We would like to thank you for purchasing the GX15R Electric Guitar Amplifi er.
It has been specially designed and developed for the use with electric guitars.
Before using your new amplifi er, we advise to read the following pages carefully.
Taking care of your GX15R
Safety Warnings
We want you to be aware of certain safety aspects,
for reasons of product safety and liability. With
all due respect, please read the following before
operating your new Fame amplifi er.
• Do not use or store your amplifi er in or near
moist or wet areas.
• Make sure that voltage shown on the back of
the amplifi er is the correct voltage for the
location you are using it. The GX15R can
never be used at different voltages than shown.
• Opening the amplifi er housing must only be
done by authorized personnel. No user
serviceable parts inside.
• The power amp is confi gured to deliver highest
tone at normal volume levels. We advise you
for your own good not to expose yourself to
very high volume levels for long periods of
time. It can lead to hearing damage.
Transporting the GX15R
• The GX15R is a solid state instrument
amplifi er. The built-in circuits are sensitive to
hits, especially when hot. To avoid damaging
the unit, we recommend using care during
setup and tear down of the unit.
• Allow the amplifi er to adjust to the ambient
temperature before operating, 10 minutes
should be suffi cient in all cases. Especially the
change between a cold vehicle and, in most
cases, warm stages can cause condensing
fl uid inside the electrical circuit. This can lead
to circuit shorts.
• For continued road use, please protect the
amplifi er with a professional fl ight case. Trans-
port only in operating position. Do not trans-
port upside down or on its side.
Daily use
• Never be rough with knobs, connections
or other parts of the amplifi er.
• Be careful while pulling out cables. Pulling
plugs quickly can cause damage.
• Disconnect all cables before transporting
the unit.
• Avoid physical shocks, such as hits or drops.
• You should never put any heavy items on top
of the GX15R.
Cleaning the GX15R
• Usually it is suffi cient to wipe down the outside
of the amplifi er with a slightly moist cleaning
• Do not use any abrasive cleaning chemicals.
• Sometimes a vacuum cleaner can be used to
remove dust and dirt from nooks and crevices.
• Avoid putting any vinyl on top of the unit.
It glues and discolours the surface.
Electric enviroment
• This amplifi er contains electric circuits, which
can cause interference when operating near
Radio or TV units. If you notice any abnormal
noise, we recommend to put the amplifi er
away from such devices.
• Blown fuses can only be replaced with fuses
of equal values. The use of incorrect fuses is
prohibited and can cause severe injury or
damage of the amplifi er.
• Only use a grounded power cable in good