IBA ibaAnalyzer Owner's manual

  • Hello! I'm your chat assistant, and I've reviewed the ibaAnalyzer user manual, document part 1. This document provides a detailed overview of the software, its installation process, and available features. You can find information about standard functionalities such as trend views and report generation, as well as licensed features including database integration and data extraction. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have about the contents of this manual.
  • What are the standard functions of ibaAnalyzer?
    What licensed features are available for ibaAnalyzer?
    What kind of data files ibaAnalyzer supports?
    What command line switches I can use for ibaAnalyzer?
Introduction and Installation
Manual Part 1
Issue 7.2
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
iba AG
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90762 Fuerth
Main oce +49 911 97282-0
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Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, it is not permied to pass on or copy this document, nor
to make use of its contents or disclose its contents. Infringements are liable for compensaon.
© iba AG 2021, All rights reserved.
The content of this publicaon has been checked for compliance with the described hardware
and soware. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be ruled out, and we do not provide guaran-
tee for complete conformity. However, the informaon furnished in this publicaon is updated
regularly. Required correcons are contained in the following regulaons or can be downloaded
on the Internet.
The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision - Chapter / Page Author Version SW
7.2 02/2021 Search/Replace, HD query with password rm 7.2
Windows® is a brand and registered trademark of Microso Corporaon. Other product and
company names menoned in this manual can be labels or registered trademarks of the corre-
sponding owners.
Issue 7.2 3
ibaAnalyzer Content
1 About this manual .............................................................................................................6
1.1 Target group.............................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............7
1.4 Documentaon structure ......................................................................................... 8
2 Welcome to ibaAnalyzer - an overview ..............................................................................9
2.1 The ibaAnalyzer standard funcons (no license required) ....................................... 9
2.1.1 General funcons ..................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Expression builder ..................................................................................................10
2.1.3 Report generator .................................................................................................... 11
2.1.4 ibaCapture ..............................................................................................................11
2.1.5 ibaHD-Server .......................................................................................................... 11
2.2 ibaAnalyzer funcons subject to licensing .............................................................. 12
2.2.1 Database interface ibaAnalyzer-DB ........................................................................ 12
2.2.2 Data extracon in les (ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract) ............................................. 12
2.2.3 Reading foreign formats (ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat) ......................................................... 13
2.2.4 Display of InSpectra modules (ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra) ........................................... 14
3 Installaonandprogramstart ......................................................................................... 15
3.1 System requirements ............................................................................................ ..15
3.2 Installaon .............................................................................................................. 15
3.2.1 Standard installaon ............................................................................................. ..15
3.2.2 Installing by command line ..................................................................................... 16 Command line switch /S ...................................................................................... 16 Command line switch /D ..................................................................................... 17 Command line switch /db .................................................................................... 17
3.3 Program start .......................................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 Starng in Windows ............................................................................................... 17
3.3.2 Starng with command line ................................................................................... 18 Command line syntax with unprotected data les .............................................. 18 Command line syntax with password protected data les .................................. 19 Using the postprocessing command.................................................................... 19
4 Issue 7.2
Content ibaAnalyzer Using the switches in the command line ............................................................. 19
4 Programinterface ........................................................................................................... 25
4.1 The screen ..............................................................................................................25
4.1.1 Smart Docking ........................................................................................................ 25
4.1.2 Generang and moving tabs ................................................................................... 27
4.1.3 Hide window manually ........................................................................................... 28
4.1.4 Hide window automacally .................................................................................... 29
4.1.5 Scale window automacally ................................................................................... 30
4.2 The menu bar ......................................................................................................... 31
4.2.1 The le menu ............................................................................................ ..............31
4.2.2 The database menu ................................................................................................ 34
4.2.3 The historical data menu ........................................................................................ 34
