In the picture interface, press PLAY/PAUSE button to view the picture file.
FM Radio
Select from the main menu and press the MENU button to enter the FM Radio
mode, press [PRE/VOL-] or [Next/VOL+] to adjust the channel.
Hold [PRE/VOL-] button or [Next/VOL+] button to auto search last or next channel.
In the FM Radio interface, press MENU button to submenu including: Save, Record,
Delete, Delete all, Auto search, Exit.
Select in the main menu to E-book interface ,then press PLAY/PAUSE button
to start reading E-book, press MENU button to submenu including: Bookmark select,
Bookmark delete, Bookmark add, Exit.
Under main menu, press to setting menu.
It includes the submenu: System time, LCD set, Language, Power off, memory info,
Firmware version, Reset Default Settings, Exit.
The user can select the item to change their favorite setting.
Select in the main menu to enter submenu: Local folder and Exit.