070809? This tool is equipped with a safety
mechanism, the work contact element, to
reduce the risk of accidental firing. Disabling
his component can result in unintentional
070809?4> B:=6492 ;=:;0=7D If the work
contacting element is not functioning correctly,
the tool can fire unexpectedly.
7B,D>7:,/ 9,47>49?: ?30?::7>8,2,E490
-01:=0 ?30 -,??0=D ;,.6 4> .:990.?0/
Connecting the battery pack after loading nails
reduces the risk of unintentionally driving a nail
and injuring yourself or someone else.
(3097:,/4929,47> 09>@=0 ?3,? 9,47> ,=0
;,=,7707 B4?3 9:>0:1?::7 If nails are not
parallel with nose the tool will misfire and nails
can be deflected, cause the tool to react in an
unexpected manner, and damage the tool.
(309 7:,/492?30 ?::7>8,2,E490.30.6
?3,? ?30 9,47 1:77:B0= >74/0> >8::?37D -D
;@77492B4?314920= If not smooth, nails can be
driven at irregular angle.
&>0 :97D?30 9,47> 800?492 ?30.=4?0=4,
8,9@,7 Nails not identified for use with this
tool can cause the tool to malfunction and
result in the risk of injury and/or tool damage.
?=4220= := B:=6 .:9?,.? 070809? 4>
/0;=0>>0/ Keep the tool pointed downward,
away from yourself and bystanders when
connecting the battery pack to reduce the risk
of accidental nail firing.
00;3,9/> ,9/ 100?,B,D1=:8 B:=6
.:9?,.? 070809? :1?30?::7 /@=492 @>0
Never place your hands or feet closer than 8
inches (200 mm) to the work contact element
of the tool. Nails can be deflected by the work
piece or driven away from the point of entry.
&>0 >@114.409? 2=4; ?: 8,49?,49 .:9?=:7 :1
1=:8 B:=6 >@=1,.0 ,> 9,47 4> /=4A09 :
9:? ,??08;? ?: ;=0A09? ?30 =0.:47 -D
3:7/492 ?30?::7 B4?3 0C.0>>4A0 1:=.0
,2,49>??30B:=6;40.0 The tool will recoil
as the nail is driven. This is normal function
for the tool.
Some types of nails can spark out of the nose
during driving operation.
:? 14=0 9,47> 49?: B,77> := 17::=> B4?3:@?
,>>@=492 ?30 ,=0,:9?30 :;;:>4?0>4/0 4>
.70,= A nail could travel through the work
piece, striking someone.
:9:?/=4A0, 9,47:9?:;:1,9:?30= 9,47
This could cause the nail to be deflected or the
tool to react in an unexpected manner.
: 9:? ,??08;??: /=4A09,47> ,? , >?00;
,9270 This could cause the nail to be
deflected or the tool to react in an unexpected
&>0 .,=0 B309 9,47492 ?349 8,?0=4,7:=
:1?30B:=6;40.0 Nails may drive through or
away from the work piece and injure yourself
or someone else. Be aware that the nail may
follow the grain of the wood causing it to
protrude unexpectedly from the side of the
work material. Drive the nails perpendicular to
the grain.
B:=6 ,=0,>B4?3:@?69:B492 B3,?8,D-0
/,8,20/-D ?30 /=4A09 9,47> Nails driven
into live electrical wires, plumbing, gas piping,
or other types of obstructions can result in
electrocution, explosion, personal injury and/or
property damage.
:1 ?30 ?::7B309 B:=649249=0>?=4.?0/
,=0,> Sudden recoil can result in impact to
the body especially when nailing into hard or
dense material.
7B,D>/4>.:990.? ?::71=:8-,??0=D;,.6
,9/ =08:A0 9,47> 1=:88,2,E490-01:=0
:;0=,?:= This avoids the risk of unintentional
: 9:? /4>.:990.? -,??0=D;,.6 1=:8 ?30
?::7B4?3 14920=:9 ?=4220= := ?30 B:=6
.:9?,.?070809?/0;=0>>0/ The tool can fire
when reconnected to the battery pack.
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