This will clearly demonstrate the self heating effect and consequent
fall in ESR as the battery temperature rises.
(g) The “LiPotool”
The original ESR meter was designed and built as an aid to my
testing of LiPo batteries several years ago as the IR of a cell tells
more about its performance capabilities than any other parameter. At
the time I was involved in full capacity constant current discharge
testing for several LiPo stockists in an attempt to directly compare
the performance of various pack brands and 'C' ratings.
After much testing and comparing results, it became obvious that
there was a close correlation between the maximum current delivery
capability of a lipo cell and its IR.
In high power discharge testing, it was temperature rise which
dictated the max current that could safely be drawn from a lipo pack.
This temperature increase is caused by the load current passing
through the effective resistance of lipo and the heat dissipated within
the pack is a square law.
In conjunction with Mark Forsyth and John Julian (both qualified
engineers and practising model flyers) the “ LiPotool” was
generated which specifies a maximum initial heat dissipation limit
within the LiPo pack and calculates a maximum continuous current
which may be drawn from the pack without exceeding this limit.
We are not claiming that the LiPotool is a precise and exact tool,
more a rule of thumb, but it has proved to be a surprisingly accurate
guide when compared with the results of full discharge constant
current testing of LiPo packs.
The current at which the packs showed obvious signs of overstress
(excess temperature rise and voltage sag-and-recovery) invariably
correlated with the predicted maximum current produced by the