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Owners/Installation Guide For:
Telematics Upgrade
Printed In Korea Form No. 128-6915A
The integration of this satellite controlled upgrade module will allow access to certain functions and features of your
vehicle available through the use of a “Touch Tone Phone”. Once your pin number has been chosen and assigned,
and the unit has been activated, simply call the 1-800-495-7677 phone number and follow the Voice Prompts to
operate any of the features installed and connected to your system.
Check with your installing dealer to see if the unit has been activated. If so, we suggest you change your PIN number to
allow only your access to your vehicle. If the system has not been activated, you can activate the unit in the following
To activate your system,
1) Complete the “Satronics Wireless Service” activation form which was included with your APSCL-100 unit. Your
installation center should have added the unit’s serial number which is found on the back of the module to this form.
2) You will choose a 4 digit (numerical) ID/PIN to insure only you can access your unit.
3) If you are faxing the form in, complete the name, address, phone number, and vehicle information blank areas on the
form, sign & date then fax to 1-805-639-0346.
4) It may take up to 24 hours for service to become available. After 24 hours, simply call 1-800-495-7677 to access any
feature that has been checked on the activation form. This form indicates which features are available in your vehicle
through your installed host module and telematic device.
All Applications:
Mounting The Module:
The control module is designed to be mounted under the dashboard keeping in mind that the antenna is a PC Board
mount antenna/receiver. The unit should be mounted as high in the dashboard as possible with only plastic above to
allow the unit to properly receive the page signal from the satellite. The unit should be mounted within 36” of the host
alarm module to insure the 4 pin cable reaches from the CL-100 to the alarm. In addition the unit SHOULD NOT be
mounted near any other antenna/radiator that may interfere with reception or be mounted to metal braces, or any other
control module which might adversely effect the signal.
Connecting To The Host Module:
NOTE: Be certain to record the unit’s serial number found on the back of the module on the Activation Form. This
number is required by the consumer for registration of the unit. Without this number, service cannot be established.
Be certain to check the boxes on the activation form next to the features available for your customer’s vehicle.
Be certain to enter your dealer ID number on the activation form in the area indicated.
Be certain to fill in the subscriber number on the wallet card for your customer.
After the host module has been installed and thoroughly tested, connect the 4 pin harness to the CL-100 and route the
other end of the 4 pin harness to the host module. Plug the 4 pin connector into the mating connector of the host
module. Support the unit by use of cable ties, double stick tape, or securing it with screws.
Revision A: Changed Carlink Logo 2-12-04.