maah = no
When Shelby is hungry he may say:
maah graa, maah deeee (no eat, no happy)
raaak = love/like/hug
When you rub Shelby's back he may say:
shaaah raaak (shelby love you)
reees = please
When you are feeding Shelby he may say:
aaah-geee reees (again please)
shaaah = Shelby/me/my
When Shelby is hungry he may say:
shaah suuue,shaah graa,grub (shelby sad, me hungry)
suuue = sad
When Shelby is sick he may say:
maah graa,shaaah suuue (no eat,me sad)
uuu-daa = down/under
When Shelby is tired he may say:
daah-yee uuu-daa reees (light down please)
uuuuuu = scared
If you hold Shelby upside down he may say:
shaaah uuuuuu (shelby scared)
Furbish words that Shelby uses, with example phrases:
ay-ay = look/see
When Shelby wakes up he may say:
shelby ay-ay ay-loh (shelby see light)
ay-loh = light
When you cover Shelby's eyes he may say:
ay-loh doo? (where's light?)
dah = big
When you tilt Shelby he may say:
dah doo-ay (big fun)
doo? = What?/Question?
When you clap your hands Shelby may say:
dah lee-koo doo? (big sound?)
doo-ay = fun
When Shelby see Furby dance he may say:
dah doo-ay (big fun)
doo-moh = please
When you rub Shelby's back he may say:
koh-koh doo-moh(again please)
koh-koh = again/more
When Shelby has eaten enough he may say:
no koh-koh doo-moh (no more please)