4.2.4 The edit menu ........................................................................................................ 35
4.2.5 The setup menu ............................................................................................ ..........36
4.2.6 The graph mode menu ........................................................................................... 37
4.2.7 The File Group menu ..............................................................................................40
4.2.8 The view menu .......................................................................................................41
4.2.9 The Help menu ....................................................................................................... 43
4.3 The toolbar .............................................................................................................44
4.3.1 The tool bar ............................................................................................................44
4.3.2 Adjust tool bars ....................................................................................................... 45
4.4 Mouse and key commands ..................................................................................... 48
4.4.1 Drag & Drop ............................................................................................................ 48
4.4.2 Context menu ......................................................................................................... 48
4.4.3 Hot Keys ............................................................................................ ......................49
4.4.4 Combinaons of mouse and key operaon ............................................................ 50
4.4.5 Toolps ................................................................................................................... 51
4.5 The signal tree window........................................................................................... 53
4.5.1 Signals tab: Tree of data le(s) and signals ............................................................. 53 Appearance with module name or linear numbering ......................................... 54 Presentaon of expressions ................................................................................ 56 Other channel types ............................................................................................ 57
Issue 7.2 5
ibaAnalyzer Content The context menu ....................... ...................................................................... ...59 Alternave signal names ..................................................................................... 62
4.5.2 Search tab: Funcon for searching signals.............................................................. 62
4.5.3 Report info tab: Display of characterisc values ..................................................... 63 Presentaon of an image on the "Report informaon" tab ................................ 64
4.5.4 Analysis les tab: Quick access to PDO les ........................................................... 65
4.6 The signal table ............................................................................................. ..........66
4.6.1 Context menu ......................................................................................................... 66
4.6.2 Markers tab ............................................................................................................ 67 Context menu ......................................................................................................69
4.6.3 Stascs tab ............................................................................................................ 70
4.6.4 Harmonic markers tab ............................................................................................ 70
4.6.5 Navigator tab .......................................................................................................... 70
4.6.6 Overview tab .......................................................................................................... 71
4.7 The recorder window .............................................................................................72
4.7.1 Context menu ......................................................................................................... 74
4.7.2 Status bar ................................................................................................................ 76
5 Supportandcontact ........................................................................................................ 77
6 Issue 7.2
About this manual ibaAnalyzer
1 About this manual
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware
1.1 Targetgroup
This manual addresses in parcular the qualied professionals who are familiar with handling
electrical and electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A
person is regarded as professional if he/she is capable of assessing safety and recognizing possi-
ble consequences and risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience
and knowledge of the standard regulaons.
This documentaon addresses in parcular professionals who are in charge of analyzing mea-
sured data and process data. Because the data is supplied by other iba products the following
knowledge is required or at least helpful when working with ibaAnalyzer:
■ Operang system Windows
■ ibaPDA (creaon and structure of the measuring data les)
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram - Add - New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
File names, paths "Filename", "Path"
Example: "Test.doc"
Issue 7.2 7
ibaAnalyzer About this manual
1.3 Usedsymbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
8 Issue 7.2
About this manual ibaAnalyzer
1.4 Documentaonstructure
This documentaon describes the funconality of the ibaAnalyzer soware in detail. It is creat-
ed as a guide for familiarizaon as well as a reference document.
In addion to this documentaon, you can also draw on the version history in the main menu
Version history (le versions.htm) for the latest informaon about the installed program version.
In addion to the list of corrected program errors, this le also refers to extensions and im-
provements to the soware by keyword.
In addion, each soware update, which includes the main new features, also includes special
documentaon “NewFeatures..., oering an extensive descripon of the new features.
The state of the soware to which the respecve part of this documentaon refers is listed in
the revision table on page 2. The documentaon of ibaAnalyzer (PDF and printed edion) is
divided into four separate parts. Each part has its own chapter and page numbering, beginning
with 1, and is updated independently.
