Registering your new keyfob
Keyfob that is already working
Old style Keyfob with hidden
buon on reverse
New style Keyfob with
no hidden buon
Keyfob that is already working
New Keyfob
New Keyfob
Take your exis!ng transmi"er
and press the hidden bu"on
within the hole at the back of
the casing as shown.
Then press the bu"on on the
front that operates your gate
or door. Gate should not
Take your exis!ng transmi"er
and press the two bu"ons on
the front of the keyfob as
Then press the bu"on on the
front that operates your gate
or door. Gate should not
When you have carried out
the instruc!ons in ‘A’ above...
Take the new transmi"er and
press the hidden bu"on
within the hole at the back of
the casing as shown.
Then press the bu"on on the
front that you wish to
operate your gate or door.
Wait 10 seconds and your
new transmi"er will be ready
to use.
When you have carried out
the instruc!ons in ‘A’ above...
Take your exis!ng transmi"er
and press the two bu"ons on
the front of the keyfob as
Then press the bu"on on the
front that you wish to
operate your gate or door.
Wait 10 seconds and your
new transmi"er will be ready
to use.
You must be within 5 Metres
of the gate
You must be within 5 Metres
of the gate
‘B’ must be carried out
within 10 seconds of ‘A’
‘B’ must be carried out
within 10 seconds of ‘A’
BFT Automaon UK Ltd
Unit 8E, Newby Road Industrial Estate, Hazel Grove
Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 5DA
Tel: 0161 456 0456