Blueair CAB011BLK User manual

Air filters
User manual

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Blueair Performance Book
Dear Reader,
In 1996, the original Blueair team set up business with a clear goal to make the best air purifier in the
world. But achieving this goal is not just about delivering the cleanest air in the fastest time possible
We also want to ensure a Blueair air purifier is:
- safe and durable, so that you can rely on it at home.
- quiet enough to be used when you sleep.
- designed to fit into your home environment.
- energy efficient.
At Blueair, we are deadly serious about fulfilling all of the above promises to our customers. And it is
why we today can proudly say we not only make the highest performing air purifiers in the world, but
also the most energy efficient ones. Our units are also globally acclaimed for being whisper-silent and
having award-winning contemporary design.
The aim of this book is to share some useful information with you about the professional certifications
and designations earned by Blueairs air purifiers. Over the following pages, you can read brief presen-
tations of the testing, reports and rewards as well as other background information.
There is so much we want to tell you about Blueair, our technology and our achievements. We hope
this book give you some useful insights into our products, beyond what is normally given to customers
by most manufacturers, which will convert you into an ambassador for Blueair.
If you have any questions about the content of this document, please do not hesitate to contact your
local Blueair representative.
Yours sincerely,
Johan Wennerström, R&D Manager
Table of Contents
Quality and safety 4
Performance and room size 7
Energy efficiency 9
Ozone 10
Noise 11
Design 12
Particle efficiency 13
Microbe removal efficiency 14
Gaseous removal efficiency 16
Quality and safety
Blueair units comply with essential requirements for electronic appliances, encompassing health,
safety, function and environment. Blueair units have followed prescribed control procedure of the
varying standards found in the countries where our products are sold.
Certain product safety standards, industry requirements and conformity to local requirements are
mandatory in many markets before a product can be sold. Standards are not only for safety but also
for opening market opportunities and assuring quality of the product.
Standards and certifications
All Blueair air purifiers are safety and quality certified. Blueair is responsible for certifiying all units to
comply for international markets with CE mark, S mark, CB Scheme and ETL mark protocols. Certain
national standards are controlled by the distributors responsible for the market.
CE mark
For markets within the European Economic Area (EEA), all products sold need to be CE marked.
With the CE mark, the manufacturer ensures that the product complies with essential requirements
of EU directives including health, safety, function and environment. The CE mark assures that pre-
scribed control procedure has been applied.
For more information go to:
S mark
The S mark certifies that a product complies with European safety standards for fire, electric shock,
mechanical injuries, radiation injuries, burns and certain types of environmental damage. Certifying a
product with S mark is voluntary. Tests and certifications are performed independently and can func-
tion as a complement to the CE mark.
For more information go to:
CB scheme
Electrical and electronic products require safety certification for each country where it is sold. How-
ever, standards and requirements are different for every market. The CB Scheme is an international
program that facilitates safety tests for a product to comply with standards in over 50 countries. The
CB test report certifies safety of electrical and electronic products in accordance to international
(IEC) standards and national regulations.
For more information, go to the IECEE webiste:
ETL mark
A product bearing the ETL mark complies with North American safety standards and has met the
U.S. minimum requirements. The mark indicates that the manufacturer’s production conforms to set
standards and is continuously inspected. Only laboratories recognized by Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) are allowed to test and certify products for the ETL mark.
For more information, go to:
Japanese S mark
The Japanese S mark is a voluntary certification administered in Japan for electrical products. Tests
are conducted in accordance with the standards J60335-1, J60335-2-65 and J55014-1. This
means that the products comply with material control law and the Japanese product liability law.
The certification is issued by a third part certification body that is a member of the Steering Council
of Safety Certification for Electrical and Electronic Appliances and Parts of Japan (SCEA).
For more information, go to:
KC mark
The KC mark is mandatory for certain electrical products sold in South Korea. The purpose for the
KC mark is to protect consumers from the hazardous aspects of appliances (electric shock, fires,
mechanical, thermal, radiation and chemical hazards etc.) The KC mark also includes a factory
inspection once a year.
For more information, go to:
C-tick mark
The C-tick is registered to The Australian Communications Authority (ACMA). The mark certifies
compliance with EMC standards and indicates a traceable link between the product and the sup-
plier that is responsible for placing the product on the Australian market.
For more information, go to:
CCC mark
Many products being exported to or sold in the Peoples Republic of China market requires the
China Compulsory Certification (CCC) mark. The mark is a safety and quality system administered
by the Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA). Testings include tests on product
samples and inspections of the manufacturing facilities.
For more information, go to:
Safety marks
CE mark
S mark
ETL mark
Japanese S-mark
KC mark
C tick
CCC mark
Performance and room size
Blueair units are top performing when it comes to reducing indoor air pollution. The Blueair 600 Series
has the highest ratings in the industry for air purifiers. Blueair units are designed to be used in all types
of environments, from bedrooms to large open areas up to 65m
(698 sq.ft.).