Teil Title Content
Part 1 Introducon and installaon General notes, licenses and add-ons
Installaon and program start
User interface
Part 2 Working with ibaAnalyzer Working with data le and analysis, representaon
features, macro conguraon, lter design, prefer-
ences, prinng, export, interfaces to ibaHD-Server,
ibaCapture and report generator
Part 3 Expression builder Directory of all calculaon funcons in the expres-
sion builder, including explanaon
Part 4 Applicaon examples In preparaon
Issue 7.2 9
ibaAnalyzer Welcome to ibaAnalyzer - an overview
2 Welcome to ibaAnalyzer - an overview
ibaAnalyzer is a powerful tool for analyzing complex data which were recorded using the
ibaPDA, ibaScope, ibaQDR, ibaLogic or ibaFiles recording programs as well as with products
from other manufacturers (such as VISTA).
ibaAnalyzer supports fast analysis of even large volumes of data and oers a variety of funcons
and algorithms to correlate measurement data from a process and interpret it meaningfully.
In addion to the tradional task of being able to present measured values from the process,
mainly for fault analysis or machine evaluaon, ibaAnalyzer fullls a number of other features.
ibaAnalyzer is thus a powerful tool for quality data management and analyzing product-related
data. With the upgraded funcons of the database interface and of the report generator,
ibaAnalyzer constutes the fully integrated link between process-based and me-based mea-
suring data ("Level 1") on the one hand and product-related quality data ("Level 2/3") on the
other. Thanks to the underlying concept, quality data management systems can be implement-
ed in this way which can cover a plant or machine as well as plant-spanning, factory-wide net-
When buying an online data acquision system from iba, you will receive ibaAnalyzer for free,
which is not subject to any restricons in terms of copying or number of installaons. License
fees are only payable for certain upgraded or addional funcons enabling the use of the pro-
gram for data extracon to les or databases or the processing of data from external sources.
2.1 TheibaAnalyzerstandardfuncons(nolicenserequired)
ibaAnalyzer is a soware with a simple and intuive to operate interface, smart docking win-
dows and drag & drop funconality. The following features and properes are available by de-
fault for the comprehensive analysis of the acquired measurement values.
2.1.1 Generalfuncons
■ Any number of trend views (trend graphs), each enabling the selecon of the following
Time-based mode (X axis = me axis)
Length-based mode (X axis = length axis)
X-Y mode with two or more signals, where each signal can be dened as X axis
FFT mode
■ Simple placement of any number of signals in the signal strips using the drag & drop func-
onality (IEC1131-conforming)
■ Combinaon of data originang from dierent measuring processes or data sources, analog
or digital signals as well as text signals
■ Automac or manual selecon of colors for the curves.
■ Individual scales for every signal within a signal strip, or scaling of a signal in relaon to any
other signal on the same Y axis within a strip
10 Issue 7.2
Welcome to ibaAnalyzer - an overview ibaAnalyzer
■ Permanent display of the X/Y values for two rulers as well as for the most important stas-
cal values (min, max, average, standard deviaon) for all the signals displayed
■ Zooming and moving of the secon in a Navigator window
■ 3D view and 2D top view (prole view) of vector signals (arrays)
■ Powerful logical, mathemacal and technological funcons for linking, combining, calculang
and creang signals.
■ Generaon of virtual signals, even mul-dimensional ones (array)
■ A powerful digital, graphic lter designer with integrated signal generator for lter tesng.
■ Flexible export funcon for generang new iba data les (for example, with combined or
mathemacally modied signals) and for generang text or COMTRADE les (.txt, .csv) for
further processing by other programs (for example, document generaon, spreadsheet pro-
cessing, etc.)
■ Powerful report generator for the free design and layout of analysis, quality, producon and
fault reports with dierent output formats
■ Informaon window: large-sized and alphanumeric display of important, calculated parame-
ters or textual informaon is possible
■ Macro funcon for simplifying and reusing comprehensive analysis funcons and calcula-
■ Versale marker funcons for highlighng special measurements, including measurement
and display of on / o mes of digital signals or distances between markers
■ Ecient management of the analyses for exible use
■ Mullingual program interface, switchable
■ ibaHD-Server query
2.1.2 Expressionbuilder
ibaAnalyzer has the so-called expression builder for the analysis of the recorded acquired values
and execuon of various calculaons. This is a formula editor that oers a number of logical,
mathemacal and technological features that can be used in ibaAnalyzer at various points.
