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Report No. 78703
TRF No.:IECEN60950_1B
Summary of testing:
Tested according to national requirements
for the following countries:
All CENELEC members as listed in EN 60950-1:2001.
All CB members countries listed in CB Bulletin No. 110A,
dated June 2006 as follows: Argentina (AR), Austria (AT),
Australia (AU), Belgium (BE), Canada (CA), Switzerland
(CH), China (CN), Czech Republic (CZ), Germany (DE),
Denmark (DK), Finland (FI), France (FR), United Kingdom
(GB), Greece (GR), Hungary (HU), Israel (IL), India (IN),
Italy (IT), Kenya (KE), Korea (KR), Malaysia (MY), The
Netherlands (NL), Norway (NO), Poland (PL), Sweden (SE),
Singapore (SG), Slovenia (SI), Slovakia (SK) and United
States of America (US). All country differences listed in the
CB Bulletin are covered by the Common Modifications,
Special National Conditions, National Differences and
National Requirements noted above except for the following
countries which are documented in Country Differences.
Attachments attached to this report.
Radio and television interference
suppression Compliance with the EMC
directive is necessary for achieving type
certification. The appliance shall comply
with the relevant EMC standards,
depending on the equipment in question.
In NO, compliance with standards for radio
interference suppression is a part of
Nemko’s certification.
In FI, DK and SE compliance is not
necessary for achieving safety certification.
The manufacturer has self-declared according to the EMC
Language of safety markings/instructions.
Instructions and equipment marking related to safety is
applied in the language that is acceptable in the country in
which the equipment is to be sold.
For Korean differences
The apparatus shall comply with the
relevant CISPR standards.
Must be considered when marketing in Korea.