Wire and Flex level sensor manual 04 October 2021 HBproducts.dk 2
Table of contents
Introducon ............................................................................................... 1
Safety Instrucons ..................................................................................... 2
Applicaon Examples .............................................................................. 3-5
Installaon Wire......................................................................................... 6
Installaon Flex .......................................................................................... 7
Connecon diagrams ............................................................................ 8-12
Analog output .......................................................................................... 12
Use the HB-tool for seng up the sensor .......................................... 13-16
LED indicaon .......................................................................................... 17
Calibraon on the sensor ......................................................................... 17
Fault detecon ......................................................................................... 18
Sensor Repair ........................................................................................... 18
Further Informaon ................................................................................. 18
Safety Instrucons
CAUTION! Always read the instrucon manual before commencing work! Heed all warnings to the leer! Installaon of the
sensor requires technical knowledge of both refrigeraon and electronics. Only qualied personnel should work with the
product. The technician must be aware of the consequences of an improperly installed sensor and must be commied to
adhering to the applicable local legislaon.
If changes are made to type-approved equipment, this type approval becomes void. The product's input and output, as well
as its accessories, may only be connected as shown in this guide. HB Products assumes no responsibility for damages re-
sulng from not adhering to the above.
Explanaon of the symbol for safety instrucons. In this guide, the symbol below is used to point out important safety
instrucons for the user. It will always be found in places in the chapters where the informaon is relevant. The safety in-
strucons and the warnings in parcular, must always be read and adhered to.
Intended use, condions of use. The level sensor is designed
for connuous measurement of liquids, but please note the
sensor design and setup has to comply with the liquid. The
table show how sensors comply to liquids. It can be used in
refrigeraon systems and similar environments. If the sensor
is to be used in a dierent way and if the operaon of the
product in this funcon is determined to be problemac,
prior approval must be obtained from HB Products.
Prevenon of collateral damage Make sure that qualied
personnel assess any errors and take necessary precauons
before aempng to make replacements or repairs, to avoid
collateral damage.
Disposal instrucons: The sensor is constructed so that the
modules can easily be removed and sorted for disposal.
CAUTION! Refers to a possible limitaon of funconality or risk in usage.
NOTE! Contains important informaon about the product and provides further ps.
The person responsible for operaon must commit to adhering to all the legislave requirements,
prevenng accidents, and doing everything to avoid damage to people and materials.
Not comply