In this guide, three areas are addressed, and all three have to be completed before
your MX Series router is fully enabled for higher capacity power and cooling.
■ Cooling
■ Power
■ Rating label change
Higher capacity cooling is required for some types of DPCs or MPCs, and higher
capacity power is required for a higher number of newer MPCs. Note that there are
minimum software revision requirements for the cooling and power modules. Without
this minimum software revision, these new parts are not supported and likely not
detected and managed properly.
NOTE: Before upgrading, the MX Series router must be running JUNOS Release 10.0
R1 or later to support high-capacity fan trays and JUNOS Release 10.0 R2 to support
high-capacity power supplies.
Fan Tray Upgrade Overview ............................................................................3
Replacing the MX240 Fan Tray .......................................................................4
Replacing the MX480 Fan Tray .......................................................................6
Replacing the MX960 Fan Trays ......................................................................7
Upgrading the MX960 Air Filter Tray .............................................................10
Removing the MX960 Air Filter .....................................................................10
Installing the MX960 High Capacity Tray and Filter .......................................12
Fan Tray Power Requirements ......................................................................12
Power Supply Zone Overview .......................................................................12
Upgrading the MX240 and MX480 AC Power Supplies ..................................13
Removing the MX240 and MX480 AC Power Supplies ..................................13
Installing the MX240 and MX480 AC High-Capacity Power Supplies .............14
Upgrading the MX240 and MX480 DC Power Supplies ..................................15
Removing the MX240 and MX480 DC Power Supplies ..................................15
Setting the MX240 and MX480 DC High-Capacity Power Supply Input Mode
Switch .....................................................................................................16
Installing the MX240 and MX480 DC High-Capacity Power Supplies .............18
Upgrading the MX960 AC Power Supplies Overview .....................................21
Removing the MX960 AC Power Supplies .....................................................22
Installing the MX960 AC High-Capacity Power Supplies ................................24
JUNOS Documentation and Release Notes ....................................................26
Requesting Technical Support .......................................................................26
Self-Help Online Tools and Resources .....................................................27
Opening a Case with JTAC ......................................................................27
Revision History ............................................................................................27
2 ■
Upgrading MX240, MX480, and MX960 3D Universal Edge Router Power Supplies and Fan Trays