When choosing an air purifier, performance should be considered first. The major factors affecting
performance of an air cleaner are its efficiency and airflow. Another key consideration is the room
capacity of each unit.
Standards and certifications
Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) indicates how much filtered air is delivered by the air purifier and how
well the system removes pollutants (tobacco smoke, dust and pollen) from the air. CADR is spon-
sored by the Association of Home Appliances Manufacturers (AHAM), an independent organization
that ensures testing results are accurate and impartial. AHAM has also developed a validated way to
convert an air purifier’s performance into its room size coverage.
Tests are performed in accordance with the standard ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006, the only air purifier
standard recognized as an American national standard. CADR is endorsed by both the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Testing and results
Certified ratings of Blueair air purifiers (February 2012):
CADR Room Size
200 Series 155 155 155 22 m
(240 sq. ft.)
400 Series 240 240 240 34 m
(370 sq. ft.)
500 Series 375 375 375 54 m
(580 sq. ft.)
600 Series >400 >450 >450 65 m
(698 sq. ft.)
ECO10 195 200 190 28 m
(298 sq. ft.)
Learn more and see all certified air purifiers on AHAM’s website at:
Seal and mark
The AHAM Portable Electric Room Air Cleaner Certification Seal marks that Blueair units are accurately
stated in accordance with the requirements of the set standard.
Energy efficiency
The low energy consumption of Blueair units ranges from 7 to 120 Watts depending on unit and
speed level. With the ECO10, Blueair offer the most energy efficient air purifier in the world.
For maximum performance, an air purifier should run 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Tradi-
tional room air purifiers use approximately 550kWh a year when running continuously. This is more
energy than some new refrigerators. Note that power consumption should not be considered sepa-
rately but together with performance.
Standards and certifications
is a program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. De-
partment of Energy. The program is developed to help consumers save money and protect the en-
vironment through energy efficient products. Criterias for ENERGY STAR qualification include CADR
(≤ 50 CADR for dust), CADR/Watt (≥ 2.0 CADR/Watt for dust), standby power usage (≤ 2.0 Watts)
and ozone emission that meet UL Standard 867 (≤ 0.050 ppm).
Testing and results
ENERGY STAR measures the efficiency by using a CADR-to-Watt ratio. Blueair is among the first air
purifier manufacturer to earn ENERGY STAR designation for all its air purifiers.
Blueair air purifiers significantly exceed minimum requirements for qualification by its high CADR. Per-
formance are 2.48 CADR/Watt for 200 Series, 4.54 CADR/Watt for 400 Series, 3.968 CADR/Watt
for 500 Series and as high as 19.66 CADR/Watt for ECO10. All Blueair units also meet U.S. govern-
ment’s criteria for ozone emission. For more detailed infomation about ozone emission, read the next
chapter: Ozone.
Learn more about the ENERGY STAR program, go to:
Marks and labels
The ENERGY STAR label must be placed on the product packaging of ENERGY STAR qualified air
purifiers with the statement:
“This product earned the ENERGY STAR by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the US EPA. US
EPA does not endorse any manufacturer claims of healthier indoor air from the use of this product.”
Blueair’s patented HEPASilent™ filter technology uses active ionization (particle charging) to cap-
ture and remove particles from indoor air. However, Blueair systems should not be associated with
dangerous indoor ozone that could be formed by ionization. In fact, already in 1999 Blueair units
were tested at Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) and shown to actually reduce ozone in a sealed room,
the concentration in the output air was lower than in the incoming. Since this report was published,
Blueair units have been continuosly tested to be made sure that they do not emit ozone.
Ozone is a molecule composed of three atoms of oxygen (not to be confused with the two-atom-
oxygen molecule that we breathe to support life). Ozone from electronic air cleaners is created when
air pass through a corona field. Ozone can decrease lung function and cause health effects such as
chest pain, shortness of breath, throat irritation and aggravation or higher susceptibility to respiratory
health problems.
Learn more about ozone in air purification:
Standards and certifications
One of the most stringent testing for ozone safety is set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) to a threshold of 0.050 ppm (parts per million). Certifications of air purifiers meeting this limit is
conducted by the California Air Resource Board (ARB) through tests outlined in the UL Standard 867
Section 37.1.2.
Testings and results
All Blueair units have been tested and certified by ARB for complying with the UL Standard 867 Sec-
tion 37.1.2 criteria of emitting less than 0.050 ppm o.
Certified units are listed on the ARB website:
Blueair’s whisper-silent operation is a result of the HEPASilent™ filtration technology. The patented
Blueair technology allows the fan to push air more easily through the filter, making it possible for the
unit to deliver high air flow with low noise. With high cleaning capacity even at lower speeds, Blueair
units are the perfect air purifiers for rooms where silence is desirable, such as bedrooms.
