IBA ibaPDA Owner's manual

  • Hello! I'm your chat assistant, and I've carefully reviewed the iba I/O Manager manual. I understand that it covers configuration settings for signals, interfaces, data sources, and output modules. I'm ready to help you with any questions you might have regarding the I/O Manager, including signal grouping, text processing, time synchronization, or any other aspect detailed in this manual.
  • What is the I/O Manager?
    What does 'I/O' stand for?
    What is the acquisition timebase?
I/O Manager
Manual Part2
Issue 8.4
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
iba AG
Koenigswarterstrasse 44
90762 Fuerth
Main oce +49 911 97282-0
Fax +49 911 97282-33
Support +49 911 97282-14
Engineering +49 911 97282-13
Web www.iba-ag.com
Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, it is not permied to pass on or copy this document, nor
to make use of its contents or disclose its contents. Infringements are liable for compensaon.
© iba AG 2023, All rights reserved.
The content of this publicaon has been checked for compliance with the described hardware
and soware. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be ruled out, and we do not provide guaran-
tee for complete conformity. However, the informaon furnished in this publicaon is updated
regularly. Required correcons are contained in the following regulaons or can be downloaded
on the Internet.
The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision Author Version SW
8.4 08/2023 New Anaylcs tab, Virtual interface RM 8.4.0
Windows® is a brand and registered trademark of Microso Corporaon. Other product and
company names menoned in this manual can be labels or registered trademarks of the corre-
sponding owners.
8.4 3
ibaPDA Contents
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon ................................................................................................8
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge ..................................................................... 8
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............9
1.4 Documentaon structure ....................................................................................... 10
2 Introducon .................................................................................................................... 11
3 I/O Manager toolbar .......................................................................................................12
4 Generalsengsandinformaon ....................................................................................14
4.1 Sengs ................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Signal names ............................................................................................ ...............18
4.3 Address books ........................................................................................................ 20
4.4 Cercates ............................................................................................ ..................22
4.4.1 Cercates ............................................................................................ ..................22
4.4.2 Central cercate store .......................................................................................... 23
4.4.3 Manage cercates ................................................................................................25 Generate a new cercate .................................................................................. 26 Add cercate .....................................................................................................27 Export cercates ............................................................................................. ...27
4.4.4 Use cercates .......................................................................................................28
4.4.5 Save and protect cercates .................................................................................. 29
4.5 Time synchronizaon ............................................................................................. .29
4.5.1 DCF77 ..................................................................................................................... 30 DCF77 Conguraon ............................................................................................ 32
4.5.2 IEC 1131 .................................................................................................................. 33
4.5.3 PTPv2 ...................................................................................................................... 34
4.5.4 ibaClock .................................................................................................................. 38
4.5.5 NTP via Windows .................................................................................................... 39
4.6 Module overview ............................................................................................. .......40
4.7 Knowhow protecon .............................................................................................. 42
4.7.1 Introducon ............................................................................................................ 42
4.7.2 Creang a protecon scheme ................................................................................. 44
4 8.4
Contents ibaPDA
4.7.3 Applicaon of a protecon scheme ........................................................................ 45
4.7.4 Removing the protecon ........................................................................................ 45
4.7.5 Imporng and exporng protected elements ........................................................ 46
4.7.6 Unlocking protected items ..................................................................................... 46
4.8 Watchdog ............................................................................................................... 47
4.8.1 Informaon about the watchdog telegram structure, ASCII format .......................48
4.8.2 Informaon about the watchdog telegram structure, binary format ..................... 49
4.9 External conguraon ............................................................................................ 50
4.10 Stop prevenon ......................................................................................................51
4.11 Boards ............................................................................................. ........................52
4.12 Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 56
4.13 Interrupt Info .......................................................................................................... 59
4.14 Mulstaon ............................................................................................................62
4.15 OPC server .............................................................................................................. 63
4.16 OPC UA Server ........................................................................................................ 64
4.16.1 General informaon ...............................................................................................64
4.17 SNMP server ...........................................................................................................65
4.18 IEC61850 server ...................................................................................................... 66
4.19 Signal usage display ................................................................................................ 66
5 Groups and vector signals ...............................................................................................67
5.1 Adding groups ......................................................................................................... 67
5.2 Renaming a group ............................................................................................. ...... 68
