1. Set Time and Date:
A. Turn rotary dial to time/date
B. To set time press “+” or “-” key to
advance clock to correct time of day.
Press enter. Blinking cursor moves
to year.
C. To set year press “+” or “-” key to
advance to current year. Press enter.
Blinking cursor moves to month.
D. To set month press “+” or “-” key
to advance to current month. Press
enter. (January is 1, February is 2, etc.).
Blinking cursor moves to day.
E. To set date press “+” or “-” key to
advance to current date. Press enter.
Current time appears on the display.
F. To review settings press next. To
change settings repeat steps A
through E.
2. Set Start Times for A or B Programs:
A. Turn rotary dial to A or B cycle start
times. The cursor will blink at start time
1 on the display.
B. Press “+” or “-” key to advance to
desired start time. Press enter. Cursor
advances to start time 2.
C. If more than one start time is required,
repeat step B for up to four start times
per day for A or B programs.
D. To review start times, press next.
To clear a start time press clear. To
change a start time repeat steps A
and B.
3. Set Zone Duration for A or B Programs:
A. Turn rotary dial to A or B zone/dura-
tion. The cursor blinks over station 1. To
select the watering duration for station
1 press “+” or “-” key to advance to the
desired duration from 1 to 99 minutes.
Press enter.
B. Repeat step A for any remaining sta-
tions (“A” or “B” appears over the sta-
tion being programmed).
C. To review watering durations press
next. To clear a watering duration press
clear. To modify a watering duration
repeat step A.
4. Selecting Active Watering Days in the
A Program:
A. Turn the rotary dial to day of week. The
cursor blinks over “M” for Monday.
B. To activate a day for watering, Press
enter. The cursor advances to the next
day. A flag will appear over the days of
week indicating active watering days.
Watering will not occur on days without
the flag.
C. Repeat steps A and B. Any or all days of
the week may be selected.
p 801 295 9820
f 801 951 5815
1065 South 500 West
Bountiful, Utah 84010
proof no: 1
date: 09.04.09
des: SM spck: XX
job no: NA
client: Orbit
sku: 57096
upc: NA
file name: 57096-50E rB.indd
software: InDesign CS3
additional instructions:
· Font sizes cannot be smaller than 7 pt.
non printing
non printing
Printers are responsible for
meeting print production
requirements. Any changes
must be approved by the
client and Fluid Studio.
printed piece must meet
designated specifications
on this form.
flat: w: 4.88" h: 2.55"
finished: w 4.88" d: " h 2.55"
© 2007 Fluid Studio. This
work is the property of Fluid
Studio, and cannot be used,
reproduced or distributed
in any way without their
express permission.