Noise from air purifiers are mainly produced from the fan or motor and the air pressure through the
filter. High noise can cause severe annoyance and even affect health, causing physical and mental
stress. The following references can be used as guidelines when comparing noise levels:
Normal speech at three feet distance: 65 dB •
Standard vacuum cleaner: 70 dB•
Normal business office: 50 to 60 dB.•
Bedrooms at nighttime (for adequate rest and sleep): 35-40 dB•
Learn more about noise:
Testings and results
Testing is conducted at Blueair testing facilities where A-weighted sound pressure levels, dB(A), are
measured in a normal sized room, 74m
(2.6 cu. ft.). The testing room has a mix of soft and hard
surfaces in order to simulate a normal living room or bedroom. A class 1 graded sound level meter,
according to standards IEC.651, IEC.225 and IEC.804, is positioned at 1 meter (3.3 ft) distance
from the units front side and at a height from the floor that equal to half of the units height.
Measured sound levels of Blueair units:
203 270E ECO10 403 450 503 603 650E
Normal speed
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
speed (dB)
56 56 49 52 52 66 66 66
Sleek and stylish, Blueair air purifiers are designed to fit in with your lifestyle and décor, which means
you can place your Blueair anywhere you like in any room.
The union of visually pleasing form and effective function is a hallmark of Swedish design, and Blueair
is pleased to live up to that tradition.
One of the most prestigious Scandinavian design awards is the Excellent Swedish Design. The prize
was handed out by Svensk Form in 1983-2002 for product design that represented innovation, good
design and superior quality in materials, manufacture process and function.
Blueair earned the diploma for Excellent Swedish Design in 1998 with the following verdict:
“The product is just as pure and simple as its function. No decoration for the sake of decoration, but
well-produced design exercises. The result is just as discreet as an air purifer should be, since it will
be located in a wide variety of milieus where it must blend in. The design team also helped with the
marketing: the posters and display breathe the same air as the product’s design.”
Particle efficiency
The HEPASilent™ filter technology captures 99.97% of particles that are 0.1 micron or larger in size.
The efficiency of an air purifier indicates how much of pollutants are removed from the air when the air
passes through the system once. Note that efficiency does not show the volume of filtered air. Only in
combination with high airflow is high efficiency an essential component of good air purification.
Testings and results
In 2000, a test on the HEPASilent™ filtration technology was conducted in Sweden at Camfil Com-
ponent AB. The test showed the efficiency of 99.97% in capturing particles down to 0.1 microns in
size. The test was performed on a Blueair 501 unit fitted with particle filter, placed in a space of 3.6 m
(32 sq. ft.). Airflow was 150 m
/h (88 cfm). Elapsed testing time was 120 s.
The high efficiency results from Camfil Component AB has been confirmed by other laboratories
tested elsewhere such as in the U.S in 2010 at LMS Technologies, Inc. This test was performed on
a Blueair 650E unit fitted with particle filter.
0,1 0,12 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,35 0,45 0,6 0,75 1 1,5
Efficiency (%)
Particle size (µm)
Particle efficiency, Camfil, 2000
0,3 0,5 0,7 1 2 3 5
Efficiency (%)
Particle size (µm)
Particle efficiency, LMS Technologies Inc., 2010
Microbe removal efficiency
Blueair air purifiers use Particle filters for removal of airborne particles including airborne microbes
such as bacteria, virus and mold. The naturally anti-bacterial filters are made of polypropylene and
mechanically filter out airborne particles without use of harmful chemicals.
The polypropylene filter is hydrophobic and water resistant which prevents bacteriala and mold growth.
The absence of water dries out and kills the microbes that are captured.
A great number of diseases and infections are caused by airborne pathogens, which are transmitted
in the air. This makes the control of airborne microbes hugely important.
Testing and results
In 2010, Kitasato Research Center of Environmental Sciences (Japan) tested the filtration efficiency of
Blueair air purifiers and showed how well they remove bacteria, virus and mold.
Tests on a Blueair 650E fitted with particle filter, running at full speed in a 10 m
(353 cu. ft.) chamber,
show that the efficiency in removing all three kinds of airborne microbes from the air reaches a mini-
mum of 99% within 10 minutes and more than 99.9% within 20 minutes.
Bacteria filtration efficiency
Natural reduction of airborne bacteria is shown as reference in the graph. The bacteria level after
running the unit for 10 minutes is 99% lower than the natural reduction. After 20 minutes, the level is
over 99.9% lower.
0 10 20
Bacteria level
Time (minute)
Bacteria filtration efficiency
–– reference
–– with filter
> 99.9% elimination
at 20 minutes
99.9% elimination
at 10 minutes
Virus filtration efficiency
Natural reduction of airborne virus is shown as reference in the graph. The virus level after running
the unit for 10 minutes is 99% lower than the natural reduction. After 20 minutes the level has been
reduced by more than 99.9%.
