There is a fault in the system if the warning light does not go out or flashes while
driving » . This also applies if the warning light does not come on when the ig-
nition is switched on.
The functionality of the airbag system is also monitored electronically when one
airbag has been switched off.
The following situation applies if the front or side airbag or belt tensioner have
been switched off using the vehicle system tester:
The warning light lights up for around 4 seconds after switching on the igni-
tion and then flashes approximately another 12 seconds in 2 second intervals.
The following situation applies if the airbag has been switched off using the
key switch for the airbag in the front passenger storage compartment:
The warning light comes on for a few seconds when the ignition is switched
The deactivated airbag is indicated by the illumination of the indicator light
in the middle of the dash panel » page 88, Key switch for
the front seat passenger airbag.
If there is a fault, have the airbag system checked immediately by a specialist
garage. Otherwise, there is a risk of the airbag not being activated in the
event of an accident.
Exhaust inspection system
The warning light comes on after the ignition has been switched on.
If the warning light does not go out after starting the engine or it lights up when
driving, a fault exists in an exhaust relevant component. The engine management
system selects an emergency programme which enables you to drive to the near-
est specialist garage by adopting a gentle style of driving.
Electromechanical power steering
The warning light comes on for a few seconds when the ignition is switched
If the warning light after switching on the ignition or when driving lights up con-
tinuously, a fault exists in the electromechanical power steering.
If the yellow indicator light lights up , this indicates a partial failure of the
power steering and the steering forces can be greater.
If the red indicator light lights up , this indicates a complete failure of the
power steering and the steering assist has failed (significantly higher steering
Further information » page 59.
If the yellow warning light goes out after starting the engine again and a
short drive, it is not necessary to visit a specialist garage.
If the vehicle battery has been disconnected and reconnected, the yellow indi-
cator light comes on after switching on the ignition. The warning light should
go out after driving a short distance.
Engine oil pressure
The warning light comes on for a few seconds when the ignition is switched
Stop the vehicle and switch the engine off if the warning light does not go off
after the engine has started or flashes while driving. Check the oil level and top
up with engine oil if necessary » page 111, Checking the engine oil level.
An audible signal sounds as a warning signal.
Do not continue your journey if for some reason it is not possible to top up the
engine oil under the prevailing conditions. Serious engine damage is possible.
Therefore, switch the engine off and seek help from a specialist garage.
Even if the oil level is correct, do not drive any further if the warning light is
flashing. Also do not leave the engine running at an idling speed. Seek help from
a specialist garage.
If you have to stop for technical reasons, then park the vehicle at a safe dis-
tance from the traffic, switch off the engine and activate the hazard warning
light system » page 34, Switches for the hazard warning light system.
Using the system