Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this
Owner's Manual
I)o not lnount this applian(e o\er
a sink.
"Ib red uce tile risk of fire in tile
oven cavity:
This oxeFthe-nulge oxen _s_tsdesiglled
tar use o_er ranges no wider tllall 36."
It may be installed o_vr both g'as and
ele(tric (ooking equil)inent.
Do not operate this applian(e if it has
a damaged power (ord or plug, if it is
not working properb;, or if it has been
damaged or dropped. If the power
cord is danlaged, it must be repla(ed
bv (',eneral Electric Service or an
authorized service agent using a
power cord m_dlable/i:om (',eneml
I)o not co_er or block any openh/gs
(Ill tile appliance.
Use this appliance only tar its
intended use as described in this
nlanual. Do not use corrosive
chen/i(als or vapors ill this applian(e.
This n/i(rowmv ()_'n is specifi(ally
desiglled to heat, (tr_ or cook tood,
and is not intended/or laboratory
or industrkd use.
Do not store this apl)liance outdoors.
1)O I]Ot list. ` this t)rod/Ict Ile_tr w_ttel _
tar example, ill a wet basen/ent, near
a .swinlnling pool, near a sink or in
similar locations.
Kee t) power cord away ti'onl heated
Do not ilnmerse power cord or
phlg in water.
Do not store anything directly on top
of tile l//icrowa_e ()sell stlrJitce whell
tile n/icrowme o_.el/is ill operation.
--I)o not overcook tood. Carefllllv
attend appliance when paper, plastic
or other COl//btlstible l//aterials are
placed inside tile o_en while cooking.
--Remove wire twist-ties and metal
handles ti'on/paper or plastic
containers betore t)lacing thenl in
tile oven.
--Do not use tile o_vn tor storag+e
purl)oses. Do not leave paper
pro(huts, cooking utensils or/ood
i]l tilt`' ovell \'dlell llOt i]l use.
--If nlaterials in.qde tile ()_vn ignite,
keep tile oven door closed, turn tile
oven off and disconnect tile power
cord, or shut off t)ower at tile fl_se or
circuit breaker panel. If tile door is
opened, the fire nla} spread.
--Do I/at use tile SellS(M? IZeatures
twice in suc(ession (Ill tile same load
portion. If/ood is undercooked atier
tile first t`om/tdown, use Time Cook
tot additional t`ooking tin/e.
See door sur/itt, e (leaning illstrut, tiolls
in the Care and cleaning of the
microwave oven set` lion el this n/a]lual.
This a])pliance must only be serviced
_g qualified selMce personnel.
(',omact nearest authorized service
thcilitv/or examination, repair or
As with ally appliance, close
S/lller_isioll is lie( eSS_tFVwhell
used by (hildren.
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