The extensive documentaon about the expression builder can be found in part
3 of the manual. Supplementary applicaon examples can be found in part 4.
Issue 7.2 11
ibaAnalyzer Welcome to ibaAnalyzer - an overview
2.1.3 Reportgenerator
Behind the feature Report generator is an independent tool that is integrated into ibaAnalyzer.
The report generator can be used without a license and serves to congure, generate and pub-
lish various user-dened reports.
Since the descripon of the data supply of the report generator in ibaAnalyzer and the free de-
sign of the report layout in the report designer is very extensive, we have dedicated a separate
manual to this topic.
You will nd an extensive descripon of the features regarding the topic of the
report generator in the documentaon
2.1.4 ibaCapture
ibaAnalyzer can also be used to look at measurement value records and video recordings that
were recorded synchronously to the measurement value with ibaCapture.
The prerequisites, sengs and operaon are described in detail in the manual for ibaCapture.
The documentaon for the soware product ibaCapture contains an extensive
descripon of the features on the topic of analyzing ibaCapture videos:
2.1.5 ibaHD-Server
In addion to the analysis of iba data les, ibaAnalyzer also oers the ability to analyze data
from records that were recorded with ibaHD-Server.
Using so-called HD queries, the data can be called up from the HD store and then evaluated as
with normal measurement les.
An extensive descripon of the HD query and the analysis possibilies can be
found in the documentaon about the soware product ibaHD-Server:
12 Issue 7.2
Welcome to ibaAnalyzer - an overview ibaAnalyzer
2.2 ibaAnalyzerfunconssubjecttolicensing
The funconal extensions for ibaAnalyzer listed below require licenses. It is possible to subse-
quently enable the licensed features at any me via dongle.
The licensing of the features can be done both in the USB dongle on the computer used as well
as with the central ibaLicenseService-V2 on the network.
2.2.1 Database interface ibaAnalyzer-DB
The added database interface feature enables the wring of measuring data into a database
and/or the retrieving and analyzing of data from a database. MS SQL server, MS ACCESS, DB2-
UDB, PostgreSQL and ORACLE as well as other ODBC-compable databases are supported.
This feature enables the comprehensive integraon of basic process data into your company's
quality management system. The related data eding and compression as well as data ex-
tracon processes can be fully automated.
Order number Name Comment
33.010001 ibaAnalyzer-V7-DB Write measurement and analysis data in
databases or query from databases (MS
PostgreSQL, Maria DB and other ODBC-
33.010004 ibaAnalyzer-V7-DB-Mulus-
Database queries for several clients
Table 1: Licenses for the database interface
The descripon of the database interface is available as a separate document
(ibaAnalyzer-DB) on the DVD iba Soware & Manuals.
2.2.2 Dataextraconinles(ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract)
With the extension to include database extracon, it is possible to write measurement data into
a dierent le. The following formats are supported
■ iba data le (*.dat)
■ ASCII (.txt, .csv)
■ COMTRADE v1999, v2013 (.cfg)
■ Apache Parquet
■ Matlab (.mat)
Issue 7.2 13
ibaAnalyzer Welcome to ibaAnalyzer - an overview
The measurement values and data calculated in ibaAnalyzer can thus be made available to oth-
er systems or analysis tools (e.g. MS Excel). The data extracon can be completely automated
with the help of ibaDatCoordinator.
Order number Name Comment
33.010002 ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract Data extracon from an iba data le or HD
query to a dierent le format
Table 2: Licenses for the data le extracon
The descripon of the data extracon interface is available as a separate docu-
ment (ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract) on the DVD iba Soware & Manuals.
