Design/Development by
Andrew Hackard
An expansion for Steve Jackson’s Munchkin
Illustrated by Lar DeSouza
Card Backs by John Kovalic
President/Editor-in-Chief: Steve Jackson
Chief Executive Officer: Philip Reed
Chief Operating Officer: Susan Bueno
Chief Creative Officer: Samuel Mitschke
Munchkin Line Editor: Andrew Hackard
Production Manager: Sabrina Gonzalez
Production Artist: Alex Fernandez
Art Director: Shelli Galey
Project Manager: Darryll Silva
Operations Manager: Randy Scheunemann
Director of Sales: Ross Jepson
Thanks to David Martin for the name of this set!
Munchkin, Grave Mistakes, the Munchkin characters,
Warehouse 23, the pyramid logo, and the names of all products
published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated,
or used under license. Munchkin Zombies: Grave Mistakes is
copyright © 2019 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.
All rights reserved.
We’re not saying that hiding out in a
cemetery during a zombie uprising was a bad
idea. It’s certainly innovative. We wouldn’t
have looked for survivors in the one place
guaranteed to have dead people wandering
around. And we hope you’ll forgive our little
pun, calling this a grave mistake. After all, it’s
the last joke you’ll ever hear.
New Mojo: Patchwork Zombie
This expansion includes one copy of every
Mojo created for Munchkin Zombies. If you
don’t have Munchkin Zombies 2 – Armed
and Dangerous or Munchkin Zombies 4 –
Spare Parts, the Patchwork Zombie will be
new to you. Feel free to leave this card out
if it hurts your brain to have a single copy
of one Mojo. Calm, unstressed brains are so
much tastier.