Step 7.
Place hitting mat 2 or 3 feet from net. You’re ready to hit!
To store the net: With the door closed, spread out the net. Take the bottom panel and gathering net as
you go, roll the net up towards the garage door up to black sleeve. Wrap the bottom of the vinyl sleeve
up around the rolled net. Attach the grommets on the bottom of the sleeve to the hooks on the hinges.
Stuff in any remaining net. Secure the fasteners between the hooks.
Important Note: The installation described is for an 8 ft. single or double car garage door. If you have
a door that is higher than 8 ft. use the attachment below. The cam buckles (set of 3) will adjust up to
5 ft. So when the door is open, you can easily adjust Hitzem golf net to the proper length.