GE Oil & Gas
Time-Saving Wellheads
VetcoGray Multi-Bowl Wellhead System
GE Oil & Gas provides a wide range of VetcoGray multi-bowl
wellhead systems for applications ranging from the most
common to the most challenging. For more than 50 years,
these technologies have provided our customers with a safer,
faster and more reliable solution for their surface-drilling and
production requirements.
The VetcoGray multi-bowl technology allows multiple casing
strings to be suspended within one wellhead component.
This achieves signicant time and cost savings by reducing
the number of times the BOP connection is broken — while
achieving much greater safety than conventional wellhead
The multiple-string capability also decreases the system’s
overall size and weight, making it an ideal solution where
there are space or weight limitations.
Features —
• Able to suspend multiple strings of casing or tubing within
a single wellhead component
• 50 years of evolving eld-proven technology
• Elastomer or metal-to-metal sealing available
• Adaptable to our other VetcoGray connection and
wellhead technologies
Benets —
• Increased operational reliability
• Increased valve durability
• Reduced refurbishment cost