2.2.3 Readingforeignformats(ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat)
In order to enable the analysis of data recorded using a system other than an iba system, iba of-
fers an addional license (ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat) under which the import of the following le types
is possible:
ASCII (.txt, .csv)
NI TDMS (.tdm, .tdms)
Vista Control (*.varc)
FDA (*.das)
Apache Parquet
Matlab (.mat)
This upgrade also enables the combinaon of data from the most varied sources in one analysis,
such as the results of process model calculaons with real process data.
Order number Name Comment
33.010445 ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat Upgrade for the reading of external data
Table 3: Licenses for external le formats
The descripon of the foreign format interface is available as a separate docu-
ment (ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat) and comes with the addional license, and/or can be
requested from iba.
14 Issue 7.2
Welcome to ibaAnalyzer - an overview ibaAnalyzer
2.2.4 DisplayofInSpectramodules(ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra)
With the extension to include the display of ibaInSpectra modules, FFT and Orbit views, as they
are available as an online display in ibaPDA, can also be used in ibaAnalyzer . In addion to the
display of the measured and calculated variables, the calculaon proles can also be edited. The
calculaon proles can be exchanged with ibaPDA.
It is thus possible to create or opmize calculaon proles oine and then transfer them to
ibaPDA to implement the same calculaons online.
Order number Name Comment
33.010410 ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra Display of complete InSpectra modules in
FFT and/or Orbit view; exchange of calcu-
laon proles with ibaInSpectra (ibaPDA).
Table 4: Licenses for ibaInSpectra extensions
The descripon of the InSpectra funcon is included both in the manual of ibaIn-
Spectra as well as in a separate document for the product ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra.
The laer is delivered with the addional license or can be requested from iba.
Issue 7.2 15
ibaAnalyzer Installaon and program start
3 Installaonandprogramstart
3.1 Systemrequirements
■ PC, mul-core CPU, 2 GHz or beer
■ 2048 MB RAM or more for extended analyses (with video etc.)
■ 100 MB or more available hard disk space for the program
■ Addional hard disk capacity for data les and analyses, depending on your parcular appli-
■ Operang system: MS Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Server 2012 or Server 2016
■ .NET Framework v4.8 or higher
3.2 Installaon
3.2.1 Standardinstallaon
The DVD iba_Soware&Manuals has all required program les in a directory ...\01_iba_So-
ware\ibaAnalyzer\ .
There are separated installaon les for the 32 bit version (ibaAnalyzerInstall_x86_vX.Y.z.exe)
and for the 64 bit version (ibaAnalyzerInstall_x64_vx.y.z.exe).
You will receive a zip le from the download area of our website containing both versions.
The x64 version can only be installed on 64 bit operang systems.
The x86 version can be installed on both 32 bit and 64 bit operang systems.
The 32 bit and 64 bit version of ibaAnalyzer can not be installed on the same
computer at the same me!
The features of the 64 bit version compared to the 32 bit version are:
■ More memory can be reserved for more extensive analyses.
■ The database extracon (ibaAnalyzer-DB) only works if the 64 bit versions of the OLE DB or
OBDC driver are available and congured correctly.
■ ibaCapture-HMI is not supported. You can therefore no longer view any ibaCapture-HMI vid-
eos with the 64 bit version. Only ibaCapture (V4) ScreenCam is supported.
■ ibaCapture-CAM is only supported if the soware ibaCapture-Client v3.4.7 or higher is in-
stalled on the computer.
■ The formats Apache Parquet and FDA are supported
16 Issue 7.2
Installaon and program start ibaAnalyzer
1. Run the le ibaAnalyzerInstall_xMN_vX.Y.Z.exe.
If ibaAnalyzer is already installed on your computer, you will be noed and asked to con-
rm the reinstallaon.
Click <Yes>.
The installaon wizard will start.
2. Click <Next> to start the installaon.
In the next step, you can change the target folder for the program les, if you wish.
3. Click <Next>.
In the next step, you can select the type of database support. This is only necessary if you
use ibaAnalyzer-DB to extract data into a database or to read from a database. All other ap-
plicaons do not require database support.
