DPM transducer ports are equipped with 10-32 female thread (DPM04/07), 1/8" NPT
female thread (DPM14/17/37), 1/4" NPT female thread DPM24/34/47, 1/2" NPT female
thread (DPM44/57) and 3/4" NPT female thread (DPM54/67/77). DPM24/34/47, 1/2"
NPT female thread (DPM44/57) and 3/4" NPT female thread (DPM54/67/77).
CAUTION: Do not apply upstream – downstream differential pressure
exceeding 9.75 PSID to "BREEZE" Low Differ
ential Pressure
series flow meters. Exposure to higher
differential pressures may cause permanent damage to the product.
Normally high common mode pressure (within 50 PSIG) will not damage
the differential pressure sensor, but pressure transients (momentary
pressure variations) on upstream or downstream ports can result in
permanent sensor damage to the product.
Avoid instantaneous application of high pressure from quick on/off
solenoid valves upstream or downstream of the meter.
The user shall installtheinstrument onlyin processlines that
meet the DPM meter’s pressure and temperature ratings. A margin of safety
should be provided if spikes and surges exist in the process. Proper
To avoid obstructions and contamination in the sensor
tube and the narrow flow channels in the laminar flow element, the
user should install the instrument in process lines that have clean
gases. Upstream particulate filters with maximum particulate size
20P are recommended for all applications.
For DPM04/14/24/34/44/54 "BREEZE"Low Differential Pressure
ser ies flow meters, the maximum pressure in the gas line must not exceed
50PSIG (3.44bar). Applying pressure above 50 PSIG (3.44 bar) will cause
permanent damage to the differential pressure sensor.
For DPM07/17/37/47/57/67/77 series flow meters, the
maximum pressure in the gas line must not exceed 120PSIG (8.3bar).
Applying pressure above 120 PSIG (8.3 bar) will cause permanent damage
to the differential pressure sensor.
CAUTION: Do not apply upstream – downstream differential pressure
exceeding 12 PSID to DPM07/17/37/47/57 series flow meters. Exposure
to higher differential pressures may cause permanent damage to the
product. Normally high common mode pressure (within 120 PSIG) will
not damage the differential pressure sensor, but pressure transients
(momentary pressure variations) on upstream or downstream ports can
result in permanent sensor damage to the product.
Avoid instantaneous application of high pressure from quick on/off
solenoid valves upstream or downstream of the meter.