5.3 Deleng groups....................................................................................................... 68
5.4 Move groups ...........................................................................................................68
5.5 Assigning signals to a group .................................................................................... 68
5.6 Deleng signals from a group ................................................................................. 68
5.7 Remove inacve signals from a group .................................................................... 69
5.8 Creang vector signals ............................................................................................ 69
5.9 Export groups ......................................................................................................... 70
6 Text signals and text processing ....................................................................................... 71
6.1 Using the text signals ............................................................................................ ..71
6.2 Properes of the text signals .................................................................................. 72
8.4 5
ibaPDA Contents
6.3 Using text signals .................................................................................................... 79
6.3.1 General ................................................................................................................... 79
6.3.2 Conguraon .......................................................................................................... 80
6.3.3 Creang text signals ............................................................................................. ... 82
6.3.4 Delete the text signals ............................................................................................ 83
6.3.5 Dening and assigning text signals ......................................................................... 83
6.4 Text interface .......................................................................................................... 84
6.5 Text splier module ................................................................................................ 85
6.5.1 Add text splier module ......................................................................................... 86
6.5.2 Module sengs ...................................................................................................... 86 Fixed width split mode ........................................................................................ 88 Delimited split mode ........................................................................................... 89 Split mode JSON .................................................................................................. 91
6.5.3 Signal conguraon ................................................................................................92
6.6 Text signals via TCP/IP and UDP .............................................................................. 93
6.6.1 Add module ............................................................................................................ 93
6.6.2 Module sengs ...................................................................................................... 93
6.6.3 Signal conguraon ................................................................................................94
6.7 Text signals via serial (COM) interface .................................................................... 95
6.7.1 Add module ............................................................................................................ 95
6.7.2 Module sengs ...................................................................................................... 95
6.7.3 Signal conguraon ................................................................................................96
6.8 Text signals via text le (le text) ............................................................................ 97
6.8.1 Add module ............................................................................................................ 97
6.8.2 Module sengs ...................................................................................................... 97
6.8.3 Signal conguraon ................................................................................................99
6.9 Custom text (text creator) .................................................................................... 100
6.9.1 Add module ..........................................................................................................100
6.9.2 Module sengs .................................................................................................... 100
6.9.3 Text creator ........................................................................................................... 101
6.9.4 Signal conguraon ..............................................................................................104
6 8.4
Contents ibaPDA
6.10 Text via ibaQPanel text input ................................................................................ 105
6.10.1 Add module ..........................................................................................................105
6.10.2 Module sengs .................................................................................................... 105
6.10.3 Signal conguraon ..............................................................................................106
6.11 Text shi register .................................................................................................. 107
6.11.1 Add module ..........................................................................................................107
6.11.2 Module sengs .................................................................................................... 107
6.11.3 Signal conguraon ..............................................................................................109
6.11.4 Applicaon example for text shi register ............................................................ 110
6.12 Text signals via OPC / OPC UA ............................................................................... 112
6.13 Text signals via other interfaces ............................................................................ 112
7 Outputs ......................................................................................................................... 113
7.1 Create outputs ......................................................................................................115
7.2 Adding output modules ........................................................................................ 116
7.3 Seng up output modules ................................................................................... 116
7.3.1 General module sengs ....................................................................................... 116
7.3.2 OPC output module .............................................................................................. 117 General tab ........................................................................................................ 117 Analog and Digital tab ....................................................................................... 118
7.3.3 E-mail ....................................................................................................................119 Basic sengs (accounts and elds) ................................................................... 119 E-Mail module sengs ...................................................................................... 120
7.3.4 ibaNet750-BM, -BM-D output modules ............................................................... 123 General tab ........................................................................................................ 123 Analog and Digital tab ....................................................................................... 124
