pictures as well as record whatever sound you like.
How to use
Shoot 720p videos
Press the POWER/MODE button, then the light is on,
Press the POWER/MODE button, switch to the green light is on
Next, press the SHUTTER button to start recording. (the light will blink three time and off, that mean
the device under recording.)
Finally, press the SHUTTER button again. (That means the device stop recording and save files to your
TF card.)
Shoot VGA videos
1. Press the POWER/MODE button, then the light is on.
2. Press the POWER/MODE button, switch to the yellow light is on.
3. Next, press the SHUTTER button to start recording. (the light will blink three time and off, that mean
the device under recording.)
4. Finally, press the SHUTTER button again. (The light is on again, that means the device stop
recording and save files to your TF card.)
Take pictures
1. Press the POWER/MODE button, then the light is on.
2. Press the POWER/MODE button, switch to the blue light is on.
3. Next, press the SHUTTER button to shoot a picture. (the light will blink three time and then off,
finally the blue light will on again, that means the device finished shooting picture .)
4. press SHUTTER button for one time, it will take one picture, if you hold the button, it can take 3
pictures continuously.
1. Press the POWER/MODE button, then the light is on,
2. Press the POWER/MODE button, switch to the green and yellow light is on at the same time.
3. Next, press the SHUTTER button to record. (the light will blink three time and then off, that means
the device stop recording and save files to your TF card)
4. Finally, Press the SHUTTER button to stop recording.( The light will on again, that means the device
stop recording and save files to your TF card.)
Web Cam(memory card excluded)
Using USB cable to connect your PC/laptop, open AM-Cap or MSN, you can use as a high-end cam to
talk with your friends.
Web Cam(memory card included)
Connect your PC via USB cable, the PC will read your card directly. You need to press the SHUTTER
button to switch web-cam mode. Press the SHUTTER button again and the PC read memory card again.