9 Chapter I: Driving 45 Clutch control, auxiliary
65 Chapter II: Main- 13 Coolant level
tenance 38 Dashboard
99 Chapter III: Comfort 42, 52 Dashboard stowage
104-107 Air conditioning 107 Defrosting-demisting
69 Anti-freeze 44, 54 Direction indicators
16 Anti-theft 10 Doors (opening and
42, 52, 109 Ashtrays closing)
69 Battery 91 Electrical terminal, for
10 Bonnet (opening and accessories
closing) 10 Engine dipstick
13 Brake and hydraulic 72 Filters, air and hydraulic
system fluid, level 41, 51 Fuel gauge
33 Brake, hand 92 Fuses
33 Brake operation, check 25 -29 Gear changing
29-34, 75 Brakes 43 ,53 Glove compartment
78 Bulb replacement 7 Guarantee overhaul
103 Carpets, attachment 84 Headlight adjustment
10 Checks before setting off 44, 54 Headlight
46, 56 Clock, electric "flashing"