xiv Administration Guide
• Chapter 6, Changing the Cluster Topology, describes how to change a cluster definition
after its initial configuration.
• Chapter 7, Changing Resources and Resource Groups, describes how to change the
configuration of cluster resources, such as application servers and resource groups.
• Chapter 8, Verifying a Cluster Configuration, describes how to verify that the cluster is
properly configured.
• Chapter 9, Maintaining and Emulating Cluster Events, describes how to define pre- and
post-event processing scripts and customize cluster event processing.
• Chapter 10, Additional Tasks: Configuring Run-Time Parameters, Cluster Log Files, and
Maintaining NFS, describes how to set values for parameters that control the debug output
level for HACMP for AIX scripts, how HACMP interacts with NIS, how to maintain the
cluster configuration files used by the cluster verification utility, and how to ensure that
NFS works properly on an HACMP cluster.
• Chapter 11, Saving and Restoring Cluster Configurations, describes how to use the cluster
snapshot utility to save and restore cluster configurations.
• Chapter 12, Managing Users and Groups in a Cluster, describes how to create and manage
user and group accounts in clusters using the C-SPOC utility.
• Appendix A, HACMP for AIX Commands, lists syntax diagrams and examples for
common HACMP for AIX informational commands.
• Appendix B, Script Utilities, describes the utilities called by the event and startup scripts
supplied with the HACMP for AIX software.
• Appendix C, Command Execution Language Guide, describes how to use the Command
Execution Language (CEL) to create commands that act on all nodes in clusters using the
C-SPOC utility. All C-SPOC commands are created using this language.
• Appendix D, VSM Graphical Configuration Application, describes the xhacmpm
graphical interface tool for configuring cluster environments and components.
• Appendix E, 7x24 Maintenance, is a checklist for maintenance procedures that should help
you keep a cluster running as close to a 7 X 24 environment as possible.
The following highlighting conventions are used in this guide:
Italic Identifies variables in command syntax, new terms and concepts, or
indicates emphasis.
Bold Identifies pathnames, commands, subroutines, keywords, files,
structures, directories, and other items whose names are predefined
by the system. Also identifies graphical objects such as buttons,
labels, and icons that the user selects.
Monospace Identifies examples of specific data values, examples of text similar
to what you might see displayed, examples of program code similar
to what you might write as a programmer, messages from the
system, or information that you should actually type.