4. Make your choice and click <Install>.
The installaon will start and a progress bar will be displayed. If interested, you can click on
<Show details> in order to track the individual acons. A nocaon will be displayed aer
the installaon is complete.
5. If you want to launch ibaAnalyzer immediately aer the installaon, then acvate the check-
box "Launch ibaAnalyzer" and click <Finish>.
3.2.2 Installingbycommandline
The installaon of ibaAnalyzer can also be started via a command line. This is help for the cen-
tral soware administraon or when using deployment systems.
The installaon process can also occur in so-called ‘silent mode’ so that the interacon with the
user (clicking the <Next> buon in the installaon wizard) is omied.
You can control how the installaon proceeds and which components are to be installed with
the command line switches, which are set aer calling up the installaon program.
ibaAnalyzerSetup_xMN_vX.Y.Z.exe [/S] [/D | /db] Commandlineswitch/S
Use this switch to install ibaAnalyzer in ‘Silent Mode,’ i.e. interacon is not required during in-
Without specifying addional parameters, the installer is run as if <Next> was always pressed
in the dialog. With a fresh installaon, the program parts from the default seng are then in-
stalled (program, without database support but with dongle viewer). When installing an update,
already selected program parts from the previous installaon sll remain selected.
ibaAnalyzerSetup_xMN_vX.Y.Z.exe /S
Issue 7.2 17
ibaAnalyzer Installaon and program start Commandlineswitch/D
Use this switch to specify the installaon folder, i.e. the program folder.
The switch must be the last parameter in the command line and may not contain any quotaon
marks, even if the path name contains spaces. Only absolute path specicaons are permissible.
ibaAnalyzerSetup_x64_v6.11.0.exe /D=C:\Program Files\Analyzer Commandlineswitch/db
Use this switch to indicate whether a database prole is to be supported and in which way.
Applicaon: /db=x, with x = 0, 1 or 2
0: No database support; if database libraries have already been registered, these will be dis-
1Time-based database support; registered ibaDataExtractor.dll
2: Column-based database support; registered ibaDatExtractorMC.dll
ibaAnalyzerSetup_x64_v6.11.0.exe /S /db=2
3.3 Programstart
3.3.1 StarnginWindows
Program symbol:
If ibaAnalyzer was installed as described in the "Installaon" chapter, the program is started
most easily by double-clicking on the icon on the desktop (see above). If you have addionally
created a program group for ibaAnalyzer in the start menu, you can, of course, also start the
program from the start menu.
18 Issue 7.2
Installaon and program start ibaAnalyzer
Fig. 1: Start menu, example Windows 7
3.3.2 Starngwithcommandline
ibaAnalyzer can also be started from a (DOS) command line. This means that the program can
also be started via batch les or from other programs, such as ibaPDA, ibaQDR or ibaLogic.
A special opon which is available when the program is started via the command line is that dif-
ferent parameters can be added in order to have ibaAnalyzer carry out parcular analyses, print
reports, write data into a database, cyclically refresh the display with every new data le and
much more.
The funcons can be used for "postprocessing" in conjuncon with data acquision programs,
such as ibaPDA and ibaQDR. Postprocessing means the automac execuon of a command line
each me a data le is completed. Although it is generally possible to execute any commands or
batches in this command line, execung ibaAnalyzer is parcularly useful in order to trigger the
appropriate analysis right directly following the storing of the measuring data.
In general, the program ibaDatCoordinator is preferred for the execuon of the aforemenoned
tasks of post-processing measurement les. ibaDatCoordinator oers advantages in conguring
the post-processing tasks and ensures their safe execuon.
Nevertheless, ibaAnalyzer calls can also be entered into scripts and batch les executed with
ibaDatCoordinator by using the command line. Commandlinesyntaxwithunprotecteddatales
ibaAnalyzer.exe datlename1 [datlename2] ….[datlenamen] [pdo-
lename] [/switch]
One or more measurement les (dailename), an analysis (pdolename) and a switch parame-
ter (switch) can be included in the call of the program. The complete path and le names must
be entered for data les and analysis les.
