Dell Networking W-Series Instant Access Point | Syslog Messages Reference Guide Security Messages | 13
132010 Station [mac:%m] [name:%s] not associated with AP [bssid:%m]
Description: Station is not associated to the specified AP
132012 Station delete failed [name:%s] [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: Failed to delete the specified station
Recommended Action: Clear the station by running the aaa user delete command.
and reconnect. Manually clear the station by running the aaa user delete command.
132013 AP [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] Configuration not complete, No Transmit WEP Key set
Description: AP’s configuration is not complete. Check if the WEP transmit key is set
Recommended Action: Check of the WEP transmit key is set in the ssid-profile
132015 Failed to Deauthenticate the station [mac:%m] [name:%s]
Description: Failed to deauthenticate the specified station
Recommended Action: Internal error. Clear the station and reconnect.
132016 Local Database Server not available to cache the machine auth for user [name:%s]
Description: Internal server is not available for caching the machine authentication for
the specified User.
Recommended Action: Run the aaa test-server pap internal command to verify
connectivity to the local database server. If unavailability of local database server
persists and controller is a local-controller, verify connectivity to master-controller. If all
else fails, restart the udbserver process on the master-controller by executing the
process restart udbserver command and restart the AUTH process on the local-
controller by executing the process restart auth command.
132017 Failed to update Machine Auth status to local DB for Station [mac:%m] [name:%s]
Description: Failed to update the Machine authentication Status for the specified User
because udbserver process is not responding.
Recommended Action: Run the aaa test-server pap internal command to verify
connectivity to the local database server. If unavailability of local database server
persists and controller is a local-controller, verify connectivity to master-controller. If all
else fails, restart the udbserver process on the master-controller by executing the
process restart udbserver and restart the AUTH process on the local-controller by
executing process restart auth.
132018 Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] was deleted before the response from the local database
Description: Station was deleted before receiving response from the Internal Server
due to high latency between local-controller’s AUTH process and master-controller’s
UDBSERVER process.
Recommended Action: Diagnose external IP-latency issues between master-
controller and local-controller and have the client re-attempt their authentication-
132023 802.1x authentication is disabled in profile [prof:%s] Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: 802.1x authentication is disabled for the specified profile.
Recommended Action: Configure the specified aaa-profile to enable 802.1x
132024 Station [mac:%m] pre-authenticating with Unknown AP [bssid:%m] vlan [vl:%d]
Description: Station is trying to pre-authenticate with an AP that is not registered. This
log-message is generated when we detect a race-condition between STM, SOS and
AUTH. AUTH is receiving EAP packets from SOS before it received the New-AP
message from STM. Execute show ap database to determine if STM is aware of the
AP. If not, try rebooting the AP by executing apboot or powercycling the AP. If
symptoms persist, then AUTH is either not receiving or not processing New-AP
messages from STM. If all else fails, restart the AUTH process by executing process
restart auth or reload the controller.
Table 5 Security Error Messages (Continued)
Message ID Message and Description