DIAGRAM OF THE CONSOLE K SET WEIGHT buttons--These buttonsare usedto
enter yourweightintotheconsole.
Refer tothe drawingon theoppositepage.
A. Workoutprofiles--These profilesshow howthe
inclineofthe treadmillwdlchangeduringinclinepro-
grams, how thespeed willchangeduringspeed pro-
grams, and how yourheart ratewillchange
duringpulsedriven programs.
B Mode indtcators--Theso indicatorsshowwhether
the manualmode isselected or whetherone ofthe
C. PULSE/CALORIES display--This displayshowsboth
yourheart rate (ifthe heart rate monitorisworn)and
the approxtmate number ofcaloriesyou have
burned.The displaywdlalternatebetweenone num-
berand the othereveryseven seconds.This display
isalso usedto enter yourwetght intotheconsole.
D. INCLINE/TIME dtsplay--This displayshowsboththe
inclineofthe treadmilland the elapsedtime (If a
presetprogramor a custom programisselected,the
displaywillshow thetime remainingin the program.)
The displaywillaltemate between one numberand
theotherevery seven seconds This displayisalso
used toenter yourage intotheconsole.
E. LED matrix--When the manualmodeisselected,this
matrixshowsyourprogresson an LED track.When a
presetprogramor a customprogramisselected,the
matrtxshowsthe program'sworkoutprofile.
F. SPEED/PACE dtsplay--This displayshowsboth the
speed ofthe walkingbeltand yourcurrentpace
(minutesper mile).The displaywtllalternatebetween
one number and theotherevery sevenseconds.
G. DISTANCE/LAP display--This d_splayshowsboth
thedtstanceyou havewalked and the numberof
lapsyou havecompleted (one lap equals114mile).
The displaywillalternatebetween one numberand
theother everyseven seconds.
H. CUSTOM PROGRAM buttons--These buttonsare
usedtoselectcustom programs1 and 2.
I. RECORD button--Th=s buttonis usedto create
J. PROGRAM SELECT button--Thts buttontsused to
selectthe manualmode and the eightpreset pro-
grams.Note: Ifthe walkingbelt tsmovingwhen the
SELECT PROGRAM buttonispressed,the walking
beltwillslowtoa stop and thed=splayswillbe reset
Ineddthon, the treadmillmay automattcallyadjustto
the lowestinclinelevel
L. SET AGE buttons--These buttonsare used to enter
yourage intothe console.
INCLINE buttons--These buttonsare usedto
change theinclineofthe treadmdl.The tnclinerange
is 0% to 12%. Note.The inclinecanbe adjusted
onlywhilethe walktngbelt ismoving.
N. START button--This buttontsusedto startthe
walking beltwhen the manualmode,a preset
program,or a customprogramtsselected
O. Key wtthclip--The key turnsthe console on and off.
The clipiswornon the waistbandofyourclothes.
SPEED buttons--These buttonscontrolthe speed
of thewalkingbelt.The speed range ts0.5 mph to
12 mph Note: Whenthe START buttontspressed,
the walkingbeltwdlbeginto moveat 1.0 mph.
Q STOP button--Thts buttontsused topause or stop
thewalkingbelt whenthe manualmode, a preset
program,or a customprogramisselected.
DRug inthe powercord(see page 7). All dtsplays
and indtcatorson the consolewdlflash once and
then darken. Note: Ifthe key is intheconsole when
the power cordispluggedin,the letters=PO"will
flashm the SPEED/PACE dtsplay. Ifthtsoccurs,
removethe key.
Make surethatthe
locatedon the
frontofthe tread-
mdlisinthe "on"
Standon the foot
railsofthe tread-
milland insertthe
key intothecon-
sole. Aftera mo-
ment,the MAN-
UAL indicatorwdl
light,the letters
=LbS"willappear in the PULSE/CALORIES dis-
play,the letters"AGE" willappearin the INCLINE/
TIME d=splay,and the LED trackin thecenterof
the consolewilllight.Everyfew seconds,thewords
"PRESS STAR'r"willscrollacrossthe LED matrix.