. i, ,,,,,,,,,,,
, i i F ,., ,, ,, , . ,m,,,.................. IIII1,,,,"'" t ,,,, "11
WARNINGS .........
ajaR i ii " _ ill
L Do not o_orate a ois_fn raw that le d_nage4j
im_ly adjure, or _t completelym_
eegwre]y assembled,
2. Operate the chath new only in outdoor a_ea_
8+ Do not operate eaw_%'t_n n_flde_'or_ alU'ee-
4, Pcoitton all parts otyour b_d_ e6 the left of
out and awa_ J_mmthe anw ehalnw' " _h_euthe e_*
glue le rffiming.
5. C'Jt wand only. Do not _ yo_ _w to pry or
shove away limbs, rco_f or ether nbJ_t_.
6, Make sure the chain _ not make contact
wlth any obJeet while erasing the en_ne,
Never _ to_srt the saw when the gttide bar mtu a
_t _rks6,
7, Use et_sme ettUtlol_ whezt eutt_gbmell eke
brush end eapllut_ Slender mates el _m cat_..
the _ €lan _rd (_e_hl_ _w_ _an sT p_
you ot_
8, Be ales.t for _m_vk when entting al_b _
_s v_der _ W you _ _ot te f_.k by
llmbor _w wbwt the tewten in the woodfibor_ k
9- Dn nntl_,t_ o_tl.hem_w atth_e_l o_s
s cet, A_'j_g _es_u:e _n tv_tt_eysu to _ con.
t_elwhe_ tun ¢_t is completed.
10,8t_ the eu_ue be_ar_ #etttng the eew d_wu.
L H_tve all shale new _etwiee pgrformedb¥ nqu-
allfled/tarries d®_le_ with the e_eeptlon sf the
Ite_ l_oe_ I_ th_ _dnter, e.u_ _la of_-
md_ For_p)e, Ftmprope_tools_reusec! To-
move _r hold the fly@hzel when _-v_ng _e
_te_r_t d_m_ tot_ £lywhee_nan _r
_tndcaa_ the flywheel to hun€. .
2. Keep f_el and oli anps, e_r_w_, and !_tener_
_e_ty tls_atmed,
& Keep the t, nnd]es _, elea_ and flee of oil
bts! _n!zturu.
_t. Mnke ee_alu the saw ehain el_s movit_tg
when the th_le tt4gger _ eoieas_d. _car.
• rse_ion, rebutto Cerbuvelor A_ue_ent_
6, Stop the_Jaw If the eh .8:bt__trLkee a foreign oh"
Jeer: lnepeet the unit and _epsl_ Orrep]s_e psrts _s
6, Dkeenncot the spark plug before pel_ormit_
gny m_ntenauce ex_pt _or eerbtt_etor 8dj_
7, Nevermodl£yyom_eawinalLvwa_ U_ol_et-
ta_ment_ en_p_le_ or specttl_y recomm_l_d by
8. Always r eplsee the h and_pmrd /.mme..diat_sff e
I, Hand eart'g with th_ en_lue _topped_ the
end _edn to the _ coveren p_e_vra_3y_th n
Z. l_r e t_as_ortlnf_tn _ vehicle o_ el_rtng
:[_ _ en_[o_--enOoeure_ fittOW_ourenw to gee] ©oz_-
plete_ coverthe bar_,ndebidn, and_roperly secure
to avoidtu_never_ fire_spfl|_ge,or ae_mage,
$, Rtt_ the fuel out._! the fuel tauk h et_'e ato_.
lnffthe tool U_ upfue_]eftfs thooarb_retor v_d
i_.mllb,.es_y stovUng the engine and letting the it
run un_| it_t_pe,
4. 8fo_e trait and f_oi fn n dr_ sren out of the
_eaeh ofehlldren. Donot store where file]vapors
_an rsa_h _p_k_ or an open flame from ho_ water
hen_ers, eleetr_cm_t_r_ or ewi_e_, furnaces,StC_
o_Ex_esare tovlhratiqnsthrough_rolo_eduse
_(_opoweredhan_ tools_tua _uec hle_d
v_ ornerve&u_ge inthefir_ss,hands,end
wr_ of peo_!.e p_o to _.r_uh_lo_ _isor&rs or
shn0rms]sg_ttmt_. Pm]ongedu_e]n_dwesther
healthy_.pte, If _ym_t_ms_ _ aen_mb-
to_e, or I_ nffro._r_-g_ the_ip_r_ m_u_ tvr
",vrlS_, discontinue_ iwe orthistooland seek
mei_ e_hm_k_n. An mtl-_brntioa system deee
not |p_arantee the aw_id_ee efth_eproblen_, us.
e_ who 9_r_te power tools on.8_qt_nu_l mmreg.
oi_ basis must monitor closely thew physical con.
difi_ attd the mnd_lfon ofthi_ teM,
N.Q_o_ Refer to the Code of F_derel Re gu_tlons,
1910._S6(_)_AN$1 18S.I {_m_ican Na.
tt_ _aud_d S_ety R_r_tento]_ _ r_e-
ve_t state sffety _o when using n eh_n saw for
prodUCing i_come.
* Reduced-Kl_kbn ak Guide Bar_ designed v_]th_
enml_r_dl_ t_p wht_h _ the sis_ orthe _l_k-
bevkd_g_ zone on th_har t_F, FIgm'(_8, AEed_.
_d-Kt_ba_k O_tde B_x te one w_eh h_ been
dentO_Lst_ted to _gn_m_ reduce the number
and serio_nses o_Vd_kb_k_when tented in _r-
de_ee with the sd'e_yv_ttrem_nt_fo_ g_._ne
_we_ed chain saws aa setby the American N'nhen-
el Stondn_s Inet|t_tte_ I_v., _d_d BI'/6A -
e Low-Kieltbaek _atrb dedgned with a non.
to_ed de_t_ gauge and gull ]_k w_ deflec_
kiekbavk _orco an_dv_(c_vwood to _reaua_y ride
Intolbe_ttar.l_ga_e5, Low- Kte_ek Chin _e
ehMn whkh Ires m_t P_kh_ _e_orm_n_ re-
qalr_mt_ of Al_S[ B176,1(8_'_t_"Requlrements
I'orG_oHne -l_ared Chai_ Saws_when _eeted _
Srepreeent,etlve ss_ln of chain a_ws below S._et_
b_otnth d_spkcem_ specified in A1€5I Bt75.1.
• Hattdgt_ard, death_ to redn_ the ¢.han_e?fyour_
bfth_d centring the _n t_your nen_ _pe on
the _ont ha_dI_sr,
s Pe_ttton of freest trod rear hm_dleb_'s_ de-
sl_ wit_ distance between handles annd Jn-
]_e _ wit_ sash otl_e_The _nre_d _md_in-_dne" po.
sit,on efthe hands p_ov]ded h_ thtedesl_ work to.
gether to give l_danco and reszs_ _n#ontroIIinK
the D_t o_the s_w be.ok t_emrd the operatort_