7.3.5 ibaL2B... output modules ..................................................................................... 125 General tab ........................................................................................................ 125 Analog and Digital tab ....................................................................................... 125
7.3.6 Reecve Memory output module ...................................................................... 126 General tab ........................................................................................................ 126 Analog and Digital tab ....................................................................................... 126
7.3.7 EtherNet/IP I/O output modules .......................................................................... 126
8.4 7
ibaPDA Contents
7.3.8 Generic TCP output module ................................................................................. 127 General tab ........................................................................................................ 127 Analog and Digital tab ....................................................................................... 128
7.3.9 Generic UDP output module ................................................................................ 129 General tab ........................................................................................................ 129 Analog and Digital tab ....................................................................................... 129
7.3.10 Modbus-TCP Client output module ...................................................................... 130
7.3.11 ABB-Xplorer output module ................................................................................. 131
7.3.12 OMRON-Xplorer output module .......................................................................... 131
7.3.13 S7-Xplorer output module .................................................................................... 133
7.3.14 TwinCAT-Xplorer output module .......................................................................... 133
7.3.15 ibaCapture output module ................................................................................... 135 General tab ........................................................................................................ 135 Video server tab ................................................................................................135 Analog and Digital tab ....................................................................................... 136
7.3.16 ibaVision output module ...................................................................................... 137
7.3.17 FOB alarm output module .................................................................................... 137 General tab ........................................................................................................ 137 Analog and Digital tab ....................................................................................... 137
7.3.18 Outputs to the iba modular system (ibaPADU-S) ....................... ........................... 138
7.3.19 Outputs to iba bus modules (ibaBM-...) ............................................................... 139
7.3.20 Outputs to iba system interconnecons (ibaLink-...) ............................................139
7.3.21 OPC UA client output module ............................................................................... 140
7.3.22 MQTT output module ........................................................................................... 142
7.3.23 Output module for SQL commands to SQL databases .......................................... 146
7.3.24 ibaNet-E output modules ..................................................................................... 147
7.3.25 ibaM-DAQ outputs ................................................................................................148
8 Support and contact ...................................................................................................... 149
8 8.4
About this documentaon ibaPDA
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge
This manual is aimed at qualied professionals who are familiar with handling electrical and
electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A person is regard-
ed as professional if he/she is capable of assessing safety and recognizing possible consequenc-
es and risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience and knowl-
edge of the standard regulaons.
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram – Add – New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
Filenames, paths Filename, Path
Example: Test.docx
8.4 9
ibaPDA About this documentaon
1.3 Used symbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
of death or severe injury:
■ Observe the specied measures.
death or severe injury!
■ Observe the specied measures.
injury or material damage!
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
10 8.4
About this documentaon ibaPDA
1.4 Documentaonstructure
This documentaon fully describes the funconality of the ibaPDA system. It is designed both as
a tutorial as well as a reference document. The secons and chapters essenally follow the pro-
cedure for conguring the system.
In addion to this documentaon, you can examine the version history in the main menu, Help
– Version history (le versions.htm) for the latest informaon about the installed version of
the program. This le not only lists the bugs that have been eliminated, but also refers to exten-
sions of the system in note form.
In addion, special "NewFeatures…" documentaon comes with any soware update that in-
cludes signicant new features, which provides a more detailed descripon of the new features.
The state of the soware to which the respecve part of this documentaon refers is listed in
the revision table on page 2.
The ibaPDA system documentaon (PDF and printed version) is divided into seven separate
parts. Each part has its own secon and page numbering beginning at 1, and is updated inde-
Part 1 Introducon and installaon General notes, license policy and add-ons
Installaon and program start
User interface, system architecture, client server
User management, prinng
Part 2 I/O Manager Basic informaon about the I/O Manager, general
Groups and vector signals, text signals, outputs,
conguraon les
Part 3 Data interfaces and mod-
Interfaces for the measurement data acquision
Standard interfaces, ibaFOB, Ethernet-based inter-
faces and more. For interfaces for which there are
separate manuals, these are referred to.
Part 4 Expression builder All funcons for calculang virtual signals
Part 5 Data storage Types of data recording, recording proles, signal
Part 6 Data visualizaon All display modes for live data, their operaon and
Part 7 Appendix Various addions, error lisngs, etc.
8.4 11
ibaPDA Introducon
2 Introducon
"I/O" stands for "Input/Output". The I/O Manager is the main dialog for all conguraon set-
ngs related to signals and interfaces.
All data sources and signals must rst be dened in the I/O Manager. How the signals are then
eventually used (display, recording, etc.) is subsequently determined in the other dialogs.
All seng opons are clearly displayed in the I/O Manager. When conguring the input and
output modules, the user is acvely supported through context-sensive selecon menus. This
helps to avoid conguraon errors. Each change in conguraons is checked by the system be-
fore being applied.
Changing the conguraon sengs in the I/O Manager always causes acquision
to automacally stop and restart!
The I/O Manager can be accessed as follows:
■ Via the Congure - I/O Manager menu
■ Via the buon
You will nd four main secons in the I/O Manager where adjustments can make other sengs:
■ Inputs
■ Outputs
■ Analycs
■ Groups
■ General
Due to the extent and scope, the descripon of the data interfaces, which are an integral part of
the I/O Manager, is addressed separately in part 3 of the manual.
