Running Clutch Time
Break Time Limit
Active Mark Sensor Range
Pouch Total Count
Batch Set Count
Running Batch Count
1). and keys are used to increment or decrement the parameters.
when the clutch will on the running clutch time will be start.
It is Used to set the length of the pouch when running clutch time achieves
Break time Limit, Clutch will be OFF & Break will be ON.
At each Start Pulse, the Pouch Total count will be incremented. At any instant
of time the Pouch Total Count shows the total no. of Pouch counted after last
At each Pulse of batch Proxy, the run count will be incremented and delay time
for air filling 230V AC O/P 2 will start. After achieving the Batch set count, Run
Count will be zero.
When run count achieves the Batch Set Count, the Delay time for Batch cutter
230V AC O/P 1 wiil be ON.
The Delay Time is used to set the delay before it turns on. The Range for delay time
is 0 To 9.9 SEC.
The On time is used to set the on time of any relay. The Range for delay time
is 0 To 9.9 SEC.
This time is used to set the time for which the colour mark sensor is to
be considered.
If Break time Limit is set to 50.00 and Active Mark Sensor Range is set to 2.00
Then the CMS would be Active for only last 2.00 of Break time Limit.
During This period if mark is detected then the Clutch will be OFF & Break
will be ON.
2). Initially Break will be ON.
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