount Adapter
Open the fl ap covering the Cold
Shoe Slot on top of ProGrip
Place the Cold Shoe Mount above
the opening then screw in knob to
To adjust the angle in which the
accessory faces, add-on the rotatable
¼” Tripod Screw
Screw in to a ach accessories into
the ¼” screw thread on the bo om of
Cold Shoe Mount Adapter by sliding
it into the mount
A ach accessories of your choice to
the Cold Shoe Mount / Cold Shoe
Mount Adapter accordingly