12 8.4
I/O Manager toolbar ibaPDA
3 I/O Manager toolbar
Symbol Descripon
New conguraon; then choose whether an empty conguraon (reset to factory
sengs without auto-detect) or a new conguraon with auto-detecng the con-
nected modules should be created. If you click on this buon while the acquision
is running, an addional opon appears oering a new conguraon with auto-de-
tect aer automac stop of acquision.
Opens an exisng I/O conguraon le (XML-le .io). Aerwards, if applicable, the
possibility to keep or delete inial values, if the conguraon contains correspond-
ing modules.
Opens an exisng I/O conguraon le (.io or .zip) in simulaon mode. The loaded
conguraon is not aligned with the currently exisng hardware or licenses and
cannot be applied. The simulaon mode only provides for display of any I/O con-
Opens access to the automacally saved backups of the I/O conguraon in the
path %ProgramData%iba\ibaPDA\Backup on the ibaPDA-Server computer.
In a dialog window you can select and load the desired backup. Furthermore, you
can use the dialog to delete a backup.
Saves the current, full I/O conguraon in an XML-le. You can select or enter the
path and lename in the following dialog. The le extension .io is added automa-
Imporng an I/O conguraon, which is available in the form of a text le. The
I/O conguraons of an older ibaPDA system (< V6) as well as modules, groups or
proles that were exported from another ibaPDA system or congured using oth-
er tools, e.g., MS Excel, can also be imported. Signal addresses can be imported
as decimal or hexadecimal (prex “0x”) values. You cannot import a complete I/O
conguraon by using the import funcon.
Buon with drop-down list to export to a text le one out of the following:
■ the current I/O conguraon, i.e. all modules, groups and proles
■ all or selected modules
■ all groups
■ all InSpectra-proles
These buons are disabled, unless you can move selected modules within the
interface. Move the module by one posion up or down in the signal tree of the
This Buon is only enabled if a signal table is open. Pressing this Buon will copy
the open signal table to the Windows clipboard in order to paste it into another
signal table or e.g. Microso Excel/Word.
8.4 13
ibaPDA I/O Manager toolbar
Symbol Descripon
This Buon is only enabled if a signal table is open. Clicking this Buon will paste
the contents of the Windows clipboard, provided it is a compable table, created
in I/O Manager or e.g. Microso Excel/Word.
Go forward/backward buons: Navigate to the previous or following step in the
I/O Manager.
Tabs Descripon
Inputs Here, you can congure data sources (interfaces), modules and signals.
Outputs Here, you can congure output signals, e-mails and SQL commands for interfaces
and modules, which support output of data.
Analycs Here, you'll nd internal interfaces and modules which are rather used for analyc
processing of the input and other signals. Included interfaces are:
■ Virtual
■ InCycle
■ InSpectra
Before introducing the Analycs tab, these interfaces were placed in the Inputs
tab. When updang from older ibaPDA versions to v8.4.0 or higher these interfac-
es will be moved automacally to the Analycs tab.
Groups Here, you can dene signal groups, assign signals to groups and dene muldi-
mensional signals (vectors).
General Here, you can carry out general sengs for interfaces and modules, such as ad-
dress books and cercate management, me synchronizaon setup or visibility of
14 8.4
General sengs and informaon ibaPDA
4 Generalsengsandinformaon
This secon describes the informaon provided in the General tab.
4.1 Sengs
Interrupt source
The interrupt source determines the enre ming of the data acquision in ibaPDA. From this
drop-down list, select one card which should act as the interrupt source on the PCI-/PCIe-bus.
The iba cards are ed with a very precise and stable mer chip. If iba cards are installed in the
computer they are listed in the drop-down list for the interrupt source. If cards of the ibaFOB-D
family are used they are preferred as interrupt source compared to older cards.
If no iba cards are used, the less stable Windows mer will be used instead.
Interrupt counter
The interrupt counter is incremenng with a rate of 1000 / sec when the drivers and ibaPDA
server are started and the applicaon me base is set to 1 ms.
Enter the mebase here.
8.4 15
ibaPDA General sengs and informaon
The acquision mebase is the superior clock for the enre system and the fastest period for
sampling data in running acquision. Slower sampling can can be congured for the individual
modules by the module’s mebase seng.
Excluded are data which are acquired over ber opc connecons with ibaNet 32Mbit Flex pro-
tocol, data from ibaInSpectra modules and ibaInCycle modules as well as virtual modules. In
these cases mebases faster than the acquision mebase can be congured.
