Procedural guidelines
• Subculture the FreeStyle™ 293-F Cells a minimum of three
times to allow them to recover from thawing before using
them in transfection experiments.
• Keep cell densities between 1 × 106–3 × 106 cells/mL of
culture for best performance.
• We recommend maintaining cells in a 125-mL or a 250-mL
polycarbonate, disposable, sterile Erlenmeyer ask
containing 25–40 mL or 50–80 mL total working volume of
cell suspension, respectively.
• Glass asks without bafes may be used, but clean them
thoroughly after each use to avoid potential toxicity.
Guidelines for thawing and storing cells
• On receipt, either thaw the cells immediately or immediately
place the frozen cells into vapor phase liquid nitrogen
storage until ready to use. Do not store the cells at –80°C.
• Avoid short-term, extreme temperature changes. When
storing cells in liquid nitrogen following receipt on dry ice,
allow the cells to remain in liquid nitrogen for 3–4 days before
• Before starting experiments, ensure to have cells that are
established and have frozen stocks on hand. On receipt,
grow and freeze multiple vials of cells to ensure that you
have an adequate supply of early-passage cells.
FreeStyle™ 293-F Cells characteristics
Growth properties: Suspension
Doubling time: 25 hours. Doubling times may vary based on cell
health, handling, and passage number.
Viability during log phase culture: >90%
Subculture conditions: Grow to 1 × 106–3 × 106 cells/mL, and
split cells to 0.2 × 106–0.5 × 106 cells/mL every 2–3 days. Do not
grow above above 3 × 106 cells/mL for best performance. Discard
cells when they reach passage number 30.
Scale up FreeStyle™ 293-F cell culture
You can scale up the FreeStyle™ 293-F cultures in spinner asks
or bioreactors. Determine the optimal spinner or impeller speed
and seeding density for your culture system. We recommend that
the cells be seeded at 0.5 × 106 viable cells/mL. Optimum spinner
speed is approximately 100–130 rpm, and optimum impeller
speed in Celligen™ stirred tank bioreactors is 70–100 rpm. If the
split ratio of cells to fresh media is less than 1:2, centrifuge the
cell suspension and re-suspend the cell pellet in fresh medium
before inoculating the culture.
Cryopreserve FreeStyle™ 293-F Cells
FreeStyle™ 293-F Cells can be frozen directly in FreeStyle™ 293
Expression Medium.
• Freeze FreeStyle™ 293-F Cells at a nal density of 1×
107 viable cells/mL.
• Use a freezing medium composed of 90% fresh FreeStyle™
293 Expression Medium and 10% DMSO.
• Freeze cells in an automated or manual, controlled-rate,
freezing apparatus following standard procedures. For ideal
cryopreservation, the rate of temperature decrease should be
1°C per minute.
• Transfer frozen vials to liquid nitrogen for storage.
• Check the viability and recovery of frozen cells 24 hours after
storing cryovials in liquid nitrogen by following the
procedures outlines in this protocol.
2FreeStyle™ 293-F Cells User Guide