Instead of data les you can also enter HD query le names (.hdq).
Issue 7.2 19
ibaAnalyzer Installaon and program start Commandlinesyntaxwithpasswordprotecteddatales
ibaAnalyzer.exe "pw1|datlename1" "pw2|[datlename2]" …."pwn|[-
datlenamen]" [pdolename] [/switch]
ibaAnalyzer.exe "pw1|datlename1" [datlename2] ….[datlenamen]
[pdolename] [/switch]
ibaAnalyzer.exe "hdqlename|user|pw" [pdolename] [/switch]
One or more data les (dailename) can be opened, which are protected by a password. In case
of dierent passwords per data le, the password and the data lename (separated by a pipe/
vercal bar) must be entered in quotes.
You get the vercal bar character by [Shi]+['] on a Windows IBM PC keyboard layout or by
If the same password applies to all data les, only the rst datale should be aached the pass-
word and all other data lenames follow without password and quotes.
An analysis (pdolename) and a switch parameter (switch) can be included in the call of the
program as well. The complete path and le names must be entered for data les and analysis
rules. Usingthepostprocessingcommand
Since postprocessing is an automac funcon which is controlled by the data acquision pro-
gram, such as ibaPDA, a placeholder must be used instead of the data le name in order to ac-
cess the most recent data le:
ibaAnalyzer.exe %f [pdolename] [/switch]
%f: Last data le, complete path and le name (e.g. d:\dat\
%g: Last data le, only le name (e.g. pda001.dat)
%h: Last data le, le name without sux (e.g. pda001)
For regular and automated calls of ibaAnalyzer depending on the data le gener-
aon, we recommend using the ibaDatCoordinator soware. Compared to the
postprocessing, the applicaon free of charge oers higher ease of use as well as
higher exibility and funconal reliability. Usingtheswitchesinthecommandline
The switches are parcularly important in conjuncon with postprocessing because they can be
used to automate complete analysis processes. It is, however, also possible to use the switches
in conjuncon with a manual program start.
20 Issue 7.2
Installaon and program start ibaAnalyzer
If this switch is included in the program call, ibaAnalyzer starts, loads the specied data les
and, if applicable, displays the results as determined by an analysis. If another program call with
/reuse switches follows, the new data les and, if applicable, also a new analysis are loaded into
the exisng instance of ibaAnalyzer with the old data being overwrien. This means that the
exisng instance is reused and prevents the opening of further instances.
By automang this process, for example, e.g. by using the postprocessing command, it is possi-
ble to permanently update an analysis display with the latest measuring data.
If ibaAnalyzer is started with the /reuse switch, a key buon in the upper le corner of the tool-
bar appears . Clicking this buon stops the automac update funcon, so that you can take
your me to view data. Clicking the buon again re-enables the update funcon.
This switch enables the appending of several data les specied in the call. These les are then
coherently shown one aer another in the X direcon.
In connecon with the /sql switch, the results from database queries are appended to each oth-
This switch ensures that the measuring data can be printed as a record or log in the format de-
ned in the selected analysis rule. The Windows default printer is used.
When the prinng process is completed or aer the print job has been triggered, ibaAnalyzer is
closed again. In the case of an error, however, ibaAnalyzer remains open in order to display the
error message.
This switch can only be used in conjuncon with the license for the database interface (ibaAn-
alyzer-DB). The /extract switch means that ibaAnalyzer starts and loads the specied data le.
Subsequently, the measuring data is processed in accordance with the specied analysis and
extracted into a database. During this process, no ibaAnalyzer window is opened on the screen,
i.e. the extracng process takes place in the background. The database connecon must have
been congured beforehand and is part of the analysis.
You may also extract the data into a le, instead of a database. In this case, the desired le
name is to be added as parameter. For extracng data into a le, a parcular license is required
You will nd a complete descripon of the extracon feature in the documen-
taons for the products ibaAnalyzer-DB and ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract on the
DVD iba Soware & Manuals.