BlueControl Poultry
10 User Manual
3.2 Batch
Information about the number of stocked and moved animals helps to form the basis for the calculations relating
to the production control made by the controller. Key values, such as mortality and feed/animal, are thus depen-
dent on you entering the correct numbers.
The controller continuously calculates the total number of live animals, the number of dead animals yesterday,
and the mortality in the livestock house. You can also register the number of stocked animals at the batch start,
reasons for culling, etc.
The controller can display whether the registrations were made in the morning or the evening, and a total num-
ber of each type of recording for the batch.
Calculations of previous registrations can be viewed in the PC management program FarmOnline Explorer.
Operation. The most important values and recordings for
animals in the livestock house can be viewed and entered via
the Production results card.
A graphic on the face of the card illustrates the current weight,
feed, and water values during the last 48 hours. In addition, you
can see the actual values for mortality and number of animals in
the house and have easy access to record the appurtenant
numbers during the batch.
Mortality: entry of the number of dead animals in different cate-
Animal: entry of the number of moved animals.
In the following section, you will see a description of the functions and setting options available for animals.
Operation | Production results card | Animal
Stocked Entry of the total number of animals at start.
If animals are stocked or removed from the house during a batch, you can make
the entry via the face of the Production results card or the menu Add/remove
(moved) or Culled/dead.
Live animals Displays the number of live animals.
Add/remove Entry of the number of animals removed or stocked in the livestock house in the
different categories.
Operation | Production results card | Mortality
Culled/dead Entry of the number of animals in categories, including reasons for culling/death.
These numbers are used to calculate the mortality rate.
Number of dead animals Display of the total number of dead animals.
Here it is also possible to enter a number instead of in the menu Culled/dead ani-
mals. The numbers entered here are included in the recordings under Culled/
dead animals in the category Dead.
Number of dead animals
Display of the total number of dead animals since midnight.
Number of dead animals
Display of the total number of dead animals.
Mortality Display of the total calculated mortality in percent.
Livability Display in percent of the number of live animals compared to the number of
stocked animals.