0 10 20
Virus level
Time (minute)
Virus filtration efficiency
–– reference
–– with filter
> 99.9% elimination
at 20 minutes
99.9% elimination
at 10 minutes
Mold filtration efficiency
Natural reduction of airborne mold spores is shown as reference in the graph below. After running
the unit for 10 minutes, the mold level is over 99.9% lower than the natural reduction. The reduction
is consistent after 20 minutes.
0 10 20
Mold level
Time (minute)
Mold filtration efficiency
–– reference
–– with filter
> 99.9% elimination
at 20 minutes
> 99.9% elimination
at 10 minutes
Gaseous removal efficiency
Fast reduction of odor and gaseous pollutants is best achieved by SmokeStop™ filters. Blueair
SmokeStop™ filters are particle filters enhanced with active carbon.
The exposure to gaseous pollutants has increased with the usage of chemical-based household
and personal cleaners, indoor pesticides and aerosol. Also plastics, binders and glues in synthetic
building materials, carpets and furnishing are off gassing. The irritating gases may be factors in a host
of illness, from respiratory disease to chemical sensitivity. Odor causes negative effects as well as
unpleasant feelings. Strong odor has also shown to have significant negative effect on asthma.
Standards and certifications
Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology tests air purifiers’ removal rate of formal-
dehyde and VOCs in accordance with GB/T 18801-2001 and GB/T 18883-2002.
Kitasato Research Center of Environmental Sciences (Japan) tests air purifiers’ filtration efficiency of
malodorous substances. Tests for tobacco smoke was tested in accordance with the standard JEM
Testing and results
Test results from both mentioned laboratories prove the very high efficiency of Blueair units
using SmokeStop™ filters in reducing gases and odors.
VOC filtration efficiency
In 2009, the Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology tested Blueair 503 fitted
with SmokeStop™ filter in removing VOC.
Nature attenuates refers to the natural reduction of VOC in the air without an air purifer present.
Testings were conducted in a 30 m
(1060 cu. ft.) room with a temperature of 19-21 ̊ C (66-68 ̊ F)
and humidity of 45-55% RH. Initial concentration of VOC was 4.2 mg/m
(148 mg/ft
).. The unit was
tested on full speed.
Removal Rate using unit 503
Time Nature attenuates SmokeStop™ filter
2 hours 7% 96%
3 hours 11% 98%
Formaldedyde filtration efficiency
In 2009, the Shanghai Insitute of Measurement and Testing Technology conducted tests on Blueair
503 fitted with SmokeStop™ filter in removing formaldhyde from the air.
Nature attenuates refers to the natural reduction of formaldehyde in the air without an air purifer present.
Tests were conducted in a 30 m
(1060 cu. ft.) room with a temperature of 19-21 ̊ C (66-68 ̊ F) and
humidity of 45-55% RH. Initial concentration of formaldehyde was 1.5 mg/m
(53 mg/ft
). The unit was
tested on full speed.
Removal Rate using unit 503
Time Nature attenuates SmokeStop™ filter
2 hours 10% 94%
3 hours 13% 96%
Deodorization Performance
In 2010, deodorization performance test was conducted by the Kitasato Research Center of Envi-
ronmental Sciences (Japan). The table shows how long it takes (minutes) to eliminate each tested
substance to 99% if operating the Blueair 650E fitted with SmokeStop™ filter on full speed in an
unventilated room.
Small room, 23 m
(812 cu. ft.) Living room, 78 m
(2755 cu. ft.)
Particle filter SmokeStop™
Particle filter SmokeStop™
Ammonia 191 min 22 min 635 min 75 min
Hydrogen Sulfide
1944 min 16 min 6480 min 53 min
Methyl Mercaptan
N/A 18 min N/A 61 min
44 min 26 min 147 min 85 min
54 min 38 min 180 min 127 min
78 min 27 min 258 min 91 min
Deodorization test for tobacco smoke
In 2010, a deodorization test for tobacco smoke was conducted by the Kitasato Research Center
of Environmental Sciences (Japan) in a 1 m
(35 cu. ft.) unventilated chamber. The units were fitted
with SmokeStop™ filters and operated on full speed.
Deodorization Test of smoke after 30 min
SmokeStop™ filter Particle filter
650E 100% 53.0%
450E 100% 42.3%
270E 95.8% 50.6%
Blueair Inc.
17 N. State, Suite 1830, Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: (888) 258-3247, Fax: (312) 727-1153
Blueair AB
Danderydsgatan 11, SE-114 26 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46-8-679 45 00, Fax: +46-8-679 45 45
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Blueair CAB011BLK User manual

Air filters
User manual
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