I important Warranty Regarding Viewing
information Television Format
Wide screen format LCD Displays (16:9, the aspect ratio of the screen width to height) are primarily designed to view wide screen format
full-motion video. The images displayed on them should primarily be in the wide screen 16:9 ratio format, or expanded to filt the screen
if your model offers this feature and the images are constantly moving. Displaying stationary graphics and images on screen, such as
the dark side-bars on nonexpanded standard format television video and programming, should be limited to no more than 5% of the total
television viewing per week.
Additionally, viewing other stationary images and text such as stock market reports, video game displays, station loges, web sites or
computer graphics and patterns, should be limited as described above for all televisions. Displaying stationary images that exceed the
above guidelines can cause uneven aging of LCD Displays that leave subtle, but permanent burned-in ghost images in the LCD picture. To
avoid this, vary the programming and images, and primarily display full screen moving images, not stationary patterns or dark bars.
On LCD models that offer picture sizing features, use these controls to view different formats as a fult screen picture
Be careful in the selection and duration of television formats used for viewing. Uneven LCD aging as a result of format selection and use,
as well as burned-in images, are not covered by your Samsung limited warranty.
U.S.A Only
The product und accompanying this user manual is licensed under certain intellectual property rights of certain third parties. In particular,
this product is licensed under the following US patents: 5,991,715, 5,740,317, 4,972,484, 5,214,678, 5,323,396, 5,539,829, 5,606,618,
5,530,655, 5,777,992, 6,289,308, 5,610,985, 5,481,643, 5,544,247, 5,960,037, 6,023,490, 5,878,080, and under US Published Patent
Application No. 2001-44713-A1.
This license is limited to private non-commercial use by end-user consumers for licensed contents. No rights are granted for commercial
use. The license does not cover any product unit other than this product unit and the license does not extend to any unlicensed product
unit or process conforming to ISO/IEC 11172-3 or ISO/IEC 13818-3 used or sold in combination with this product unit. The license only
covers the use of this product unit to encode and/or decode audio files conforming to the ISO/{EC 11172-3 or tSO/IEC 13818-3. No rights
are granted under this license for product features or functions that do not conform to the ISO/tEC 11172-3 or ISO/IEC 13818-3.
Other countries
The product unit accompanying this user manual is licensed under certain intellectual property rights of certain third parties. This license is
limited to private non-commercial use by end-user consumers for licensed contents. No rights are granted for commercial use. The license
does not cover any product unit other than this product unit and the license does not extend to any unlicensed product unit or process
conforming to ISO/IEC 1t172-3 or ISO/IEC 13818-3 used or sold in combination with this product unit. The license only covers the use of
this product unit to encode and/or decode audio files conforming to the ISO/IEC 11172-3 or ISO/IEC 13818-3. No rights are granted under
th s cense for product features or funct ons that do not conform to the SO EC 11172-3 or SO/EC 13818-3.
Subject _otne requirements, conditions, exclusions and I _nitationsof tne onginai Limited Warranty supplied with Samsun§ Electromcs
(SAMSUNG) proauc_s, ana the requlremems, eonoi[lons exclusions and iimttanons containea harem SAMSUNG will additional., Drovlae
Narramy Repair Service in the United States on SAMSUNG proaucts purcnased in Canada and in Canada on SAMSUNG products uumnasea
the United States. for the warranty penod onglnally suecified, and to the Originat Purchaser _my.
The above descneea warranty repairs must be perforr-ed by a SAMSUNG Authorized Service CenteL &long with this Statement LheOriginal
Limited Warrant, Statemem ano a dated Bil of Sale as Proof of Purchase must De presemee to the Service Center Transportation to and from
me Service Center is the responstetHty of the uurchaser
_oi" ]luons covered are ltml[ea only "_ontanufacturing defects in ma[enal or worKmansnie, ano only Tnoseencoun[erea innormal use of the
croat. _'(
Excluded cut not ilml[ea [o. are any onginally specified provisions for. in-home or on-sire services minimum or maximum repair rimes
exenanges or reetacements, accessoues, options, upgraaes, or consumables
For the location of a SAMSUNG Authorized Service Center please call [o -free
In the United States : 1-800-SAMSUNG (1-800-726-7864) in Canada : "G800-SAMSUNG
See the warranty card for more information on warranty terms.
Precauti0nsWhen Displaying astill Image
Astittimagemay causeperraanentdamageto theTV screen
• Do not displaya still imageon the LCD panelfor morethan2 hours as it can causescreen imageretention.]-his image retentionis atso
known as!'screenburn!'.Toavoidsuch imageretention, reducethe dagreeofbrightnessand contrastofthe screen'whendisPlayinga stil
Watchingthe LCDTV in 4:3formatfor a longperiod oftime may leavetracesof bordersdisplayeden theleft, rightand
center ofthe Screencausedby the differenceof tight emissionon thescreen.
Playinga DVDor agame conso!e maycause asimila_effectto thescreen.
theab°ve effectare n°t c°vered bYtheWarranty
•Displaying still imagesfrom Videogamesand PC for tongerthana certainperiod of time may producepartialafter-images.
Topreven!this effect,reduce !ha 'brightness'and '€ontrastl"whendisplaying stil! images.
© 2008SamsungElectronicsCo.,Ltd All rightsreserved.