Faster sampling induces higher load and data volume. Therefore, it is always a reasonable ap-
proach to set the sampling on an appropriate level , i.e. as low as required for the intended ap-
plicaon .
The congured module mebases cannot be chosen arbitrarily and independently from each
other in order to ensure the good performance of the system even with high amounts of data.
An important quanty is the “driver period” which results from the module mebases. It is de-
termined by the least common mulple of all module mebases.
The longest driver period should not exceed 1000 ms. The rao of smallest module mebase
and driver period must be limited. Bad or inadmissible conguraons will be indicated during
the validaon on start of the acquision by warning or error messages.
You will nd an overview of all modules including their congured me bases in Module over-
view (see ì Module overview, page 40).
As the name implies, the acquision mebase refers only to data acquision (sampling) not
recording. The mebase for the data recording which is used to write the measured values into
the data le is congured in the data storage proles.
If you check this opon, the acquision will be started automacally aer a system restart of
the server (equivalent of the GO buon). You have to select this opon if you need a full au-
tomac startup sequence of the system, e.g. aer a power failure. A prerequisite is, of course,
that the ibaPDA server service starts automacally when the system is boong.
In the eld next to it, you can set a delay me in seconds. A delay of >0 may be useful if other
components, drivers or interfaces are involved, which are needed to correctly start the acquisi-
on and that need some me to be available (e.g. remote OPC server).
If you check this opon, the drivers will be reloaded and restarted with the next change of the
I/O conguraon. The selecon of this opon will not be retained. The opon will be disabled
automacally aer the driver has been loaded and started. You have to enable it again for the
next repeon.
Selecng this opon is recommended if ibaPDA does not experience any interrupts. The system
always checks the interrupts when the acquision starts. If no interrupts are detected, an error
message is shown.
If you check this opon, data acquision will be stopped automacally in the event of an
non-recoverable error.
The automac restart is the aempt to x the error. At the same me, faulty modules may
eventually be disabled. For most of the applicaons it is vital, that the data acquision with iba-
16 8.4
General sengs and informaon ibaPDA
PDA is running connuously. It is therefore more benecial to have a running data acquision,
even with reduced signal count, than a stopped data acquision..
In the License informaon area you'll nd important informaon about your current soware
License container
The license container number is important for all service queries and upgrades. Please provide
the license container number to our support team. It is linked to your license container, i.e. ei-
ther MARX dongle, WIBU dongle or WIBU so license and stored in our database.
Customer name
In this eld, you will nd the name of the customer for which this license has been approved.
For projects, which were inially completed via system integrators, registraon of the end user
should have been requested from iba either from the outset or, at the latest, aer the warranty
period has expired. This makes it easier to assign the license in the case of later extensions or
support cases.
This eld shows the validity me of the licenses. Depending on the container type there is ei-
ther a remaining validity me given in days or hours or there is an expiraon date.
Container type
This eld indicates whether a MARX dongle, a WIBU dongle (WIBU CmSck) or a WIBU so li-
cense (WIBU CmActLicense) is used.
Container host
This eld shows the name of the computer where the license container is aached, which sup-
plies the licenses obtained by the applicaon.
Required EUP date and EUP date
The EUP date species the date unl which the period of free soware updates is valid. Aer
the update period has expired you sll can connue running the program as usual but only with
the features which were already available unl then.
For more informaon, see Part 1, Update policy.
This window displays all the available basic and addional licenses, such as clients, data storag-
es, interfaces, plug-ins etc.
If mulple licenses are applicable, e.g. clients, Xplorer interfaces, data storages etc., the number
of respecve licenses is given in brackets.
A bar on the scale and the value behind the scale show the number of currently acve signals.
The end value of the scale indicates the maximum permissible number of signals according to
the license.
8.4 17
ibaPDA General sengs and informaon
TCP and UDP protocols
Enabling of this opon will acvate a meout for TCP/IP connecons. If no messages are re-
ceived over the TCP/IP connecons within the specied me (to be entered in the entry eld
next to the checkbox), the corresponding connecon will be disconnected. Disconnecng un-
used connecons saves resources.
Enabling this opon sets all measured signals of a connecon to zero if the connecon is inter-
rupted. Otherwise the signal values would show the value at the me of the connecon inter-
Use this opon to enter selected events from communicaon eld in the Windows event log
so that they are visible in the Windows event display "System". This refers to Ethernet-based
interfaces which are incapable to generate their own log, e.g. because they are implemented in
the driver. Most of the Ethernet-based interfaces which are supported by ibaPDA generate their
own log les and write them to a dedicated subfolder in the server program path on the hard
disk. You’ll nd more informaon on this in the manuals of the interfaces.
The installer of ibaPDA only adds the applicaon excepons for ibaPDA client, server and
S7-Xplorer proxy to the Windows rewall. Excepons for network protocols which are handled
by the ibaPDA driver can be added automacally or manually. If you enable this opon (default)
the required port excepons are added automacally. If you disable this opon then you can
manually add the port excepons to the rewall by clicking the buon <Allow ports through
rewall> on each interface that requires a listen port.
For TCP-based interfaces that are to receive data faster than 200 ms, a so-called "fast acknowl-
edge” must occur. For this purpose, the parameter "TcpAckFrequency” must be changed in the
Windows registry. So that the user does not need to edit the registry, this opon can be used to
select the network adapter(s) for which a quick response is required. The changes in the registry
are then made automacally.
Via this buon, you open the log le of the ibaPDA server in the standard text editor of the
(Windows) system. All system-related events and processes from the perspecve of the server
acquire logged this log.
If you create a support le in the support case using the Save informaon for iba support... func-
on in the Help menu then this log le is included.
18 8.4
General sengs and informaon ibaPDA
4.2 Signal names
The creaon of signal names can be checked against four rules, which can be enabled or dis-
abled individually:
■ The signal name must be unique through the enre I/O conguraon
A signal name must not be created twice in the I/O conguraon.
■ Guarantee a minimum signal name length
The signal name must at least consist of the number of characters as specied.
■ Limit the maximum signal name length
The number of characters in the signal name must be equal or less than the specied num-
■ The signal name must comply with a regular expression
The signal name must only consist of characters, which are permied by the specied regular
expression. (Default: [0-9a-zA-Z_/()\\]*)
For each rule you can use the selecon buon on the right side to determine whether the rule
is disabled or whether it should generate a warning or an error in case of violaon.
You can enter any name into the eld Test signal name in order to check if the rules work prop-
erly. As long as the test signal name does not follow the rules, a red circle with a white cross ap-
pears on the right end of the eld.
The compliance with the enabled rules is already checked while you work in the I/O Manager.
As soon as a signal name does not comply with the rules a warning or error icon indicates this in
the signal table. The following examples refer to the sengs in the picture above.
8.4 19
ibaPDA General sengs and informaon
In case more than one rule has been broken, all reasons are menoned in the toolp on mouse-
Furthermore, the compliance with the rules is checked during the validaon of the I/O cong-
uraon, e. g. at start of acquision. The corresponding warning or error messages will be dis-
played and in case of an error the I/O conguraon will be invalid.
20 8.4
General sengs and informaon ibaPDA
4.3 Address books
The Address books node is used to congure and manage address books, which are needed for
address book-based connecons to other systems, such as some Xplorer or SIMATIC interfaces.
The respecve address book tabs are only visible if appropriate interfaces and/or licenses are
acve on the ibaPDA system.
The basic structure is the same for all tabs.
In the upper part there are some sengs that depend on the connecon type as well as the
Buon for imporng, generang and deleng address books.
Below is a table lisng all of the address books available on the system, with reference to the
PLC, the creaon date and – if available – the project. The last column lists the modules that
have been congured for the specic CPU.
Address book tabs are available for the following systems:
Name Tab visible ...
ABB … with license ibaPDA-Interface-ABB-Xplorer
Bachmann M1 … with license ibaPDA-Interface-Bachmann-Xplorer, ibaPDA-Re-
DTBox … with license ibaPDA-Request-DTBox-xxxx
Hitachi MicroSigma … with license ibaPDA-Interface-Hitachi-MicroSigma
IEC61850 … with license ibaPDA-Interface-IEC61850-Client
OPC UA … with license ibaPDA-Interface-OPC-UA-Client
SIMATIC S7 … with licenses ibaPDA-Interface-S7-Xplorer, ibaPDA-Request-S7 or ibaP-
... if an S7 module (all types) is included in the I/O conguraon.
SIMOTION … with license ibaPDA-Interface-SIMOTION-Xplorer
TwinCAT … with license ibaPDA-Interface-TwinCAT-Xplorer, ibaPDA-Request-Twin-
Table 1: Systems with address book support